
Another Life In Naruto

In a world where the boundary between fantasy and reality shatters, Ethan Nakamura, an American martial artist and former coach, is reincarnated into the legendary ninja village of Konoha. Now living as Haruto Takeda, an orphan with no family, Nathan must navigate the challenges of the ninja academy and the dangers of the shinobi world, relying on his past life’s discipline and perseverance. As Haruto trains alongside future legends like Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy, he discovers a mysterious system that rewards him for his efforts. But the system offers no shortcuts—it only enhances what he has earned through hard work. With every challenge he faces, Haruto becomes stronger, smarter, and more determined to forge his own path. With the looming threat of the next Great Ninja War, Haruto must push his limits and learn to master both his abilities and his new life in Konoha. His journey is one of growth, loyalty, and survival as he strives to rise above his peers and unlock his true potential. Warning: This novel contains content created with the assistance of AI.

litrpgfanfic · Anime & Comics
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308 Chs


Time passed quickly, and before Haruto knew it, he had been a genin for nearly eleven months. The missions became routine, but he never let his guard down. Today was another C-rank mission, escorting a caravan traveling toward the Land of Rivers. On the surface, it seemed like another simple task, but they all knew how unpredictable missions could become. Haruto had been assigned as the sensor, constantly scanning their surroundings with his chakra sensitivity. Daichi was watching the rear, while Shisui led from the front, calm and focused as always. Sakumo Hatake, their jonin sensei, was overseeing from a distance, keeping an eye on his genin team from the shadows, always prepared to step in if necessary.

The caravan trundled along the dirt road, the creak of the wheels blending with the soft rustle of the forest. Haruto's senses stretched out, his chakra acting as a net, but everything felt normal. The only sounds around them were the subtle whispers of the trees and the distant calls of birds. The mission seemed quiet, routine even. Haruto's mind drifted slightly to his training with Hisato and his ongoing experiments, but he stayed focused, watching for any signs of trouble.

It felt like just another day.


Unseen by the Konoha shinobi, ten Sand shinobi lay in wait. Hidden beneath the thick canopy of trees, they watched the caravan move, their gazes fixed not on the wagons or the merchants, but on the three genin protecting them.

Two jonin led the Sand team, their expressions cold and calculating. Behind them, eight chunin stood at the ready, their eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Their mission isn't to protect the caravan," one of the jonin said quietly, a smirk tugging at his lips. "It's to survive."

His partner gave a brief nod. "We'll lose our mole, but it's worth it to kill these seedlings."

The eight chunin shifted slightly, readying themselves for the ambush. This wasn't just a mission to disrupt a caravan. It was a calculated strike at Konoha's future. Three promising young shinobi, each with the potential to become formidable ninja, would be snuffed out before they could reach their full potential.


Back in Konoha, the Hokage's office was its usual quiet self. Lord Hiruzen Sarutobi was seated at his desk, working through the endless reports and paperwork that came with the role of leading the village. His brow furrowed slightly as he read over a mission briefing, but otherwise, the atmosphere was calm.

That calm was shattered when a young intelligence officer burst into the room, breathless and wide-eyed. "Lord Hokage!" he gasped, barely able to catch his breath.

Hiruzen immediately looked up, his senses sharpening at the sight of the distressed officer. "What is it?" he asked, his tone firm but calm.

The officer hurried forward, placing a report on the desk in front of the Hokage. "We've just uncovered critical information. There's a mole in the Mission Hall. Sakumo's team has been compromised—the caravan mission is a trap."

Hiruzen's expression hardened, his fingers tightening around the edges of the report. "A trap?" He quickly scanned the document, his eyes narrowing as he pieced the situation together. The mole, the Sand shinobi, the target on Sakumo's genin team. His blood ran cold.

"Their mission… It's not the caravan," the officer said, his voice trembling. "It's the team guarding it."

The Hokage's mind raced. Sakumo's team. Shisui, Daichi, Haruto. Three promising shinobi, each a future pillar of the village. And now, they were walking straight into a death trap.

Hiruzen's eyes blazed with anger. How dare they? How dare the Sand target the next generation like this? He stood abruptly, his decision immediate and resolute. "Send reinforcements. One jonin and two chunin teams. Now. They must protect them at all costs."

The officer nodded and dashed out of the room to deliver the Hokage's orders.

Hiruzen stood for a moment, staring out of his office window. His jaw tightened as he thought of the danger his young shinobi were in. They were capable, but this was no ordinary mission. The Sand were sending trained killers—jonin and chunin—to eliminate them. He clenched his fists, his thoughts already moving ahead to how he would address this betrayal from the Sand, but for now, his priority was clear: ensuring the safety of Sakumo's team.

Trying to decide if I should play Skyrim or keep writing… Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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