
Another isekai story

A girl who just want to play some game and got teleported to a world called ercent

Palosians · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Dark Tempest

Teddy POV

The town is burning all of the cult kill every people at the village. People are shouting for help while the cultists' cloaks are ruptured in blood. There's only one thing that Teddy could do and his decision is too late. He gave up hoping one day he can revenge his community. A young lady walk toward teddy while he can't even stand. "You are a quite handsome and strong man... You are perfect for ghost currency" the cult leader smile and wave her hair while summoning skeleton bringing teddy to Ghost tower. 

At the Ghost tower

"Hello and good evening my precious acquaintance, I have a gift for you can you give me one of your demihuman that can read the language that I needed." Pale the necromancer bargain to ghost. "And what language is that? I assume is a fucked up language." Ghost reply to Pale. "You know me quite well my dear Ghost... hahaha I just need a person who can read abyssal" Pale laughingly say it and transitioning to serious. "Abyssal??? The only person who can speak abyssal is the Lunar Eclipse cult and they have fucked up personality too." Ghost reply again but he answer hesitant. "Uhhhh that bitch Chane... You know what make this guy Overpower then after I use him its yours now" Pale walk away murmuring and cursing Chase. 

The project start putting teddy and the bear at the circle and ghost casting transmutation magic. But the transmutation fail having the soul of teddy stuck on the bear. The bear is now bipedal but its weaken so Ghost locked up teddy with Azer the Leopard. "If I get out here I will massacre all of you!!!" Azer trying to intimidate ghost cult. "Hey... Relax we can just chill and wait for the luck" Teddy making the mood right. "You know that we can massacre them you are a fucking bear." Azer is now frustrated "I want to kill them like they murder my family." Azer tear up. "Do you want me to kill them for you?" Teddy making the mood light. "You know what I want to take a rest... good night" Azer got exhausted. While Azer is sleeping Teddy tries to look for insect. "Mosquito do your work" Teddy commanded the mosquito and at the bottom of the tower he saw more group of the dark templar but they are killing the member. They will hear the sound "Intruders!!! The galaxy will kill us all" then get stab by the leader. The galaxy infiltrate the room trying to take out the demi humans and try to gave them of assurance and freedom... The leader of the Galaxy and Ghost having a battle and the wind blew teddy outside the building into the sea seperate to Azer now ride at the ship. After a long adventure teddy is now a samurai user and going to the tiberium to become a cult hunter he saw Azer again with his group bumping them and they fall into the bush. 

Sarah, Yashin, Totsuke, Celeste, Azer, Teddy and Lucent are now going on the adventure.

Sarah got scare to Teddy and put Azer at the front

"Long time no see Azer"

"Same to you teddy"