

Watching his family die right in front of him he sworn never to let the people that killled them go scot-free. Running away from his home town he found his way to another village thereby stumbling upon a man that promised to help him grow strong and to be able to avenge for the death of his family. “Do you wish to be strong” “yes”he answered “I don’t like when your face is down,look at me when you speak you don’t have to show me your weakness I hate weak people” “I am not weak”he bantered “hahaha ok boy I can only help you on one condition—smirking—can you do anything to avenge for your family”the man asked knowing he was desperate at this moment. “yes anything” “be sure boy no going back when the deal is settled”he frowned “anything” “deal,now I need you to call me your master”said hiko He wanted the young boy to call him his master knowing the desire and urge to kill in his eyes,he needed him for himself. Fighting all urges to face the world and be able to be strong enough removed the thoughts of love only to be stuck in the web of lust and desire.

Esther_Brown_ · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 9.Celebration

"I'm the one seeing but it seems am the blindfolded one here with the way you are moving fast that I can't reach you and doubt you are not seeing"

"You are not concentrating on me but the fact that I'm seeing you hm"

"Yes you are seeing me with the way I can't reach you"

While talking kenshin didn't notice hiko close to him and the wood hit him on his shoulder.

"Ahhh that really hurts"

"Yeah you need to keep your mouth shut and centralize your mind on what we are doing"

He wanted to say something but decided to keep shut and tried to listen to what hiko was saying which resulted in him dodging his hit.

"Guess you are thinking straight now"

"Yeah with your help"

Kenshin tagged along with hiko in the trainings with him dodging his advances swiftly but not from all.

"You know we can end this session now of you being blindfolded"kenshin said breathing hard with his hands on his knee

Taking the blindfold from his eyes he smiled mischievously at kenshin "I wasn't seeing a thing but you kept on vomiting shits from your mouth I was"

"I tried even if we know you were seeing me along"

Hiko droped the sword and turned to leave without responding to kenshin again the boy was hellbent on the idea that he was seeing.

It was hard for him to believe that he didn't see a thing on him but felt the retreating steps of him.

Trying to figure out another trick he was going to teach him he left to freshen up from the intense training leaving him all sweaty and sticky,

Today with the help of the maid kenshin was called to have dinner with hiko which was a rare happenings in the house.

They trained and talked,laughed together but they don't eat together but today hiko felt the urge to eat with him.

"What's with all the set up"kenshin's sat down on the sit which was on the floor

With the help of the trainings he's become a little built and grown faster than his age but his brain was still coping up with the body.

"Sit you idiot"this has become the usual name for hiko on kenshin

Kenshin sat down respectfully on the chair with his hands inside on the folded legs watching the food and stealing glances at hiko on what he wanted to do next.

"We are here to celebrate"

Hearing the word 'celebration' from hiko it has been a foreign word to him right from the day his family disappeared from the earth.

Trying to stand up "I don't think I'm in the mood for this little celebration of yours maybe some other time good night"

"Where do you think you are going hey you boy"he doesn't want to use this position on him but this his stupid apprentice was pushing him to the edge

"From the day you decided to learn under me I have every right of you now,I suppose you understand me by sitting down and listening to what I have to say to you before trying to leave for the night without my permission"

Kenshin blankly stared at him for some minutes with their eyes holding each other's gaze before sitting down.

Hiko loved him as a son,he saw the light in his eyes when he picked and helped him that faithfu night.

He don't just go around helping little children he saw on the road or bringing them to his house he saw a potential attribute in him that lured him to take him home.

And since then he has and will do everything in his willpower to make him strong.

The boy's aim was to revenge for the death of his family and his was to train and make him a better swordsman in the whole of Kyoto.

The path he was following he wasn't sure if it was a right path to revenge for his family or try to let it go and face the present things and reality but whatever decision he tries to take he will support.

"What is the important thing?"kenshin asked impatiently

"Eat first before I say what I want"

"And what if I don't want to eat"

"You have no choice to leave here unless you are ready to spar with me and make sure you defeat me before I know you can challenge me in the table"hiko glared at him

Kenshin sighed washing his hands to eat he knew he was no where close to hiko to defeat him he was his master.

Eating the food in silence and waiting for hiko to say whatever he wanted to say wasn't a hard thing to do he thought picking the food.

Hiko poured sake(Japanese wine)inside kenshin's cup and also inside his cup which startled the angry kenshin.

"Your impertinent behavior towards your master and rules is not a good start boy"he stated taking a sip from his cup of sake "raise your cup and let's cheer up"he changed the mood

"Why are we celebrating there's not a call for that"

"There's a call but you are oblivious to that"

"And what's that?"

"The fact that you found a good master and a strong one at that"now with the sarcastic remark on himself again kenshin thought rolling his eyes

"Someone who believes in you apart from your deceased family,I know I can never be able to replace that space in your life as a father but it will be wise of you to listen to all what I say"


"Because you are one stubborn apprentice I've come across"not that i have ever had an apprentice before thought hiko in his mind

Kenshin was his first and he was also going to be his last because he was never going to harness another person with him.

"Cheers to your help"kenshin awkwardly smiled pulling the cup from the table and raising it up to clink with that of hiko's which didn't take a time for him to join their cups together.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.