
Another Hanma with heart for fight (english)

A new soul coming into Yujiro's world as his twin brother guiding the young Yujiro Hanma trying to create a better ending for the Hanma family, with old fighting families in a world with a lot of history in the development of martial arts. *First Chapters edited for spelling errors, first novel trying to do my best. The original is in my first language Spanish, this is an English version with my B1+ level. *Not my own cover, art obtained from https://www.pinterest.com.mx/nekoasagi91/animes-de-pelo-azul/

BlueHanma · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Fight to the death

Minutes and seconds passed with the sound of the air breaking, beastly roars of the tiger, the trees breaking and the earth flying. When I was young I always watched wrestling with my younger brother and one of my secret dreams was to grow up to be someone very strong with muscles capable of lifting anything in front of me, after a few years I was very impressed with Asian martial fighting games recommended to me by my friends so I started to be interested in martial arts, however, when I became a teenager I realized the sad reality that we all face when we were young.

Body, talent, mind, luck, and effort I think are the most basic things for me to learn martial arts, to clarify I was never violent or aggressive in particular I was very quiet and never got angry with people, the only times when my heart began to beat were the fights I saw whether they were real or animated felt as if my heart came out as if my body had life.

Unfortunately, I never had enough, only the effort of my body that was born with congenital weaknesses of the heart plus my talent that was lousy adding my lousy luck, every time I started with the effort I felt that nothing changed, that's why I was so excited to get to this world, a place full of possibilities to meet strong people further away from common sense and most importantly to have a body that was able to face those people, a perfect place, a perfect body and a superhuman effort that I want to create, I don't care about luck anymore, I will take everything I have in my heart, this horrible resentment I have for my old world, body and my weakness to exploit all the strength I can.

Breathe, watch, hit and run I don't know how to peel, but my brain makes me react, my blood makes me strong, I'll be 10 years old and soon stronger than anyone I know from my former world, I think I'm crying I don't know if it's from happiness or something else, but I think I have a big smile on my face right now.

A punch to the jaw as I ride on the tiger's back running after rolling on the ground my bestial feelings submerge my own reasoning, after what feels like an eternity, the tiger's heavy body I fall down as I watch the blood running down my nidgets and the giant scar running across me from my right neck to my left waist this fight is over. Running at full speed by the inertia of my body I rush to the place where Yujiro's screams are heard, after reaching the place I found Yujiro's body motionless next to the other tiger I run to take Yujiro and head to our cave to treat our wounds, I began to see blurred after returning lying down for a moment I think I see the figure of father outside and after closing my eyes I look forward to the next day.