
Another Genesis : Rise of Mankind

In a world were humanity is imprisoned within a colossal tower, a creation of the enigmatic entity known only as ARTIFICIAL. Society is stratified by class, with each floor of the tower representing a distinct social hierarchy. The upper floor are privileged by royal and elite, while those like Joseph, our determined protagonist, living at the lowest levels in underground. Joseph's always dreamed to become a mech pilot, a prestigious occupation coveted even by those in the lowest rungs of society. Despite his daily job as a junk collector. He secretly collecting a discarded parts. With an unyielding spirit, Joseph assembles his own mech from the junk part. However, his joy is short-lived when his creation refuses to activate. The next day, Joseph returns to the garbage-strewn depths of the lower levels, he found a mysterious core, named ‘GENESIS’ and Joseph put this artifact into his mech and it’s finally activated. The next day Joseph decide to take a first ride to hone his piloting skills. Joseph had a childhood friend named Erina. Erina who secretly had a deep affection for him but sadly Joseph his passion for machines often blinds him to the affections of his childhood friend, Erina. Joseph's unwavering honesty and dedication, however, only serve to deepen Erina's feelings. Their lives take an unexpected turn when the next day turns out to be Erina birthday, Joseph offers her to ride with him through the sky as a special gift. Their celebration are interrupted by the mech security forces, who warned them, that lower-class citizens such as Joseph and Erina should never control mechs. At night while Joseph in his garage a place where his build a mech, Joseph met an mysterious oldman self-proclaimed once reached the surface of the ARTIFICIAL tower. The revelation he shares is nothing but the truth, the world they inhabit is an illusion, a fabricated construct within the tower. The mesmerizing sky above is merely a holographic mirage. As Joseph learned that the existence of "Sky Pillars," each representing a different level of the tower and connected like the rungs of a great ladder. To access these Sky Pillars and journey upwards, one must be a mech pilot. To obtain a mech pilot's license, Joseph must entering the test, the test including life-and-death trials within an arena. If the candidate survives they will earn the right to become a mech pilot. The path to uncovering the tower's mysteries and securing their freedom is fraught with peril, but Joseph bound by destiny to explore the ARTIFICIAL tower and discover the hidden truth.

azzamyani_97 · Sci-fi
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56 Chs

Land of Dogma

As they were led through the majestic palace by Black Queen's butler, the group couldn't help but feel awestruck by the grandeur of their surroundings. Every corridor they passed, every intricately designed room they entered, seemed to be pulled straight from a bygone era of elegance and mystery. The gothic architecture and opulent decorations spoke of a history steeped in power and tradition.

Their wonderment only grew as they finally arrived at the throne hall, where Black Queen awaited them. The sight of her sitting upon her throne, radiating an aura of authority and grace, left them feeling both intimidated and captivated.

As the group bowed before Black Queen, Eliza maintained her composure, speaking with respect and courtesy. "My Queen, I apologize for asking, but what is your intention in bringing us here?"

Black Queen, her masked visage giving nothing away, replied with a hint of solemnity in her voice. "Eliza of the Silver Prism, I have long awaited this opportunity to speak with you."

There was a moment of anticipation as Black Queen gathered her thoughts before continuing. "With the presence of Scarlett, the daughter of the Crimson Queen, and the Lockhart family represented by William, I extend an invitation to you, Eliza of the Silver Prism. Join me."

Eliza's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected invitation, her mind racing with questions and uncertainties about what this alliance could mean.

Eliza's curiosity piqued at Black Queen's words, her mind swirling with questions about the implications of such an alliance. "What is the reason you want us to join forces with you?" she inquired, her tone respectful yet inquisitive.

Black Queen's response carried an air of authority and knowledge that left Eliza momentarily stunned. "I am well aware of the Silver Prism's reputation, Eliza, and your collaboration with Mr. President," she stated with confidence.

Standing from her throne, Black Queen continued, her words holding a promise of safety and intrigue. "Fear not, for if you align with me, I can assure your protection. Furthermore, I am particularly interested in the potential of GENESIS. The man behind it holds a pivotal role in shaping the future of our world."

Eliza's mind raced as she considered Black Queen's proposition, weighing the potential benefits and risks of such an alliance.

Black Queen's words hung heavily in the air, casting a pall of tension over the assembled group. Eliza felt a shiver run down her spine as she processed the gravity of the situation. "Joining an alliance with Black Queen could offer protection and power, but at what cost?" she pondered silently.

Hermann's voice broke through the tense atmosphere, his tone edged with caution. "And what if we are unable to keep this secret?" he inquired, his eyes fixed on Black Queen.

Approaching him with an air of authority, Black Queen's response was chillingly matter-of-fact. "Then you will be of no use to me," she declared, her words carrying a weighty implication. "I will have no qualms about eliminating you, or even wiping out the entire City of Utopia."

The group recoiled at the severity of Black Queen's ultimatum, their expressions a mixture of shock and apprehension. The stakes had never been higher, and the decision they faced was fraught with peril.

Eliza's decision weighed heavily on her, but she knew that aligning with Black Queen might offer the best chance for survival against the relentless pursuit of the Black Hound. "Looks like we have no choice," she conceded, her voice tinged with resignation. "I, Eliza the Silver Prism, will join the alliance with you."

Black Queen's expression remained inscrutable as she acknowledged Eliza's decision. "Very well. We are done talking," she declared, her tone final. "You may rest here. My butler will provide a room for each of you."

As Black Queen turned her attention to Joseph, Erina and Scarlett exchanged concerned glances. Joseph reassured them with a confident smile. "Don't worry about me," he assured them. "I'll come to both of you later, alright?"

As Joseph entered the room, a sense of apprehension tugged at his thoughts, unsure of what awaited him in this private audience with the enigmatic Black Queen. The door swung open, revealing Black Queen seated gracefully on the balcony, her presence commanding yet shrouded in mystery. Taking a seat opposite her, Joseph accepted the cup of tea offered to him, its fragrant steam rising gently into the air.

Joseph took a cautious sip of the tea, allowing its rich aroma to envelop his senses. As the distinct flavor of Black Rose tea filled his mouth, he couldn't help but be intrigued by its unique taste. "This tea... it's different," he remarked, his curiosity piqued. "It has a strong aroma and a subtle sweetness."

Black Queen nodded in acknowledgment of his observation. "Indeed, it is Black Rose tea," she confirmed, her tone calm and composed.

Black Queen continued, her tone calm yet laced with an air of authority, "Anyway, Joseph, how did a man like you come to possess GENESIS?"

Joseph, taken aback by her knowledge of his name, hesitated before responding, "Wait... How do you know my name?"

Black Queen's words hung in the air, carrying a weight that Joseph couldn't ignore. "I know everything about you and the Silver Prism," she stated, her voice unwavering. "After you rescued Crimson Queen's daughter Scarlett, the two of you, along with Erina, became a family. Your foster mother, Jennifer, has been looking after you."

Black Queen's knowledge sent a shiver down Joseph's spine, stirring a mix of awe and unease within him. As she spoke with such familiarity about his past, Joseph couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability, as if his every secret lay exposed before her piercing gaze.

With a deep breath, Joseph gathered his thoughts and continued, his voice tinged with a blend of wonder and uncertainty. "I've always been drawn to mechs, to the thrill of piloting, but my journey to become a mech pilot was fraught with challenges. It was only when I stumbled upon GENESIS's core, hidden among the junk parts, that my dreams began to take shape. Little did I know then the path it would lead me down..."

Black Queen's question pierced the air, her gaze fixed on Joseph with intense curiosity. "I see, Joseph, with GENESIS beside you, what is your reason? What do you aim for?"

Joseph felt a surge of determination coursing through him as he met Black Queen's eyes. "Reaching the SURFACE," he declared, his voice firm and resolute. It was a simple yet powerful statement, echoing his unwavering resolve to achieve his ultimate goal.

Black Queen under her mask, she was momentarily taken aback, her silence filled with contemplation. After a beat, she responded "What fate imposes, that men must needs abide; it avails not to resist both wind and tide."

Black Queen continued, her tone solemn yet tinged with a hint of urgency, "Facing the ARTIFICIAL won't be a simple task, Joseph. You may find yourself pitted against not just one enemy, but the entire world itself. Are you prepared to bear that burden?"

Joseph fell into a contemplative silence, his mind grappling with the weight of Black Queen's words. After a moment of reflection, he spoke, his voice steady yet infused with determination, "I don't mind at all. As long as the path I've chosen leads to a better future, I'll give it my all. And I have them," he gestured subtly, a faint glimmer of trust in his eyes, "I believe they'll never betray me." His words resonated with a quiet resolve, a commitment to his ideals and the unwavering trust he placed in his companions.

Before ending the conversation Black Queen replied, "Indeed, anyway our conversation is done. I'm sure those two are awaiting you, Joseph."

As Joseph rise from his chair, a sense of relief washed over him, mingled with a lingering curiosity about Black Queen's true intentions. "Thank you," he replied respectfully, acknowledging the end of their conversation. With a nod of farewell, he turned to leave, his mind already wandering to the awaiting between Scarlett and Erina.

Before he could step away, Black Queen's voice stopped him in his tracks, her words carrying a hint of mystery. "When you have the time, feel free to visit again," she offered, her invitation.

With a polite nod, Joseph left the room, where Erina and Scarlett were waiting for him by the front door. Greeted by their concerned faces, he couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his heart.

"Honey... are you alright?" Erina's voice was filled with genuine concern, her eyes searching his for any signs of distress.

Scarlett's worry mirrored Erina's as she added, "Dear, is everything alright?" Her brows furrowed with concern, she reached out to gently touch his arm.

Joseph couldn't help but smile at their caring gestures. "Don't worry, everything is fine," he reassured them, his voice steady and calm. In that moment, surrounded by the two most important women in his life, Joseph felt a deep sense of gratitude and comfort.

As the three of them walked through the corridor, Joseph broached the topic, "You know... it feels like the Black Queen is alone."

Erina inquired, "What do you mean?"

Joseph elaborated, "The way she was conversing with me, and before I left her room, she mentioned that if I have time, I'm welcome to visit her."

Scarlett chimed in, "Maybe the three of us can pay her a visit?"

Erina nodded in agreement, "Right?"

Outside the palace, Eliza hastily reached out to the Mr. President, relief washing over her as he answered the call. "Eliza, where have you been? Is everything alright?"

With a reassuring tone, Eliza responded, "Yes, everything is alright. We managed to escape from the Black Hound, thanks to the intervention of the Black Queen."

Curiosity tinged the President's voice as he continued, "Black Queen? I see... Anyway, as long as you're safe, I'm glad."

Eliza pressed on, "I'll send the report for further analysis."

The President nodded, his voice carrying a sense of assurance, "Yes, I'll await the report. I'll ensure the necessary resources are allocated."

As Hermann and Malek approached her, Eliza's stoic demeanor remained unchanged. "Hey, Eliza," Hermann greeted.

Eliza nodded in acknowledgment. "Hey, it's been a long time, Hermann."

Hermann noted, "Yeah, it's been a long time since the days we were trained under him," nodding towards the direction of Commander Alexander's quarters. "Anyway, I never thought that you were the founder of Silver Prism. You know, the day after our graduation, you decided to cut off contact with everyone."

With a calm expression, Eliza retrieved a cigarette and a lighter from her pocket, igniting the flame. She took a drag, exhaling slowly. "You know me well, Hermann. I had my reasons for doing that. I'm not exactly a social person. I was born for a mission, and that's the role I embrace."

Hermann's tone softened as he delved deeper into the conversation. "So, that's why you left Aiden, right? After he accomplished everything, you left him?"

Eliza's gaze remained steady as she responded. "Yes, and I know he had feelings for me. I didn't want to ruin his life."

There was a hint of sadness in her voice, reflecting the weight of her decision and the emotions involved. Despite her stoicism, the depth of her feelings was palpable in the subtle nuances of her expression and tone.