
6. Getting Johnny's phone charged

Johnny took a quick look at the music box. It looks interesting with the frog images, but he didn't quite understand the appeal to it that certain people have for it. Johnny quickly put it in his backpack and ran off as fast as he could.

"Hey! Somebody was in your office."

Johnny kept running until he found a few trees to hide behind. He spent a few moments to calm down. He then took his backpack off and pulled the music box out of it.

"All over a stupid music box. If it wasn't for the fact that I got paid $20 dollars in advance, I wouldn't have bothered," Johnny mumbled.

Johnny looked around and upon noticing nobody around him, he carefully opened the music box.

Suddenly, Johnny woke up and took a quick breath. He looked around and after a few moments remembered everything. He blinked in surprised as he noticed Sprig and Anne sleeping together on the floor. Johnny got out of bed and looked out a window. He smiled upon noticing it seemed to be almost dawn. Johnny took a seat on the couch and decided to wait for some answers.

Anne yawned and tried to stretched her arms out before noticing that she wasn't in the basement, but in the living room. She also noticed Sprig was sleeping on her. She looked around and notice Johnny was awake and giving her an amused smile. She groaned as she recalled sneaking into the living room last night just to make sure he was real. It was creepy she admits, but she couldn't help it. Sprig caught her and he suggested to stay and keep Johnny company. Anne couldn't say no to that.

"Good morning," Johnny greeted, "What are you and Sprig doing on the floor?"

Anne nervously looked away before deciding what to say, "We wanted to keep you company."

"Touching, but there was no need," Johnny answered.

"Not only that Johnny. She also wanted to see if you were real," Sprig explained.

Anne groaned and rubbed her head, "Sprig! How long were you awake?"

Sprig smiled before getting up, "Long enough to hear your conversation."

"You are going to be the death of me I swear."

"What's wrong Anne?" Sprig asked confused, "You wanted to keep him company."

"I.. Sprig you made it sound like..."

"Like what?" Sprig innocently asked.

Before Anne could find the courage to answer, Johnny interrupted them with a chuckle.

"It's fine," He said waving one of his hands dismissively, "I appreciate it."

"Right," Anne said nervously before looking away.

"See Anne you have nothing to worry about," Sprig assured her.

"Do you kids have any plans for the day?" Hop Pop asked while finishing breakfast.

"I was planning on defeating the giant monkey man and saving the 9th dimension, but I will settle with getting my phone charge," Johnny answered.

"That sounds awesome," Polly called out, "Why don't we do that?"

Anne sighed, "He was joking Polly,"


Hop Pop gave the kids a concerned look, "You better be careful. I don't want anyone getting zap."

"Relax Pops we won't put ourselves in danger without preparing for it," Johnny answered.

"Speak for yourself," Sprig said with a chuckle, "I don't think we ever prepare for danger, right Anne."

"Sprig," Anne warned.

"That's the reason I am concern," Hop Pop said with a sigh.

"Relax Pops I will keep them in line," Johnny assured him.

"Excuse me?" Anne asked giving Johnny an offended look.

"I will help keep you safe," Johnny clarified before giving her a pat in the head.

Anne blushed nervously and looked away, "I can handle myself."

"Yeah, but it never hurts to have someone watch your back," Johnny argued.

"Right," Anne said nervously.

Mayor Toadstool was pacing nervously in his office. His worries turned out to be completely founded as he had gotten a message from Grime.


Your actions have greatly angered me. It isn't just your inability to keep the respect of your town for long, which I was willing to overlook, but the simple fact you almost lost to Hop Pop! You have played a part in causing the rebellion and it was only the fact Hop Pop didn't spread his campaign to the rest of the Valley you won. Had Hop Pop won I dread how things would have played out. Regardless, of your victory he still has inspired Frogs and other lesser amphibians to stand up. Now we can expect other non-toads to run for office across the Valley. I have half a mind to get rod of you, but I am willing to give you a chance to make up for this. Do not disappoint me further!


"Toadie, I have to find a way to help Grime."

"Sir, Do you recall his human solider?"

"What about her Toadie?"

"She was skilled. Imagine if Grime has 2."

Toadstool's face lit up, "If I can get him another human warrior, he should be more than willing to forget all about this," Toadstool placed his hand under his chin, "The town protecter would never join Grime's army, but perhaps I can get the new human to."

"Excellent idea sir."

"At the very least Grime should be interested in another human."

Johnny was carefully looking through his backpack for supplies to start his day. He took out some clean clothes, toothpaste, and deodorant.


"Yes, Johnny?"

"Don't take this question the wrong way, but how do you bathe here?" Johnny asked nervously, "No, let me rephrase. Is there a way to bathe here?"

Anne's face turned a bright red, "It's fine. There's... There is a bath."

Johnny nodded, "Right. Sorry."

"It's fine. Just watch what you say next time."

"I will thanks."

Johnny, Anne, Sprig, and Polly all left the farm ready to start the day.

"Not that I am complaining, but why are you 2 also coming?" Johnny asked.

"Trust me you are going to need us to get your phone charge," Sprig answered.

"Besides, I can't say no to adventure," Polly said.

Johnny smiled, "If only you were human, a part of my world, and we have met before. We would have been good friends."

"Johnny are you sure you want to do this?" Anne asked.

"Yeah, my phone is also important to me. I have an entire SD card filled with things I want to see."

"It's just that your words yesterday made me realize, that we might have gotten lucky and we could risk damaging your battery," Anne clarified.

"That's a risk I am willing to take. Not like I will lose anything as long as my SD card is safe."

Anne nodded, "All right then."

"Just one question. what is an SD card?" Sprig asked.

"Videos and other things on phones take up space. Not physical space, but still space on the phone. An SD card is a tiny object you insert into your phone to greatly increase the space you have," Johnny explained.

"That makes sense I guess."

"You explained it better than I could hope," Anne complimented.

Johnny shrugged his shoulders, "I don't see how hard it is to explain it."

"Let's just get your phone charged."

"You never answered exactly why all 4 of us need to come for me to get my phone charged," Johnny told the group.

"Let's just say we all need to work together to prevent getting zapped," Sprig answered.

"Thankfully, this time we all can trust each other," Polly stated.

"Why were you having trust issues?" Johnny asked.

"I will explain later," Anne answered, "Anyway, what kinds of things do you have downloaded."

"Just movies, and shows I like to watch," Johnny answered, "Why? Are you hoping I have new episodes from a show you like."

"No, I was just curious," Anne answered, "I haven't been gone long enough for there to be new episodes of Suspicion Island."

"A shame to because we want to see more," Polly added.

"You like that kind of stuff?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, what's not to like?" Anne asked offended.

"Nothing. I didn't mean it like that, " Johnny explained holding his hands up defensively, "I just prefer classic shows. Call it nostalgia, but that is just the way I am."

"I guess I can understand that," Anne responded.

"Anyway, what do we have to do?" Johnny asked.

"We just have to find a spot on the mountains low enough for us to for a ladder for somebody to charge your phone." Anne answered.

"But wouldn't the person holding the phone also get zapped?" Johnny asked.

The others had blank looks before gasping.

"I haven't thought of that. What are we going to do?" Anne asked.

"We could get some rubber gloves and hope for the best," Johnny suggested.

"I don't mind getting zapped," Polly suggested.

"Are you sure Polly?" Anne asked.

"It fine," Polly answered, "Besides, I wouldn't really be much help holding on to someone else."

"Are you sure about this?" Johnny asked concerned, "We could find some rubber you could use."

"It's fine."

Johnny sighed before nodding, "Have it your way. I just hope it will go by quick."

Johnny looked down at the group of zappapedes and took a deep breath. Hopefully, this won't take long and they will leave woth his phone charged.

"Having second thoughts?" Anne asked.

"Are you?" Johnny asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It should be fine. We have been through many situations like this," Anne assured him.

"You may have, but I have not," Johnny countered, "So please cut me some slack."

Anne nodded before turning towards Polly, "Ready Polly?"

"I was born ready?" Polly answered, "I hope Johnny has some good stuff to make it worth it."

"I have plenty of action movies filled with violence and people solving problems with their fists," Johnny told her.

"Sounds awesome to me."

"Ok everyone get ready grab on to each other," Anne announced.

"Wait," Johnny told her.

"Don't tell me you are changing your mind," Anne said with a sigh.

"No, is your phone still in your pocket?"

"Why? So, you can steal it," Anne accused.

Johnny shook his head, "No, it could fall out of your pocket."

"Oh right."

"Here put it in my bag," Johnny suggested.

Anne looked hesitant, causing Johnny to sigh.

"Look you know where it is so you can get it and I am outnumbered, " Johnny argued, "Besides, trust works both ways. If you want me to trust you, you have to trust me in return."

Anne nodded and put the phone into his backpack.

"Next time I am bringing my bag." Anne mumbled.

"Yes, you should always come prepared." Johnny responded with a smile.

"Can we get on with this now?" Polly asked.

"I think we are good," Johnny answered.

Johnny held on to Sprig as he held on to Anne. Anne carefully lowered Polly, who was carefully holding on to Johnny's phone. Polly closed her eyes as she felt the electricity from the phone. After a few moments she managed to open one eye and saw the charge was rising rapidly. When it was passed 9000 she could barely handle it.

"I had enough," She called.

Johnny gritted his teeth and with one big pull he managed to yank the rest of the group up. Johnny took a deep breath and rubbed his arms. Anne walked right up to him.

"You are pretty strong," Anne complimented.

"What do you mean? It was a team effort," Johnny asked.

Anne shook her head, "No offense to Sprig, but he was having trouble pulling me up. That was all you."

"Anyway, here." Polly said handing Johnny his phone.

Johnny turned it on and sighed in relief. The battery wasn't damaged and it had a ridiculously huge charge level.

"Looks like it wasn't a one time fluke after all." Johnny mumbled.

"Good to see that," Anne responded.

"What do you want to do now?" Sprig asked.

"We could relax and watch what Johnny has on his phone," Polly suggested.

"Or we could relax around town for a bit," Sprig argued.

"Let's show Johnny around town and help him get used to being here, then we can watch something on his phone," Anne suggested.

"First things first. Your phone back," Johnny said with a smile before taking Anne's phone out of his bag.

"Oh yeah I forgot," Anne admitted sheepishly before taking the phone.

"See you can learn to trust me," Johnny told her with a chuckle.

Anne said nothing and put her phone away.

Later that day Grime was reading a letter from Toadstool with an interested look on his face.


I know of a way to prove my usefulness to you. Recently another human has appeared here in town. Your human solider has proven to be powerful. Imagine if you had two humans under your control. I will do what I can to get him to join you.


Grime smiled before folding the letter and rubbed his hands in anticipation. Things with Anne have turned out poorly, but perhaps with this new human things will turn out much better. He better notified Sasha. She might be able to help reach this human. The fact that he is in the same location as Anne may prove problematic, but they were willing to try.

"Go tell Sasha I need her. I have some news to report."

Things are going to change big time around here.

Sorry this chapter took longer than usual. Let's just say my things in my real life happened. Nothing too serious, by things that required my time. I rather not go into detail. I also had to re watch the episode with the Zappapedes just for reference. I was also a hesitant to write Anne sleeping in the Living room with Johnny after making sure he is real, since it sounds creepy. I hope in this context it's understandable enough you let it slide. Hope you enjoyed.