
Another Kind of Genius

Ru Shenqi is a young Spirit Master, hoping to shock the world like the Shrek Seven Devils once had. Armed with her powerful martial soul, she does just that... and before she even turns ten! At just eight years old, she goes to Heaven Dou City to enroll in the infamous Shrek Academy. Already a Spirit Ancestor, she shocks all of the teachers. Just as the new battle team from Shrek Academy prepares to enter the Advanced Spirit Master Battle Competition, the reunion of the Shrek Seven Devils stirs the Academy. Ru Shenqi gets the chance of a lifetime to meet her idols, the geniuses of geniuses. When she overhears the Shrek Seven Devils talking about the resurgence of Spirit Empire, a deeply buried hatred reignites within her. She vows to grow stronger to one day go up against Spirit Empire and make them pay. **Soul Land (Douluo Dalu) fanfic based on lightnovel/anime, not live-action** *Originally published on AO3 and Scribblehub*

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140 Chs

Encounter at Spirit City

With the time bought, Ru Shenqi made the next priority getting a torso and left leg bone for Ming Yong. She went and spoke with Xue Beng, seeing if the Royal Family of Heaven Dou Empire had any spirit bones stored away.

"Actually, my father left behind a torso bone. I haven't had time to absorb it. I also have no chance of ever becoming a God, so for Heaven Dou Empire and the future of Douluo Continent, I'm willing to give it to Ming Yong. The only problem is, it's back in Heaven Dou City."

"Don't worry, us Shrek Seven Tyrants won't be gone long. After annihilating the Angel Troops, we're probably at the top of Spirit Empire's kill list. It's better for us to stay away from Liuying Gorge for a while. This is the perfect time for us to go, Your Majesty."

Xue Beng sighed. "Very well. Laoshi and the other Shrek Devils can keep the Golden Generation at bay for now. But be quick."

Ru Shenqi bowed respectfully before turning and leaving. When she returned to the Tyrants' tent, she entered and smirked.

"Guess who's going to Heaven Dou City?"

"Huh?" the others enunciated.

"We're going to Heaven Dou City to get Emperor Xue Ye's spirit bone. I spoke with His Majesty, and he's allowed Yong to absorb his father's spirit bone."

Ming Yong's eyes widened. "Xiao Shen, I can't accept that. I can try to find spirit bones some other way."

"Yong, time is of the essence. Beggars can't be choosers. We need to go now, before Hu Liena and the others launch an attack on us. We've royally pissed them off. It's not safe to stay here for the moment."

"Xiao Shen has a point," Gu Xingyun cut in. "The Golden Generation probably wants our heads even more than they did before."

Unable to argue further, Ming Yong nodded in acceptance. With that, the Shrek Seven Tyrants grabbed what they needed and put it into their storage artifacts. Then, they exited their tent only to see the Golden Iron Triangle and the Shrek Seven Devils approaching.

"Teachers, Seniors, what is it?" Ru Shenqi asked.

"Be careful on your way back to Heaven Dou City," Yu Xiaogang began. "We heard word that Xie Yue is returning to Spirit City, which is between here and the capital. Do not provoke him, Xiao Shen. Steer clear of Spirit Empire this time."

Flender nodded and pushed up his glasses. "Xiaogang is right. If you little monsters kill the Supreme Pontiff's brother, you're just asking for all of Spirit Empire to descend upon you, and we won't be there to help you."

Xiao Wu stepped forward. "Xiao Shen, you can't use your God powers, so you must be even more alert."

Tang San glanced at Ming Yong and added, "We'll try to stall Hu Liena as much as we can. Take your time and hunt for a suitable spirit bone in Sunset Forest while you all are back in Heaven Dou City. If you come across a situation you can't get out of, my uncle and the Elders of Clear Sky Clan will help you. They'll be waiting for you in Heaven Dou City and will just shadow you afterwards."

Ming Yong, Gu Xingyun, Shu Jiaxiang, Bai Shanxin, Fang Youyou, Liao Suyin, and Ru Shenqi all bowed in respect. "Thank you, Teachers, Seniors. We'll be on our way then."

The seven shot off, leaving the joint camp in the dust. Liu Erlong turned towards Yu Xiaogang.

"Will they be okay?"

"They're strong. And the closer Yong gets to becoming a God, the better. But no matter what, we can't let Hu Liena have the chance of becoming a God."


To get back to Heaven Dou City, the Shrek Seven Tyrants had to pass through Spirit City. As they drew near to the heart of enemy territory, Ru Shenqi slowed them down.

"Xiao Shen, what should we do?" Fang Youyou asked.

She paused and bit her lip. "It'll take us extra time to go around Spirit City, but who knows if there are patrols or not. We can risk going through, but if we're stopped by Spirit Empire, then we might lose our lives. This is Spirit City we're talking about. We can't take travelling through here lightly. We missed coming here when we went to go get Seniors Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing. But now, this is the quickest way back to Heaven Dou City. Any other route will add over two days journey. We don't have time to spare. Not only does Yong need to complete his Third Inheritance Trial but we can't leave our Teachers and Seniors to deal with Spirit Empire alone."

The others nodded in agreement.

"Let's try going through Spirit City," Shu Jiaxiang said. "Although you can't use your God powers, Yong can use his Melody and Harmony Domain. With that, we can restrict the whole city. And none of our spirit skills are normal. We're not the Shrek Seven Tyrants for nothing."

But, Ru Shenqi shook her head. "I'm not taking the risk."

Ming Yong suddenly got an idea of why Ru Shenqi was so hesitant. He rested a hand on her shoulder. "I'm okay. Don't be afraid, Xiao Shen. Jiaxiang is right, we're a team."

"You all are the only family I have left. I'm not losing anyone else."

Finally, the others understood. Bai Shanxin took her friend's hand. "Xiao Shen, nothing like that will ever happen again."

Just then, there was a rustling nearby. The seven immediately went on high alert. Gu Xingyun and Ru Shenqi's slaughter intent rose.

"Who's there?" she called out coldly.

Suddenly, two black-cloaked figures descended on them. Ru Shenqi's third spirit ring lit up. Clear Crystal Armor, launched. With her friends protected, her eyes narrowed.

"Just two of you?" she sneered. "What makes you think you can take us Seven?"

"Seventh spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Spirit Avatar. First spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Blossom. Fourth spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Ten Ton. Fifth spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Run."

"Seventh spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Spirit Avatar. Fifth spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Multiply. Sixth spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Dodge. Eighth spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Slash."

"Seventh spirit skill, Needle-Tailed Swift Spirit Avatar. Fifth spirit skill, Swift Cry."

"Seventh spirit skill, Golden Heavenly Lion."

"Seventh spirit skill, Clear Crystal Eyes Spirit Avatar. Fifth spirit skill, Clear Crystal Myriad Flames."

"Seventh spirit skill, Dragon Qin Spirit Avatar."

With Fang Youyou's boosts, the Shrek Seven Tyrants became a fully Titled Douluo group. Shu Jiaxiang disappeared and zig-zagged around before her blitz attack hit. A debilitating cry echoed from Bai Shanxin's mouth. Gu Xingyun's own blitz attack hit also. Ru Shenqi's flames made it impossible for the two attackers to see where they were aiming and also for them to see the shocking spirit ring configurations. Finally, Ming Yong's lilting music blanked their minds. The two were thrown far back before they regained their senses.

"Who knew Spirit Empire was hiding such talents. Today, even if we die, we'll take you down with us!" they cried.

Catching what they said, Ru Shenqi's Clear Crystal Eyes flashed. She saw blonde hair under one hood and black hair under the other. Suddenly, she held up a hand, halting her companions.

"Xiao Shen!" they cried.

"Wait, I don't think they're enemies."

"You want us to get slaughtered?!" Liao Suyin cried.

"No. Let's wait and see what their spirits are."

The two men rushed them.

"First spirit skill, Thunder Dragon Claw."

"Second spirit skill, Fifteen Tons of Thunder."

Lightning condensed. One in the form of a dragon claw and the other in the form of countless blue-purple arrows. Ru Shenqi's eyes widened; she knew who these two were instantly. Flashing forward, the Golden Scepter appeared in her hand. She released her Clear Crystal Armor combined with the Power of Haishen Hall, stretching it over herself and all of her friends. When the lightning attacks hit the shield, it was rebounded and redirected into the skies, crackling through the clouds.

The two men gaped at her. Before they could attack again, her voice resonated with a noble countenance as she lowered her Golden Scepter, "Seniors, we're not part of Spirit Empire. Yu Xiaogang is our teacher; we are alumni of Shrek Academy, the Shrek Seven Tyrants."

They stopped and pushed their hoods back. Walking forward, the one with blonde hair and brown eyes asked, "Really?"

Bai Shanxin nodded and motioned towards Ru Shenqi. "I'm a member of Tang Sect with Xiao Shen."

Gu Xingyun added, "I'm the Crown Prince of Guang Kingdom."

"I'm the sister of Suotuo City's Magistrate," Liao Suyin said.

"It's an honor to meet Senior Yu again and to experience the frightening power of the top beast spirit in the world. Indeed, spirits masters from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan are very strong," Ru Shenqi cut in.

Slightly taken aback, the black haired, blue-eyed man nodded. "Ahh, I remember you seven now. We met once in Sunset Forest when Dugu Yan and I were hunting a spirit ring for our son. This is my cousin, Yu Tianxin."

The other six Tyrants bowed respectfully while Ru Shenqi remained straight. Yu Tianxin noticed and harrumphed.

"Little girl, your companions all bow to the top beast spirit. Why don't you?"

A calm expression set over her features, and she replied with a question, "Who said I had to?"

Gu Xingyun, Ming Yong, Shu Jiaxiang, Liao Suyin, Fang Youyou, and Bai Shanxin all snickered. They knew their captain all too well. This was going to end in a shock.

"You-!" Yu Tianxin cried. "How dare you not bow to your Senior?"

"Does a Titled Douluo have to bow to a mere Spirit Saint?"

Yu Tianxin's jaw dropped. "N- no way."

Yu Tianheng was equally shocked. But he could sense powerful auras coming from all of them. Courteously, he asked, "Juniors, do you mind saying what you all are at? Your fighting prowess was outstanding back then and still is now, and you're all still so young. I'm curious to know how the younger generation is doing under my uncle's teaching."

Ru Shenqi smirked. "Alright. Jiaxiang, you start."

The young woman in silver and black saluted respectfully. "My name is Shu Jiaxiang, and my spirit is the Shadow Cheetah. At just twenty four, I'm a Spirit Douluo at the eighty fifth rank."

After their week in Icebound Forest and fighting the Angel Troops, the Triple Beauties and Fang Youyou had all finally reached the eighty fifth rank.

Shu Jiaxiang's spirit released; her nails lengthened and her ears popped up. Then came her spirit ring configuration. With four purple, two black, and two red rings dancing around her, how could Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin not be stunned?


The young woman in light pink and yellow saluted to the two Seniors. "My name is Bai Shanxin, and my spirit is the Needle-Tailed Swift. At just twenty four, I'm a Spirit Douluo at the eighty fifth rank as well."

Her translucent wings appeared and her rings came down, matching Shu Jiaxiang's. The two Yu's couldn't believe what they were seeing.


The young woman in black and dark purple bowed respectfully. "My name is Liao Suyin, and my spirit is the Jade Poison Tarantula. At just twenty four, I'm also a Spirit Douluo at the eighty fifth rank."

Her tarantula legs grew, and her spirit rings appeared, and seeing three shocking configurations made Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin's hearts flutter.


The young man in brown and beige saluted. "My name is Fang Youyou, and my spirit is the Rainbow Colored Flowering Lotus. At twenty three, I'm a Spirit Douluo at the eighty fifth rank."

Fang Youyou's birthday had come and went while they were in Icebound Forest. But Ru Shenqi had promised a birthday celebration once they got to Heaven Dou City.

His rainbow colored lotus appeared in his right hand, and his spirit rings descended. And then, there were four matching ring configurations. Yu Tianheng shook his head and sighed. "An auxiliary spirit at the Spirit Douluo Stage so young. And so many century millennium year spirit rings. The younger generation really has surpassed us."


The young man in white and gold stepped forward and bowed. "My name is Gu Xingyun, and my spirit is the Golden Heavenly Lion. At twenty six, I, Golden Lion Douluo, am at the ninety sixth rank."

His body erupted with fur, and his nails lengthened. Three purple, three black, and four red spirit rings descended. Yu Tianxin choked. Yu Tianheng's eyes nearly bugged out of his head.


Ru Shenqi simply chuckled. "That's not all. Yong."

The young man in dark red and black bowed respectfully. "My name is Ming Yong, and my spirit is the Seven String Dragon Qin. At twenty five, I, Dragon Qin Douluo, am at the ninety ninth rank bottleneck."

His ebony qin materialized in front of him as his four purple, two black, and three red spirit rings descended. The two Seniors were dumbstruck.

"Another Titled Douluo so young, and a Limit Douluo at that! How?"

"Yong is also undergoing the God of Music's Inheritance Trials right now," Fang Youyou added. "Once he passes them, he will become the new God of Music."

Yu Tianheng breathed in amazement, "You youngsters have a bright future ahead of you. But what about you... Xiao Shen, is it?"

Six people laughed out loud, "Soon, you'll see why Xiao Shen has her name!"

"My name is actually Ru Shenqi, and my spirit is Clear Crystal Eyes. At twenty, I am the Head Flamen of Haishen Island and the Goddess of Nine Stars at the one hundred and ninth rank."

Yu Tianxin laughed haughtily. "Little girl, don't go bragging about things!"

Ru Shenqi's eyes flashed silver-white. Her spirit rings descended one after another.









Seeing this, fear filled the hearts of the two Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragons.

"H- how are they all red?!" Yu Tianxin cried in dismay.

But Yu Tianheng noticed something. "Why are there only eight?"

Ru Shenqi lowered her head as pain flickered in her eye. "I can't use my last three rings."


She revealed the greyed out Divine God Rings. Ming Yong rested a hand on her shoulder. "Xiao Shen?"

She swallowed and raised her head. "You're quite lucky I can't use them right now. Otherwise, I may have seriously injured you two."

With eleven rings, Ru Shenqi proved her Godhood. Yu Tianheng saluted and bowed to her. Seeing this, Yu Tianxin had no choice but to follow suit.


She stepped forward and helped them straighten. "No need. Xiao Shen is fine. But Seniors, what are you doing here near Spirit City?"

"Tianxin and I have been working here secretly ever since Spirit Empire annihilated the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. We've created the Lightning Guards who do covert missions around Spirit City. I come back from Heaven Dou City every once in a while to check up on things."

Taking the opportunity, Ru Shenqi asked, "Then, can Seniors get us through the city safely? We need to get to Heaven Dou City in all haste."

Yu Tianheng nodded. "Yes, we can. Come, you all can rested for a bit at our base first. Then, Tianxin and I will see you out of Spirit City."

The Shrek Seven Tyrants followed them towards the city. At the outskirts, they turned left and entered a small building. Inside were the other members of the Lightning Guard. Yu Tianheng made the introductions and showed the seven to a couple rooms.

"You can rest here as long as you want. Just come find me when you're ready to leave."

"Thank you, Senior."

He nodded and left them to their privacy. The seven entered one room and closed the door behind them. Gu Xingyun, Bai Shanxin, Liao Suyin, Shu Jiaxiang, Fang Youyou, and Ming Yong turned to face Ru Shenqi.

"Now what, Xiao Shen?"

"These Seniors are being hospitable. It'd be rude if we left too soon. Since night is upon us anyways, let's just stay here and leave in the early morning."

"Are you sure it's not a trap?" Gu Xingyun asked.

"The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan has too much enmity with Spirit Empire to be working with them," Bai Shanxin said as she shook her head. "I don't think we need to worry."

"Then it's settled," Ming Yong said. "We're staying here for the night."

"Let's cultivate tonight," Ru Shenqi suggested. "We can sleep once we've completed our mission in Heaven Dou City."