
Another Hanma with heart for fight (english)

A new soul coming into Yujiro's world as his twin brother guiding the young Yujiro Hanma trying to create a better ending for the Hanma family, with old fighting families in a world with a lot of history in the development of martial arts. *First Chapters edited for spelling errors, first novel trying to do my best. The original is in my first language Spanish, this is an English version with my B1+ level. *Not my own cover, art obtained from https://www.pinterest.com.mx/nekoasagi91/animes-de-pelo-azul/

BlueHanma · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Rainy night

We walked for 40 minutes to find a good hotel. We checked in for just one night because tomorrow we would return home to prepare for the trip to Vietnam. During our entrance, many people stared at us in a very strange way but just smiling they and ran out of the place. Let's just say that entering a Hotel at this hour with two unconscious girls on your shoulder is not very normal.

Entering the room assigned to us, the promise from years ago finally came true. Thinking about the time I have spent in this world, 16 years doesn't seem like a lot, but they taught me more things than my 25 years in the other world.

I remembered a quote from Stephen King that at first I never understood.

"What we like to think of ourselves and what we are, rarely have much in common."


During the rainy and turbulent night, the sound of sirens could be heard everywhere, military vehicles began to make their way to the most luxurious area of the place in the midst of what was set to be the most chaotic night for many people in the city.

The sound of screams of women passing by watching the blood wash down the torrential rain mixed with the sound of armed police officers running all over the place trying to find survivors in the gruesome crime scene they encountered.

Inside a hotel thousands of miles away from chaos, the sound of thunder and raindrops crashing against the windows of the place muffled the screams and sounds closer inside two rooms.

Inside the left room, a rampant fight could be heard for the first few minutes until gasps full of resistance and madness full of acceptance could be heard minutes later, while, in the right room, the sound of stifled breathing along with the sound of clothes sliding, and the clash of bodies in a natural state mixed with screams of passion that seemed to release years of abstinence.

These passionate screams along with the sounds of panic within went unnoticed by many people unaware that day. Aside from a demonstration of brute force by the people they sought, the most natural and passionate relationship of human beings was performed in a way that no other man can perform.