
Another Hanma with heart for fight (english)

A new soul coming into Yujiro's world as his twin brother guiding the young Yujiro Hanma trying to create a better ending for the Hanma family, with old fighting families in a world with a lot of history in the development of martial arts. *First Chapters edited for spelling errors, first novel trying to do my best. The original is in my first language Spanish, this is an English version with my B1+ level. *Not my own cover, art obtained from https://www.pinterest.com.mx/nekoasagi91/animes-de-pelo-azul/

BlueHanma · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

First fight with Yakuzas

Walking a few more blocks towards a house that seems to be traditional I notice something unusual because I find myself in a very uncrowded place where the sound of people almost disappeared, thinking about what kind of character is Black Jack I think I'm preparing for a possible fight, while I move my muscles and reduce my presence as quickly as possible I remember part of the anime I saw.

BlackJack is a surgeon capable of medical prodigies, with an amazing command of the scalpel and delicate and virtuous hands. But he is also a dark and mysterious character who will ask for outrageous sums of money in exchange for his services, in addition to practicing illegally and without a medical license. This is the reason why he always has mishaps of fights with the gangs he treats.

About 19 people began to surround me with this unintelligent doctor. Getting ready for the fight I feel I have to jump first or this could get out of hand considering this guy is an excellent doctor at both healing and killing people.

Feeling unprecedented happiness and considering how stressed I am right now for having searched so long for a doctor, I run quickly and before they can react I arrive in front of the first person I see, turning my wrist a little I hit the jaw hard causing me to jump about two meters in the air, I turn my waist to give a swift kick in the waist to the approaching person. Feeling the wind disappear and to the brain as if a thousand lights are running, turning from left to right and finished kicking the baseball bat on the ground to the person farthest in the face it all ends.



Today was very difficult and complicated and just as I was getting ready to have a drink, some guys from the people I helped the other day seem to have a problem, getting tired of these people never understood that I am not someone easy to intimidate, I plan to leave the bodies of these guys hanging in the driveway of the house of the boss who sent them to avoid future problems.

I feel a rush of air in which a very young guy appears by my criteria of the human body, moving so fast that the sound is heard as if the air is thundering and about 15 seconds later I see that the 19 people around me are unconscious, Seeing that blue hair down to his back in contrast to his old blue suit and his smile a little exaggerated as well as his back so big that it looks like a work of art I do not know why it comes to mind the notes of my predecessors about some special people who are few in number with incredible gifts capable of overcoming the limitations of the human body as we know it.

Another thing that caught my attention is that if this person is of that type I think I can keep my promise to little Hinata with almost white blue eyes to find more people like her.


A little bit about Blackjack.

He is a surgeon gifted with unparalleled skills in the medical world. However, he is unlicensed and practices clandestinely, charging astronomical sums of several million yen for his services. Behind this apparent profit motive, Black Jack hides great respect for life and strong moral principles.