
Another Life - My Hero Academia (Bakugo X OC reader)

The start of the second year rolls around at U.A. for Class 1-A. The school are hoping for a quiet year after all the madness that occurred last year. But they're not that lucky, there's always something. A villain rehabilitation story, but not one that's been told before. Unique students. Old feuds. New dramas. Past secrets.

Ashleigh_McDowell_7254 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

7. Stressful Encounters

Rory's POV

Soon the new week was upon us again, with no sign of freedom or an end in sight, down this tunnel that is called the 'villain rehabilitation programme'. I...am...sooo...tired. I don't understand why there aren't far more sleeping hours in a day, or maybe they should at least give us more free periods to nap in. But at least today's lesson was going to be fun. Queue the sinister smirk and evil chuckle.

"It is a very good morning, for I AM HERE! (cough cough splutter) Ok enough of that. Class 2-A, today we will be working on your quirk control along with hand to hand combat techniques in gym gamma. So, change into your hero costumes and meet over there."

I looked over at Dabi and Toga and saw that they were both looking at me with the same mischievous grin. I'm just glad that we managed to get the online shopping done a while ago, and that some of the teachers had contacts to chase through some aspects of our costumes. Once we had gotten changed into our gear, we couldn't help but marvel at our looks, it felt just like old times. Being in our costumes livened us up and got our blood pumping in anticipation, the itch for a good fight tangible between us.

Once we made it out to the gym and to where the rest of the class were stood waiting, we noticed the cautious looks and fearful stares. We looked freaking BADASS. I had thought about what features worked and what didn't with my work outfit back home, and a few different ideas that I wanted to give a try. My outfit was a cross between a warrior and a ninja. The main colour was still black but had areas of deep red on it throughout that would camouflage blood stains, and my lower arms were left sleeveless this time to give me swifter and freer movements. The larger collar of this costume doubled as throat protection and a half face mask, leaving my eyes exposed but unhindered. I didn't have a hood this time so that my ears weren't confined when I do release them. And this time I wore knee high buckled combat boots with a chunky sole, and a bit of a heel, for cushioning and a little style.

Many of the class stood silently watching us from afar but the strange, least concerned or more confident student I suppose, stepped forward to speak with us. "Wow your costumes are great!" Midoriya exclaimed in excitement. "Yeah, a bit intimidating though, but great." Uraraka chimed in alongside Izuku, with a more nervous voice but we could see she was trying to be friendly.

Bakugo's POV

Wow. They really look like villains right now. But god she looks f***ing hot in that. Badass.

"Tch. Whatever. Some cool new costumes don't mean anything. You're still gonna get taken down!"

"Oh really?! Well then how about I partner up with you for this and you can show me how that's going to work out for you." Oh my god! I don't know if she's being cocky or just overly confident. It makes me fume, but also warm all over when she talks to me like that. I have been thinking about what it would be like to fight her ever since that assessment class.

"Fine. Just don't hold back! And don't say I didn't warn you."

Eclipse's POV

It has been a little while since I got involved in a proper fight. I can't wait to see what he's made of. I know this is only supposed to be sparring to work on our techniques and with our quirks, but he is holding a grudge against me for some reason. I can see him going all out in this exercise.

As soon as the teachers gave the signal to start, there was no hesitation from Bakugo as he flew towards me. And soon our dangerous game of cat and mouse began. My assassination skills were on point and strong on their own, so at first, I didn't even need to worry about the fact that I had to hold myself back. Fortunately, Katsuki was a skilled fighter in hand to hand combat so he made this match entertaining and not at all as easy as I'd first assumed. Soon he showed off his impressive control over his quirk, as he used it alongside hand to hand fighting attacks. It started to become more and more difficult for me fighting against him while holding myself back, but I was 'just' managing successfully as I pushed myself and fought more thoughtfully. That was until Mr Icy Glare decided to get involved and stir the pot with drama.

"You know she's holding back right, Bakugo? She obviously doesn't see you as much of an opponent or threat." He decided to join the fight at that point and I found myself facing two very strong fighters with impressive quirks.

Something seemed to have rubbed Bakugo up the wrong way after that interjection from Todoroki, as he then became enraged and his hits became harder and faster. Some hits were getting through my defences and I could feel a few bruises start to come up on my thigh, but I was holding my own so far. At least I was until Icy-Hot opened his mouth again. "I saw you Rory, in the woods the other day. And your little secret that you've kept hidden from everyone so well, until now."

I froze instantly for a split second in concern and shock. But that momentary lapse in concentration was enough for both boys to gain the upper hand. I felt a strong explosion-punch combination to the face and landed several feet away onto my back. My head felt funny and my vision danced with black spots. I had no time to correct myself before Todoroki had me pinned to the ground with a thick shard of ice stabbed through my hand, then Bakugo was flying in the air towards me and his explosive fist raised, aiming for my face yet again. Dabi and Toga had no time to get to me and help before it would be too late. So, without thinking, and with my survival instinct driving me, I released my hold on my ears and tail and let them appear so that I could activate my quirk instantly and erase their quirks. As the dust settled, the rest of the class could see that Todoroki's ice had been melted and Bakugo's fists had been put out. We were stood in a triangle, in a holding pattern of sorts, positioned in our fighting stances and with their quirks nullified by me. Everyone stopped and stared at the unbelievable scene before them, and the two boys in front of me stood still and looked me over in awe and disbelief.

By this time Dabi and Toga had managed to make it over to me, but a little too late. They slowed down on their approach when they saw what had played out. "Well I guess the wolf's out of the bag now. Hehehe." Toga giggled maniacally out loud, while Dabi looked at me sorrowfully and said, "your ears and tail are out."

What?! Bugger! I wonder how many people saw. I quickly pulled them back in and made them disappear before anyone else could see them, but it was done in vain. The class started up in an excited uproar over what happened, the fact that we were so cool and that I have cute ears and tail. That's just great!

"Are any of you injured?" All Might called over to the three of us as he ran over. We all denied it and he breathed a sigh of relief. I just kept quiet about the wound in my hand and hid it behind my back for now to not cause another uproar as I knew it would heal itself shortly. "Well that's good to hear. In that case, Eclipse, I believe you should come with me to update Head teacher Nezu about this development of yours, don't you?!"

Meanwhile during the class training, Eraser head had been watching the various students with mild interest, that soon turned into bafflement and slight concern as he watched three of his students going all out against each other. Until one sight in particular, made his heart stop and his face become as white as a sheet. Eclipse stood there crouched in a fighting stance with glowing blue eyes and animal ears and tail naturally protruding from her body, some sort of mutation quirk perhaps.

Eraser stepped forward and offered up an alternative, "Don't worry All Might, I'll take her to Nezu, you carry on with the rest of the class." He didn't wait for any sort of response before he walked off towards the exit, he didn't wait for me to follow, he obviously just assumed I'd comply and knew I didn't have another choice. Halfway to the Head teacher's office though he stopped and turned to face me. "Who are you? How did you do that back there?" When I didn't answer him, he stepped forward and looked at me almost desperately. "Who is your mother?"

"I don't have one."

"What about your father then?"

"Don't have one of those either."

"Then who do you live with? Do you have other family?"

"Yeah, the League." I answered in a duh tone.

"Right, yes of course."

After that strange interaction no more was said and he didn't look back at me again until we reached Nezu's office. He seemed to be confused and a little disappointed, as well as deeply lost in his own thoughts, so I just left him there.

On the walk over I had had time to think, so once inside Headmaster Nezu's office, I came to the realisation that after today and the problems around my last shift, things were only going to get more complicated and a hassle to manage alone. So, I had no choice but be honest and tell Nezu most of my background involving my extra abilities and 'monthly' trouble. He agreed to make a deal with me and even said he'd renovate the dead space in the lower basement of class 2-A's dorm building. But first I had to show him my ears and tail; to say he was fascinated was an understatement. But with all things considered, it was a small price to pay. He offered to have a large secure room built in the basement, to be used for containing me when necessary; with a secure reinforced door that needs a code to unlock, a prison-like gate as a secondary door into the room, and the walls have already been reinforced and sound proofed when the building was first built. The rest of the lower basement area would be fitted out with a large chest fridge at one end for large food supplies, a small closet with spare clothes and medical supplies situated in the far corner, chains fixed along one side of the room that are built into the wall, as well as barring up any windows as an extra precaution. He said that the basement would be ours to use when we wished, to restrain me monthly and even to train in a safe place and away from everyone else until I gain full control over my wolf form.

When Nezu was happy with the new information he had gathered from me and we had come to an understanding and agreement, he was more than happy to let us stay. He wanted us at UA now more than ever. He was also overly interested in my full wolf form. But thankfully he agreed to wait until I have better control over it, before he came to watch a full shift. By the time we were finished with our discussion and had a plan put in place, the gym class had already finished. It was now lunchtime but I really didn't want to deal with the drama that would start in the middle of the cafeteria. Plus, I doubted very much that Dabi and Toga had headed over there without me after what had happened. So I just headed back over to our accommodation building instead to find my band of misfits and find out what happened after I was pulled away.