
Another Kind of Genius

Ru Shenqi is a young Spirit Master, hoping to shock the world like the Shrek Seven Devils once had. Armed with her powerful martial soul, she does just that... and before she even turns ten! At just eight years old, she goes to Heaven Dou City to enroll in the infamous Shrek Academy. Already a Spirit Ancestor, she shocks all of the teachers. Just as the new battle team from Shrek Academy prepares to enter the Advanced Spirit Master Battle Competition, the reunion of the Shrek Seven Devils stirs the Academy. Ru Shenqi gets the chance of a lifetime to meet her idols, the geniuses of geniuses. When she overhears the Shrek Seven Devils talking about the resurgence of Spirit Empire, a deeply buried hatred reignites within her. She vows to grow stronger to one day go up against Spirit Empire and make them pay. **Soul Land (Douluo Dalu) fanfic based on lightnovel/anime, not live-action** *Originally published on AO3 and Scribblehub* 1 chapter will be updated Tues-Thurs (GMT-6:00)

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130 Chs

Star Luo Army

The Royal Couples led the Shrek Seven Tyrants into the Star Luo Army camp. Soldiers gaped at the tranquil beauty in the center. Jealous, Gu Xingyun reached and grabbed her hand. Ru Shenqi side-eyed him once but let it go.

Four others snickered. Ming Yong simply looked away.

To him alone, Ru Shenqi sent a message using spiritual communication, Yong, I know your pain. In the future, I hope you can find a nice girl and love her as you care for me now. I hope none of us will never forget our time as the Shrek Seven Tyrants.

I know, Xiao Shen. But when all this is over, I know Xingyun will hurry to marry you.

I can never marry him.

What? his head whipped to look at her.

I must go back to Haishen Island. Xingyun will become King of Guang Kingdom. Our paths are not the same. I knew this when I accepted becoming the Head Flamen. But my happiness is not worth the world. Since you and Youyou are the only free spirit masters of us, you are welcome to come and visit me on Haishen Island anytime. As for the others, I may never see them again.

Xiao Shen, don't say that!

Sadness filled her eyes. The world is cruel. To find your place in it, you must sacrifice.

Ming Yong rested a hand on her shoulder and murmured, "Jiayou."

She gave a wan smile and lowered her head. Gu Xingyun hadn't been privy to their conversation, but seeing Ming Yong and Ru Shenqi be close bothered him.

Just then, the Star Luo Emperor emerged from the largest tent. Dai Weisi, Zhu Zhuyun, Dai Mubai, and Zhu Zhuqing all bowed first.

"Royal Father," Dai Mubai began. "These seven are our Juniors from Shrek Academy. Xiao San sent them."

"Hmm, I can sense you're all very powerful spirit masters. That's good. We need all the help we can get."

But the seven had a mission to complete. Ru Shenqi stepped forward, still holding her Golden Scepter, and bowed her head and shoulders.

"Greetings to Your Majesty. My name is Ru Shenqi. My friends and I have orders to bring the Star Luo Army to Liuying Gorge."

His eyes blazed. "You punk youngster! You think you can come here and order my army around?!"

She straightened before shaking her head. "Of course not. But Sect Leader Tang San hoped that the Star Luo Army could join forces with Heaven Dou Army at Liuying Gorge. Almost all of Spirit Empire's troops are gathering resources and resting there. Thus, Sect Leader believed it would be safe for Star Luo Army to leave its camp here and move out to Liuying Gorge. I hope Your Majesty understands. We are on a tight deadline; you must make a decision by tomorrow's dawn at the latest."


The Star Luo Emperor released his spirit. White fur grew on his body as his hands turned to paws. Seven spirit rings, of the optimal configuration, descended around him. Ru Shenqi blinked once, remaining stoic. She didn't even bother to release her own spirit.

Dai Mubai jumped in between them. "Royal Father, I trust Xiao San's judgement. Plus, he sent these Juniors here on their own so as to avoid suspicion. I think we should head for Liuying Gorge."

"No way! They must have some trick up their sleeve! What if they actually belong to Spirit Empire and are trying to lure us there?!"

Zhu Zhuqing stepped forward. "We've met these Juniors before. They would never side with Spirit Empire, especially the one you just talked to."


Ru Shenqi's eyes narrowed as she spoke coldly, "Spirit Empire killed my mom and dad. There's no way I would ever side with them."

"And who are your parents?"

"My father was Huo Wushuang, a One-Horned Tyrant Dragon spirit master from Heaven Dou Empire. My mother was Ru Zuanshi, a Barreleyes Fish spirit master from Haishen Island."

The Star Luo Emperor choked upon hearing who her mother was. "That tyrannical Limit Douluo?! Your mother?! Then you really are from Spirit Empire! Go! Get out! I don't want to see anyone from Spirit Empire here!"

Ru Shenqi's expression turned blank. No emotion even flickered in her eyes. But as they flashed up at the Star Luo Emperor, her spirit released. Her deep ocean blue eyes turned silver-white. And her eight red and two silver-white spirit rings descended. A terrifying force accompanied her noble demeanor as she waved the Golden Scepter. A heavy rainfall began to pour down. She raised her left eyebrow, daring him to challenge her authority.

"I, Ru Shenqi, am the Head Flamen of Haishen Island, dedicated to protecting all Ocean spirit masters and worshipping the Lord Sea God. I am also the Goddess of Nine Stars."

The soldiers, lieutenants, generals, and the Star Luo Emperor himself couldn't believe her spirit ring configuration. They knew immediately that if she had been a foe, she could've easily wiped them all out.

The Star Luo Emperor bowed respectfully, "Goddess, we'll do as you say."

Ru Shenqi nodded and turned to go. "Us Shrek Seven Tyrants will go on ahead. Please, leave first thing tomorrow morning if you can."

Then, three lotus petals flew out. Six figures dashed after her as she flew away.


To get to Liuying Gorge, they had to make their way through Star Dou Great Forest. The seven friends dashed through the trees. Most spirit beasts steered clear of them, but they got halted by a terrifyingly oppressive force near the lake in the center of the forest.

Liao Suyin turned towards Ru Shenqi. "Xiao Shen, can you see it?"

Clear Crystal Eyes emerged. With her enhanced sight, she scanned their surroundings. Finally, she saw their opponent.

"Midnight Demon Cat. It seems to be alone."

The other six shivered. For the Midnight Demon Cat to be alone meant it was the top cat of its clan. It had probably killed all of its brothers and sisters to absorb their cultivation and grow stronger.

"How old is it?" Ming Yong asked.

"That, I don't know. When it shows itself, then I will be able to figure it out."

Just then, a shadow blurred past them. Ru Shenqi focused her eyes to the max, exerting a ton of spiritual power. "To the right!"

Shu Jiaxiang and Bai Shanxin shot off after it. They trapped the animal within Shadow Cheetah Slash and Swift Winds. Gu Xingyun shot forward and threw his halberd. But with a single mewl, the Midnight Demon Cat obliterated their attacks. Ru Shenqi stepped forward and summoned her Golden Scepter. Her Penta Divine Pearl Diadem glowed brightly.

"Divine Pearl Sea Life!"

After boosting all of her friends and herself into a frenzied state, Fang Youyou sent out his best attribute enhancements under the influence of his Endless Reach skull bone skill.

How dare you think you can stop us Shrek Seven Tyrants?

They quickly surrounded the Midnight Demon Cat, and Ru Shenqi's sixth spirit ring lit up. "Sixth spirit skill, Clear Crystal Pack Hunt!"

All seven became pillars of blinding white light. The initiator waited for the most opportune moment. When their spirit power had maxed out, she smirked.

"Pack Howl!"

One direct beam of light flew straight towards the spirit beast. But what shocked them all was that Pack Hunt had no effect. After the attack hit, the Midnight Demon Cat was unharmed. Then, Ru Shenqi knew.

Domain. It can suck spirit skills and spirit power.

"Watch out!" she cried. "It has a domain!"

The six flew back to her side, and she protected them with her Clear Crystal Armor. They eyed the spirit beast, trying to figure out the best way to end this battle swiftly.

Finally, Ru Shenqi said nobly, "Goddess of Nine Stars Domain, Evolved Skill: Omnipresent Supremacy."

After cancelling out the Midnight Demon Cat's domain, she glanced at Ming Yong. "Your turn."

He chuckled, and his right arm spirit bone emerged. "Siren Sparrow Queen right arm bone skill, Siren Song!"

As the spirit bone began to weaken the spirit beast's spiritual power and mental strength, his eighth spirit ring lit up. Ming Yong began to play a tune as he said, "Eighth spirit skill, Dragon Qin Lullaby."

With his qin's musical power enhanced by twenty five percent with his eighth skill, and Fang Youyou's boosts and Ru Shenqi's restriction, there was no way this spirit beast stood a chance. Indeed, it finally fell prey to the Shrek Seven Tyrants. Once it had lost consciousness, Ru Shenqi waved to Gu Xingyun who delivered the killing blow with his ninth spirit skill, Electric Heavenly Lion. After the scorched spirit beast died, it's black decade millennium year spirit ring appeared. Gu Xingyun didn't need another ring, so he turned to go.

"Wait," Ru Shenqi said.

One perk of being a God was that she could tell the nature of things much better than a mortal. She knew that this spirit beast would leave a spirit bone... and that it would be suitable for Hell Ambassador.

He turned to look at her, confused. Just then, a right leg spirit bone emerged. It was pitch black with a few silver lines swirling around on it and had the shape of an upside down triangle.

"This spirit bone suits you. Hurry and absorb it, Xingyun."

He gawked at her. "D- did you know?!"

A mischievous smile tugged at the corner of her lips before she nodded. "I knew it when I sensed the spirit beast's oppressive aura. Thus, I made us deal with it. If it hadn't suited any of us, I would've had Youyou help us to just fly away."

"Eh, Xiao Shen..." the other five muttered. "You're too tricky sometimes!"

She chuckled and pointed at the spirit bone. "Don't let it go to waste."

Gu Xingyun nodded and pulled it over. He sat down, beginning to absorb it. Ru Shenqi waved her Golden Scepter to summon the power of Haishen Hall to protect him. Meanwhile, the others stood guard, watching and listening for any suspicious movements.

After a few hours had passed, Gu Xingyun finally stood from his meditative position. The others crowded around him.

"Well? What is the spirit bone skill?"

"It's not as cool as Xiao Shen's or Jiaxiang's, but it's a clone skill. Midnight Clone allows me to clone myself once, and my clone can use all of my spirit skills with one hundred percent attack power for five minutes. The downfall is that I cannot use any other spirit bone skills with this one."

"Woah, now there's three of us who can clone skills. Amazing!" Shu Jiaxiang, Bai Shanxin, Fang Youyou, Ming Yong, and Liao Suyin breathed.

Ru Shenqi clapped him on the shoulder. "Good. You've gotten stronger. What's your spirit power at now?"

He smiled and replied, "I, Golden Lion Douluo, am now at the ninety sixth rank."

"Very good. You're catching up to me. Now come on, let's keep moving."

Her friends nodded, and they shot off from the center of Star Dou Great Forest. After five more days and five more nights, the Shrek Seven Tyrants finally approached Heaven Dou Army's encampment near Liuying Gorge.

Waiting for them, were none other the Shrek Five Devils and the Golden Iron Triangle. Ru Shenqi bowed respectfully.

"Sect Leader, we finished out mission. We've convinced Star Luo Army and Seniors Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing to come."

"Good. You seven did well. Go inside and rest now."

The Shrek Seven Tyrants nodded and entered the camp. Yu Xiaogang turned towards Tang San.

"I can't believe they really did it."

Ma Hongjun laughed. "Boss Dai and Zhuqing must've fought those tyrannical Juniors. How else could they vouch for them to the Star Luo Emperor?"

"So Star Luo must know that a new Goddess has emerged on Douluo Continent," Liu Erlong surmised.

Xiao Wu nodded. "That's right, Mom. Zhuqing and Boss Dai also trust Ge. When they learned that he sent the Shrek Seven Tyrants, they'd definitely trust his decision and come with the Star Luo Army."