
Another Genesis : Rise of Mankind

In a world were humanity is imprisoned within a colossal tower, a creation of the enigmatic entity known only as ARTIFICIAL. Society is stratified by class, with each floor of the tower representing a distinct social hierarchy. The upper floor are privileged by royal and elite, while those like Joseph, our determined protagonist, living at the lowest levels in underground. Joseph's always dreamed to become a mech pilot, a prestigious occupation coveted even by those in the lowest rungs of society. Despite his daily job as a junk collector. He secretly collecting a discarded parts. With an unyielding spirit, Joseph assembles his own mech from the junk part. However, his joy is short-lived when his creation refuses to activate. The next day, Joseph returns to the garbage-strewn depths of the lower levels, he found a mysterious core, named ‘GENESIS’ and Joseph put this artifact into his mech and it’s finally activated. The next day Joseph decide to take a first ride to hone his piloting skills. Joseph had a childhood friend named Erina. Erina who secretly had a deep affection for him but sadly Joseph his passion for machines often blinds him to the affections of his childhood friend, Erina. Joseph's unwavering honesty and dedication, however, only serve to deepen Erina's feelings. Their lives take an unexpected turn when the next day turns out to be Erina birthday, Joseph offers her to ride with him through the sky as a special gift. Their celebration are interrupted by the mech security forces, who warned them, that lower-class citizens such as Joseph and Erina should never control mechs. At night while Joseph in his garage a place where his build a mech, Joseph met an mysterious oldman self-proclaimed once reached the surface of the ARTIFICIAL tower. The revelation he shares is nothing but the truth, the world they inhabit is an illusion, a fabricated construct within the tower. The mesmerizing sky above is merely a holographic mirage. As Joseph learned that the existence of "Sky Pillars," each representing a different level of the tower and connected like the rungs of a great ladder. To access these Sky Pillars and journey upwards, one must be a mech pilot. To obtain a mech pilot's license, Joseph must entering the test, the test including life-and-death trials within an arena. If the candidate survives they will earn the right to become a mech pilot. The path to uncovering the tower's mysteries and securing their freedom is fraught with peril, but Joseph bound by destiny to explore the ARTIFICIAL tower and discover the hidden truth.

azzamyani_97 · Sci-fi
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56 Chs


In the meeting, Joseph, William, and the Hell Brothers gathered with Eliza. She initiated the discussion, saying, "So, Hell Brothers, before we dive into our discussion, may I know which one of you is the eldest and the youngest? It would be more respectful if we knew your names."


The elder brother of the Hell Brothers, Asher, responded, "I'm the elder here, and my name is Asher. This is my younger brother, Felix. We're twins."


Eliza extended a welcoming gesture, saying, "Great, nice to meet you both. I'm Eliza, the founder of The Silver Prism. Welcome to our organization."


Eliza continued, asked Asher and Felix, "So, Asher,Felix were you hired by Goro Industry?"


Asher clarified, "Hired by Goro Industry? No, we're mercenaries hired by TheValkyrieSisters."


Eliza's expression shifted, showing she was processing this information. "I see..."


Asher continued, revealing a deeper layer to the situation. "The truth is, TheValkyrieSisters and Goro Industry are working together. They're trying to cover up Project Fortress VW-982 by attempting to sacrifice your mech pilot. They aim to frame the incident as a terrorist attack, all to make themselves appear innocent."


William chimed in, breaking the silence, "It seems that, thanks to that Worm, the massive mechanical creature, it inadvertently destroyed Fortress VW-982."


Joseph nodded in agreement, saying, "Yes, it was an unexpected turn of events."


Asher added, "Indeed, this means you are now safe from their slander and accusations."

"Looks like, Father was right," said William.


Eliza continued, "Yes, that's right thanks to your father's offering to assist us, we were able to avoid being falsely portrayed as terrorists by the media."


Eliza turned her attention to the Hell Brothers, Asher and Felix. "Do either of you have any information about Luther, the engineer from Goro Industry who was responsible for Fortress VW-982?"


Asher replied, "We know he was indeed responsible for the project, but he mysteriously went missing, and we're not sure about the details surrounding his disappearance. That's all the information we have regarding Luther."


Eliza nodded, taking note of the information. "Thank you for sharing that with us, Asher and Felix. Your insights have been valuable in uncovering the truth behind this mission. For now, you are welcome to stay here at The Silver Prism motherbase. We'll make sure your mechs are in top condition, and you can rest and recover."


As they were leaving the meeting room, Asher approached Joseph with a heartfelt expression. "Hey, Joseph."


Joseph turned to face him. "Yes?" he replied.


"I just... wanted to thank you for saving me and my brother. I owe you one," Asher said gratefully.


Joseph offered a warm smile. "It's okay. It was more of a gut feeling, you know? I couldn't just leave both of you to face that mechanical worm. It seemed like you wanted to live."


Asher nodded appreciatively. "Even though, during that time, I was your enemy, and we were hired to take you down, you still managed to save us."


Joseph remained silent for a moment, contemplating the turn of events, before responding with a friendly tone. "Well, I hope we can work together in the future."


They hands shake as a sign of mutual respect and understanding, laying the foundation for potential collaborations to come.


As William approached Joseph and said, "Hey, Joseph, wish me luck," Joseph replied with a simple, "Good luck."


William proceeded to the cafeteria, where he found Jennifer. He wasted no time and got straight to the point. "Hello, Jennifer. I have something to ask."


Jennifer, taken aback by the directness, replied, "Oh, hello, William. Sure, what is it?"


William, not known for his romantic finesse, decided to be straightforward. "Jennifer, what type of man do you like?"


Jennifer chuckled at the unexpected question. "My, my, what's all this sudden curiosity? Why do you ask?"


William, maintaining his direct approach, confessed, "I want to win your heart."


Jennifer paused for a moment, her expression thoughtful. "Why would you want to win my heart? I mean, as you can see... I'm in my late 30s, and I'm sorry, but maybe you'd be better off finding someone more suitable for you. You come from an elite family, and I'm not."


William, undeterred, responded, "I don't care about that, Jennifer. Age is just a number."


To break the silence, William continued, "It's okay if you need your time, Jennifer. No matter what, I will do my best to win your heart."


Jennifer sighed softly. "I appreciate your persistence, William."


William nodded, understanding her words. "Looks like I've got to go, Jennifer."


Jennifer inquired, "Where are you heading?"


"To my palace," William replied. "It seems my father's ship has arrived with his guards to escort me safely back home. By any chance, may fate bring us together one day, Jennifer."


"May you stay safe," said Jennifer with a faint smile.


William returned the smile. "Don't worry about me, Jennifer. I'm the man who's going to win your heart, and I'll always make sure I stay safe. Here's a pass card; if you ever want to visit me, use this pass. It will grant you access."


Jennifer accepted the pass card with a nod, her heart warmed by William's determination.


"My type of man is someone who's honest with himself, confident, and direct," Jennifer hinted.


Upon hearing this, William couldn't help but smile, feeling encouraged by her words.


As William left The Silver Prism, he finally returned to Lockhart Palace.


Meanwhile, Eliza and Jericho arrived at Commander Alexander's office to report about their findings during Fortress VW – 982 Operation.


"I've come to report, Commander," Eliza stated.


"Sure, please," replied Commander Alexander.


Eliza began, "About the Void War, it may be connected to an engineer named Luther."


"What do you mean?" inquired Commander Alexander.


Eliza continued, "During GENESIS' second operation at Fortress VW-982, when we hacked the terminal, we found a document about Luther. He went missing, and we don't know where he disappeared."


"I see... Can I see the details of your report?" requested Commander Alexander.


"Sure, Commander, here," Eliza handed over the full report.


Commander Alexander reviewed the report and said, "So, this Luther guy went missing. Perhaps we don't know what Goro Industry did to him. Okay, then I will assign some soldiers to investigate if they can find any clues."


"Commander, allow us to join the investigation," Eliza requested.


"Sure, you can join, with your help maybe the investigation would be much easier" replied Commander Alexander.


"Commander, this is Jericho, one of The Silver Prism's mech pilots. He will join your investigation regarding Luther," Eliza introduced.


"I see... Thank you, Eliza," said Commander Alexander.


Eliza continued, "Also, Commander, during the operation, The Hell Brothers informed us that Goro Industry and TheValkyrieSisters were attempting to slander us. They hired them to eliminate GENESIS and then told the media to portray it as a terrorist act."


"Showing its true face... huh. Please be more careful from now on, Eliza. I will also schedule a discussion regarding the sudden attack by that worm on Fortress VW - 982," said Commander Alexander.


"Understood, Commander. How did you know that Joseph was using the GENESIS core?" asked Eliza.


Commander Alexander explained, "Didn't you notice it? The GENESIS core transforms any mech it powers. Even a mech built from scratch can become something entirely new when equipped with the GENESIS core. It enhances speed and energy output, and its distinctive the color ruby energy glow sets it apart from other mechs."


"How did you know that?" asked Eliza.


Commander Alexander secretly bring out an old document and handed it to her. Eliza began reading about the GENESIS core. "I see... Commander, do you happen to know who the creator of the GENESIS core is?" she inquired.


"I don't know," Commander Alexander replied, "because the other documents related to it are missing. It's possible that The ARTIFICIAL destroyed them."


Late at night, while everyone else was asleep, Erina stayed with Joseph as he worked on repairing GENESIS. In the quiet of the moment, Joseph spoke up, "Tomorrow is a holiday for me. Would you like to go on a date with me? I want to spend time with you."


Erina smiled and replied, "Tomorrow? Sure, Joseph."


As they chatted, they were startled by GENESIS suddenly activating. Joseph exclaimed, "GENESIS?" while Erina asked, "What's going on, Joseph?"


Joseph replied with confusion, "I don't know, Erina. It just turned on by itself."


Joseph approached his mech, and the comm screen lit up with the word "GENESIS." Suddenly, lines of binary coding appeared on the screen.


"Whoa... what is this?" Joseph said in curiosity


As Erina also came to Joseph to see. "What language is that?" she asked.


Joseph replied, "It's a programming language, maybe it's trying to reprogram itself, I guess?"


Suddenly, GENESIS played an old recording footage of a video while Joseph and Erina watched in amazement. Joseph noticed something peculiar and pointed it out, saying, "Erina, look at the woman. She's wearing the same necklace as I am."


Erina pondered for a moment and then suggested, "Could it be... she's your real mother, Joseph? Maybe she's somehow related to GENESIS."


As they continued watching the recorded footage, the scenes showed a war-torn environment with Joseph's mother desperately trying to flee while holding a baby Joseph in her arms. Erina questioned, "A war?"


Joseph, absorbed in the memories of the past, replied, "may be it was The Void War. Mother was trying to keep me safe. But... where did she go?" The recorded footage depicted the chaos of battle between towering mechs and explosions in the background, leaving many questions unanswered.


The recorded scenes shifted once again, revealing another message from Joseph's mother. She appeared on the screen, her voice filled with emotion as she addressed her son, "Joseph, if you're watching this, it means you have the GENESIS core in your hands. Listen carefully, my dear son. You must use GENESIS for the greater good and never let The ARTIFICIAL take it. Please don't try to find me, for I may no longer be alive. Remember, Joseph, I love you deeply. You must find your father; he will guide you. GENESIS is the key to hope, for the sake of the world." Tears streamed down her face as she spoke these heartfelt words.


Joseph and Erina were deeply moved by the message, realizing the immense responsibility that now rested on Joseph's shoulders. As the recorded footage played on, Joseph and Erina were gripped by a sense of dread as they heard Joseph's mother scream, followed by the chilling sound of gunfire. It was a harrowing moment that left them both with a heavy heart, knowing the tragic fate that had befallen her.


With a heavy heart, Joseph uttered, "Mother... I never imagined that she had died, and I still have no clue about my father." Erina held his hand, offering silent comfort as they grappled with the emotional weight of the revelation.


Erina asked gently, "What are you going to do, Joseph?"


Joseph, still processing the overwhelming emotions, replied, "I don't know, Erina. This revelation has hit me hard, and I'm finding it difficult to accept."


Erina leaned against his side, offering solace, and said, "Some things take time, Joseph. Let's go to your room. I'll sleep with you tonight and provide comfort."


Joseph nodded gratefully, saying, "Yes, you're right. Thank you, Erina." They headed to his room, seeking solace in each other's presence.


Unbeknownst to Joseph and Erina, Eliza had secretly watched and listened to the recorded footage. She murmured to herself, "To think that Joseph's parents are connected to the creation of GENESIS... I need to find Luther, the engineer; he might be related to Joseph's family. Joseph... what a revelation for him. I'll have to make a report to Commander Alexander."


With these thoughts in her mind, Eliza decide to piece together the mysterious surrounding Joseph's past and the origins of GENESIS. By the first things is she must find Luther as fast she can.