
Another Kind of Genius

Ru Shenqi is a young Spirit Master, hoping to shock the world like the Shrek Seven Devils once had. Armed with her powerful martial soul, she does just that... and before she even turns ten! At just eight years old, she goes to Heaven Dou City to enroll in the infamous Shrek Academy. Already a Spirit Ancestor, she shocks all of the teachers. Just as the new battle team from Shrek Academy prepares to enter the Advanced Spirit Master Battle Competition, the reunion of the Shrek Seven Devils stirs the Academy. Ru Shenqi gets the chance of a lifetime to meet her idols, the geniuses of geniuses. When she overhears the Shrek Seven Devils talking about the resurgence of Spirit Empire, a deeply buried hatred reignites within her. She vows to grow stronger to one day go up against Spirit Empire and make them pay. **Soul Land (Douluo Dalu) fanfic based on lightnovel/anime, not live-action** *Originally published on AO3 and Scribblehub*

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Sea Witch Sacred Pillar

The Shrek Seven Tyrants flew closer and closer to Haishen Island. Just as they were about to make it to the beachy shore, a wave of sea water rose like a tsunami to ward them off. Ru Shenqi's irises constricted.

"Fire Dragon Domain! Ultimate Darkness Straight Line!"

She sent her line of fire straight towards the waves.

Fire and water, yin and yang. Opposites don't mix.

The Shrek Seven Tyrants formed one line and barreled through the gap in the waves.

"Sixth spirit skill, Heavenly Lion Pride!"

Putting up his shield, Gu Xingyun protected all seven from the threatening waves as they continued to fly forward. When they broke through the tsunami, they landed hard on the silver sands(1) of the beach. Out of breath, they all laid back and stared up at the cloudless blue sky for a moment.

One thought resonated in all of their minds: We made it.

Footsteps approached. "Who's there?"

The seven scrambled to their feet and turned to see five Ocean Spirit Masters emerge from the bushes. Two wore yellow robes, and the other three wore purple. On the way to Haishen Island, Ma Hongjun had explained the colors and roles of Haishen Island spirit masters, so they weren't shocked to see the spirit masters.

Ru Shenqi bowed first. "Greetings, we've come to take the Sea God's Challenges."

The spirit masters peered at them. "You're Land spirit masters."

Gu Xingyun nodded. "That's right. Our Senior sent us."

One of the purple robed Ocean Spirit Masters asked, "Who's your Senior?"

Bai Shanxin smirked, "Tang San, Sea God."

Respect and worship filled the Ocean Spirit Masters' eyes. "Forgive us! Come, we'll take you to the nearest Sacred Pillar to see if you're qualified to take the Sea God's Challenges."

The Shrek Seven Tyrants followed the five inwards. They trekked through the bushes and trees for about an hour before finally coming to one of the seven Sea Within a Seas. At the other side of the clear pool was a platform. A young-looking woman with a fish tail sat cultivating at the base of the Sacred Pillar. Upon sensing them, her eyes opened.

Her hypnotic voice rang out, "Ah? Who are these youngsters?"

"They've come for the Sea God's Challenges," the leader of the purple robed Ocean Spirit Masters explained. "Lord Sea God sent them."

"Ah? That young man with the twin spirits? Tang San?"

Ming Yong replied, "That's right."

The young-looking woman flicked her tail, and the Sea Within a Sea began to surge. "If you all can pass through the Sea Within a Sea and make it to the platform, I will ask for the Sea God to give you his Challenges."

Ru Shenqi turned towards the guys. "Use your spirit power to lighten your weight and dash across. Youyou, don't be afraid to use your Scaled Body Armor. Yong, your qin will come in handy here. Xingyun, you can blast your way through."

Then, she turned to look at the other girls. "Shanxin, fly straight. You shouldn't have much of a problem. Jiaxiang, use your sixth spirit skill. It's tyrannical. Suyin, use the Demon Eyed Tarantula right leg bone."

Everyone nodded at her words, placing their trust in her. Soon, all seven stood in a line, preparing to tackle their obstacle ahead. The young-looking woman with the fish tail smiled. She, of course, heard everything. Not because their voices carried, but because she could read their minds. She knew the determination in their minds and silently commended them for it.

Just then, Ru Shenqi roared, "Break!"

All seven shot out. They barged through the Sea Within a Sea, seemingly having no troubles. But then, Ocean spirit beasts leapt up out of the water. Ru Shenqi reacted quickly and launched her third spirit skill, protecting everyone. Then, she launched her second spirit skill, making all of them imitate Devil Great White Sharks. They continued onwards, unhindered.

The young-looking woman's eyes widened. She hadn't been expecting to see an imitation skill. When the Shrek Seven Tyrants burst from the Sea Within a Sea and landed on the Sacred Pillar Platform, she clapped enthusiastically.

"Well done. Well done. I wonder... just how powerful are you all?"

The Shrek Seven Tyrants smirked and announced their ranks. Hearing that two of the seven were Spirit Saints, the young-looking woman nodded.

"Good! You're young and strong."

Ru Shenqi and the others bowed respectfully. "Senior, we've come for the Sea God's Challenges."

"Senior?" she asked and pouted. "I don't look that much older, do I?"

Their eyebrows twitched. What was this? All of her sudden, her personality had turned on its head.

"Uh, you must be older than us, so obviously we'll call you Senior."

"No, no, no. You can just call me Jiejie. Senior's too formal for me!"

Confusion flickered across the seven's eyes. "Uh, Jiejie, may we get our tests?"

She pouted. "Fine. You seven seem to be on a mission. Just like the seven that came before you."

Her eyes scanned them. "Which one of you wants to be first? Just know that after this, you cannot go back. You can still leave Haishen Island if you want to now."

All seven shook their heads. "We're in this together. We won't quit. We won't back down."

"I'll go first," Bai Shanxin said determinedly.

The young-looking woman with a fish tail sighed. "Whatever. Don't say that I, Sea Witch, didn't warn you."

Waving her hand, the skies clouded over and turned dark. The Sacred Pillar flooded with lines of yellow light which surged from the base to the top. When it broke through, it turned purple and rose up the pillar once more. After it broke through again, the light became black. As the light continued to rise, it gradually slowed. Finally, it stopped. Six black cards appeared before Bai Shanxin's head. They turned into a small hexagram emblem and imbedded themselves into her forehead.

A voice echoed, "Top tier, Black Level Six Test."

Knowing from Ma Hongjun's explanations, the Shrek Seven Tyrants didn't question this announcement. Fang Youyou stepped forward next.

"Jiejie, please."

The Sea Witch Douluo waved her hand and the Sacred Pillar flooded with light. It quickly went from yellow to purple to black, stopping at the top.

The same voiced echoed, "Top tier, Black Level Six Test."

A black hexagram appeared on Fang Youyou's forehead as well. By this time, Sea Witch Douluo was no longer surprised. She figured that if Tang San had sent these Land spirit masters they must be just as good or even better than him and his friends. Subsequently, Shu Jiaxiang, Ming Yong, and Liao Suyin all received the top tier, Black Level Six Tests also.

When it was Gu Xingyun's turn, the others murmured amongst themselves.

"I wonder what Xingyun will get?"

"Surely he'll get a Red Level test? He's stronger than the rest of us."

"But still... could it be that none of us will surpass Senior Rongrong, Senior Xiao Wu, and Senior Tang San?"

"Jiejie, please."

Sea Witch Douluo nodded and waved her hand. Light surged, transforming from yellow to purple to black swiftly. As it neared the top, stretching towards the marker for the Black Level Six Tests, the light slowed down. It crept closer and closer to the breakthrough point before tapping it. The light seemed to waver, deciding. Eight pairs of eyes watched as the skies turned bloody. The pillar lit up, exploding with crystalline red light.

Every inhabitant of Haishen Island gazed at the Sacred Pillar. From Haishen Hall, Sea Dragon Douluo looked up as well.

What is this? A Peak Level Seven Test?

He summoned a water bubble to watch the events unfold at the Sea Witch Sacred Pillar.

Seven red cards appeared before Gu Xingyun. They molded together to form a red heptagram on his forehead. Sea Witch Douluo sighed.

"You seven really are sent by him. No wonder."

Ru Shenqi gazed at the pillar before taking a step back.

"Xiao Shen?" Fang Youyou asked.

The other five turned to look at her with worried expressions. She shook her head.

"Something's not right. I can feel it," she murmured. "Like I'm not supposed to be here."

When Sea Dragon Douluo saw Ru Shenqi, the same thought crossed his mind that crossed Sea Witch Douluo's: Master Bo Saixi?

"Xiao Shen," the six repeated.

Ru Shenqi bit her lip. Her hands began to shake. Sweat beaded on her forehead as her eyebrows creased. Sea Witch Douluo watched curiously. She tilted her head. Summoning her Black Flute spirit, she began to play a melodious tune. As the music swept out over Ru Shenqi, she gradually began to relax. When she finally sighed, the music drew to an end. Sea Witch Douluo's tail transformed into legs, and she walked forward.

"Young one, you cannot take the Sea God's Challenges yet. For Ocean spirit masters, the age requirement is eighteen. Land spirit masters are the same. You must be younger."

Ru Shenqi's eyes widened. "I'm seventeen. So that means I can't take the Challenges with my friends?"

Sea Witch Douluo shook her head. "Even though Lord Sea God sent you, you cannot take the Challenges yet."

Sadness filled Ru Shenqi's eyes. She looked at her friends.

"Don't worry about me. You guys go on ahead. See if you can catch up to me."

They all rested a hand on her shoulders. "Xiao Shen, you're our Captain and our Soul. We're not moving on without you."

Sea Witch Douluo interjected, "Land Spirit Masters have a year to take their Tests. If you do not pass, you will die."

Ru Shenqi shook her head. "Don't risk your lives for me."

"Xiao Shen, you only have two more months. We don't mind waiting," Gu Xingyun spoke up for everyone.

They nodded in agreement. She turned towards the Sea Witch Douluo.

"Jiejie, would I be allowed to accompany my friends? Even though I don't belong to Haishen Island, I wouldn't be expected to leave, right?"

"Normally, you wouldn't be able to stay, but since the Lord Sea God sent you, it would be denying his wishes to send you away."

Finally realizing, Sea Dragon Douluo left Haishen Hall and appeared on the Sacred Pillar Platform. He stepped forward.

"Lord Sea God sent you seven?"

They nodded and bowed respectfully. "Senior, we are the Shrek Seven Tyrants."

"Hmm. Tyrants... what are your ranks?"

Six simultaneously released their spirits. Their spirit rings descended, and when Sea Witch Douluo and Sea Dragon Douluo saw Gu Xingyun's rings, their eyes widened.

"Worthy of Peak Level Seven Test," they breathed.

Just then, Ru Shenqi's eyes flashed, nearly blinding them. Her silver-white eyes glowed. Seven rings descended:








With her usually clear blue eyes, sea foam white hair, and unfathomable spirit ring configuration, only one name came to the Titled Douluos' minds: Master Bo Saixi.


1. The original light novel mentions silver sands

Hey everyone, sorry for not uploading the past few days. I've been out and about doing things with family since it's the holidays. To make it up to you, I'm publishing a chapter today.

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