
Another Life In Naruto

In a world where the boundary between fantasy and reality shatters, Ethan Nakamura, an American martial artist and former coach, is reincarnated into the legendary ninja village of Konoha. Now living as Haruto Takeda, an orphan with no family, Nathan must navigate the challenges of the ninja academy and the dangers of the shinobi world, relying on his past life’s discipline and perseverance. As Haruto trains alongside future legends like Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy, he discovers a mysterious system that rewards him for his efforts. But the system offers no shortcuts—it only enhances what he has earned through hard work. With every challenge he faces, Haruto becomes stronger, smarter, and more determined to forge his own path. With the looming threat of the next Great Ninja War, Haruto must push his limits and learn to master both his abilities and his new life in Konoha. His journey is one of growth, loyalty, and survival as he strives to rise above his peers and unlock his true potential. Warning: This novel contains content created with the assistance of AI.

litrpgfanfic · Anime & Comics
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308 Chs


Chapter: The Lightning Path

Haruto sat cross-legged in his room, the quiet atmosphere punctuated by the faint hum of chakra as his Thunder Scalpel flickered between his fingers. His shadow clone worked quietly beside him, flipping through medical scrolls and refining the jutsu. Haruto's thoughts, however, were far from the pages of those scrolls. His mind raced with new ideas—ways to push his jutsu beyond its current limits.

He envisioned a new form for the Thunder Scalpel, something with range. Something lethal. A whip-like lightning technique that could extend beyond his immediate reach. But creating such a jutsu required more than just imagination—it required inspiration and study, and access to techniques far beyond what he currently knew.

I need something… more, Haruto thought. I've gotten the Thunder Scalpel to this point, but if I want to expand it into a ranged attack, I need to look beyond my own methods. There must be higher-level techniques that I can learn from. But how?

He let out a long sigh, eyes narrowing in thought. Access to A-rank jutsu wasn't something given out lightly. His current clearance wouldn't cut it, and as much as he hated the bureaucracy, those walls were in place for a reason.

That's when an idea struck him. Sakumo-sensei—the White Fang of Konoha, a master of lightning techniques—might know of a similar jutsu or could at least guide him in the right direction. If anyone understood how to manipulate lightning chakra at a higher level, it would be him.

Without wasting another moment, Haruto decided. Sakumo. He stood up, dispelling the clone with a flicker of chakra, and headed out.

Haruto found Sakumo at his home, the training grounds just behind the compound bustling with the energy of Kakashi, who was mid-practice. The young prodigy was honing his skills under his father's watchful eye, each movement precise, filled with the raw potential that marked Kakashi as someone special.

Haruto paused at the entrance. "Sakumo-sensei," he called out, keeping his voice calm and respectful. "I didn't mean to interrupt, I can come back if this isn't a good time."

Sakumo turned, a welcoming smile crossing his face. "No need for that, Haruto. Come in. What can I do for you?"

Haruto stepped into the training grounds, offering a quick glance at Kakashi, who was drenched in sweat but still laser-focused on his drills. He couldn't help but notice the fierce energy radiating from Kakashi, but his own mission brought him back to focus.

"I was wondering," Haruto began, "if there's a lightning jutsu in the village—something like a whip, short to medium range. I've been thinking about expanding my Thunder Scalpel, but I'm missing the inspiration for how to give it that reach."

Sakumo considered the question thoughtfully, his eyes narrowing in thought. "There is a jutsu like that. It's called Lightning Arc, a technique that releases lightning chakra in a whip-like state, capable of being used at short to medium range."

Haruto's pulse quickened at the mention of it. That was exactly the kind of technique he had been imagining.

"Do you know it?" Haruto asked, eager to hear more.

Sakumo nodded. "I do. But there's a catch. I've learned it through the merit system, and because of that, I'm restricted from teaching it to others without proper clearance."

Haruto exhaled slowly, the excitement fading slightly. He had forgotten about the merit restrictions that came with certain high-level jutsu. He wouldn't be able to learn it from Sakumo, not unless he earned the clearance to access A-rank techniques. His mind worked through the possibilities.

"You don't have access to that level yet," Sakumo added, as if reading his thoughts. "But… have you considered trading?"

"Trading?" Haruto echoed, confused for a moment.

Sakumo nodded. "Yes, trading a jutsu you've created or perfected for access to a new one. It's an option for talented shinobi who have something unique to offer. Your Thunder Scalpel is quite a rare combination of medical ninjutsu and lightning chakra. If you were willing to share it, you might be able to negotiate access to something like Lightning Arc."

Haruto's mind raced. Trading his Thunder Scalpel? It was one of his most personal creations, something only he had mastered through a combination of lightning affinity and medical expertise. It wasn't an easy jutsu to just hand over, but the idea intrigued him.

He weighed the pros and cons. There's no one else who can use it the way I can, not with my two-minds ability, though he thought. Maybe it's worth it if it helps me evolve the technique further.

Haruto was pulled from his thoughts by Sakumo's voice.

"But since you're already here," Sakumo said, with a smile growing on his face, "how about a sparring match with Kakashi?"

Haruto glanced at Kakashi, whose eyes flickered with a quiet intensity. It had been some time since the two had sparred, but Haruto could sense Kakashi had grown stronger—sharper.

Inwardly, Kakashi was intrigued too. His father constantly spoke highly of Haruto's unique abilities and discipline. Even though Haruto didn't possess a bloodline limit or come from a clan, there was something different about him, something that made him stand out. The fact that Haruto had created his own jutsu—something even Kakashi hadn't done until recently—was a testament to his skill.

And Kakashi wasn't going to be outdone. Recently, inspired by Haruto, Kakashi had spent every free moment perfecting his own technique, one that he called Chidori. Haruto had unknowingly spurred him on, and now, Kakashi wanted to test how far he'd come.

Their eyes locked.

Haruto felt his blood begin to boil. This would be good. Kakashi had the same fire in his eyes, the same burning desire to prove himself. The tension between them wasn't hostile—it was the competitive energy that pushed both of them to new heights.

Sakumo took a step back, observing the charged atmosphere between the two young shinobi. "Well, looks like you two are ready. Haruto, Kakashi—let's see what you've got."

Haruto cracked his knuckles, a grin spreading across his face. He'd been curious to see how much Kakashi had grown. More importantly, Haruto wanted to test the Thunder Scalpel in real combat, with real stakes. He could feel the thrill building inside him as his chakra began to flow, sparking in anticipation.

Kakashi mirrored his stance, eyes narrowing.