
Another Genesis : Rise of Mankind

In a world were humanity is imprisoned within a colossal tower, a creation of the enigmatic entity known only as ARTIFICIAL. Society is stratified by class, with each floor of the tower representing a distinct social hierarchy. The upper floor are privileged by royal and elite, while those like Joseph, our determined protagonist, living at the lowest levels in underground. Joseph's always dreamed to become a mech pilot, a prestigious occupation coveted even by those in the lowest rungs of society. Despite his daily job as a junk collector. He secretly collecting a discarded parts. With an unyielding spirit, Joseph assembles his own mech from the junk part. However, his joy is short-lived when his creation refuses to activate. The next day, Joseph returns to the garbage-strewn depths of the lower levels, he found a mysterious core, named ‘GENESIS’ and Joseph put this artifact into his mech and it’s finally activated. The next day Joseph decide to take a first ride to hone his piloting skills. Joseph had a childhood friend named Erina. Erina who secretly had a deep affection for him but sadly Joseph his passion for machines often blinds him to the affections of his childhood friend, Erina. Joseph's unwavering honesty and dedication, however, only serve to deepen Erina's feelings. Their lives take an unexpected turn when the next day turns out to be Erina birthday, Joseph offers her to ride with him through the sky as a special gift. Their celebration are interrupted by the mech security forces, who warned them, that lower-class citizens such as Joseph and Erina should never control mechs. At night while Joseph in his garage a place where his build a mech, Joseph met an mysterious oldman self-proclaimed once reached the surface of the ARTIFICIAL tower. The revelation he shares is nothing but the truth, the world they inhabit is an illusion, a fabricated construct within the tower. The mesmerizing sky above is merely a holographic mirage. As Joseph learned that the existence of "Sky Pillars," each representing a different level of the tower and connected like the rungs of a great ladder. To access these Sky Pillars and journey upwards, one must be a mech pilot. To obtain a mech pilot's license, Joseph must entering the test, the test including life-and-death trials within an arena. If the candidate survives they will earn the right to become a mech pilot. The path to uncovering the tower's mysteries and securing their freedom is fraught with peril, but Joseph bound by destiny to explore the ARTIFICIAL tower and discover the hidden truth.

azzamyani_97 · Sci-fi
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56 Chs

Fortress VW-982

As Eliza returned, she entered the cafeteria where Joseph, Jennifer, and Erina were enjoying their meal. With a subtle gesture, she beckoned for them to follow her. The three of them set aside their plates and obediently trailed behind Eliza.


They followed her down, until they entered a room. When entered the room Joseph, Jennifer, and Erina couldn't help but gasp in amazement as they took in the sight before them.


"What is this, boss?" Joseph marveled, his eyes observing the room's lush, green surroundings.


Eliza smiled, a rare display of warmth on her usually stoic face. "This room is more like a garden," she explained.


Erina's curiosity got the better of her. "A garden? What's that?"


"These are strawberries," Eliza replied, gesturing to a cluster of vibrant red fruits hanging from their vines.


"Strawberries? Are these plants real?" Joseph asked in astonishment.


Eliza nodded. "Yes, these plants are real. We secretly acquired the seeds during a previous operation before you joined us, and they can also be found on the black market."


"The black market?" Joseph inquired.


Eliza elaborated, "Yes, the black market deals in illegal trafficking and trade of officially controlled or scarce commodities. Even the ARTIFICIAL know about the market and we manage to avoid from them."


Joseph couldn't resist his curiosity any longer. "Can I taste one?"


"Of course," Eliza replied with a nod.


Joseph, Jennifer, and Erina each plucked a strawberry and took a bite. The flavor exploded on their taste buds, and they exchanged astonished glances.


"The strawberries we knew... compared to these, the taste is completely different," Joseph remarked.


"That's because these are real strawberries. The food you've been eating, created by the ARTIFICIAL, mimics the taste but can never truly replicate it," Eliza explained.


Eliza received a call on her phone, and after a brief conversation, she turned her attention back to Joseph. "Joseph, we have another mission. Come to my office," she instructed.


Joseph followed Eliza to her office, where she began to brief him on the new assignment. "Our next mission is from TheValkyrieSisters," Eliza explained as she played a recorded audio message from the organization.


"The Silver Prism, the objective of this mission is to launch a covert operation against Fortress VW-982, a highly secure Goro Industry stronghold that operates independently with advanced AI-controlled security systems. Early intelligence reports suggest that once the fortress is fully operational, it will be impervious to human infiltration. Currently, the facility operates at partial capacity, guarded by an intricate network of surveillance drones and autonomous security mechs.  In order to access the facility undetected, our reconnaissance team will need to implement an intricate hacking plan. Your mission is to locate the fortress, infiltrate its security systems, and engage any security elements you encounter. Take care not to be discovered before reaching the heart of the fortress. This mission requires exceptional skill and precision. Good luck,"


Eliza leaned back in her chair, her fingers tapping thoughtfully on her desk. "It seems like they're planning to turn on each other,"


Eliza leaned forward, her expression stern and focused. "This fortress, VW-982, holds something incredibly valuable. TheValkyrieSisters are trying to sabotage it, and I don't trust their intentions. TheValkyrieSisters they might be hold somethings. In this mission Jericho will join you Joseph"


Eliza's phone rang again, and she swiftly answered, her tone guarded. "Yes?"


A deep, authoritative voice came through the line. "This is Lionel from the Lockhart Family. I am aware of TheValkyrieSisters' request for The Silver Prism's involvement in Fortress VW-982. I propose that we collaborate and assist you in this mission. Our resources and expertise could be invaluable to ensure the success of this operation, The Silver Prism."


Eliza listened carefully, contemplating the offer made by Lionel Lockhart, the patriarch of the Lockhart Family, whose reputation for power and influence was widely known. She glanced at Joseph, considering the implications of this unexpected alliance.


Eliza's curiosity got the better of her, and she inquired further. "What is the reason for your family's sudden interest in assisting us?"


Lionel Lockhart's voice remained steady as he responded, "We have our sources within TheValkyrieSisters. We are well aware of their intentions and plans. They have requested the aid of a private organization like The Silver Prism for this mission. We believe they may have ulterior motives, ones that could potentially tarnish The Silver Prism's reputation."


Eliza considered this information carefully, understanding that this mission had more layers of complexity than initially apparent.


"Very well, I will dispatch my pilot, codenamed GENESIS," Eliza confirmed.


Lionel Lockhart responded, "Acknowledged. Our pilot, codenamed BEOWULF, will join you on this mission."


Lionel Lockhart added, "BEOWULF will provide assistance to GENESIS discreetly, ensuring that TheValkyrieSisters remain unaware of our involvement. We will offer you our protection, The Silver Prism. Good luck."


As Joseph prepared for his second operation, Erina approached him with a concerned look in her eyes. She spoke softly, her voice filled with worry, "Joseph, please be careful with your mission. Promise me you'll come back safely."


Joseph offered her a reassuring smile, trying to ease her concerns. "Erina, you know I'll always do my best to come back safely. You don't have to worry too much."


With those words, Joseph entered his mech, ensuring that everything was in perfect working order. The mech was transported to the hangar bay, and as the countdown began— "3... 2... 1..." —Joseph's mech launched, propelling him into his second operation. Erina and Jennifer watched in silence, their hearts filled with hope and a silent prayer for his safe return.


When Joseph arrived at the location, he found himself greeted by BEOWULF, Joseph recognized him immediately and called out, "Code name GENESIS."


The pilot who turned out to be William, responded with equal surprise, "Is that you, Joseph?"


Joseph couldn't hide his astonishment. "William?"


William are surprise at the unexpected reunion. "Well, well, I didn't expect to be working with you. It seems you've become a mech pilot. Congrats. On you"


Eliza intervened with a brisk tone, breaking up the conversation. "So, it turns out you two know each other, huh, GENESIS? Well, that's enough chit-chat. Proceed with your mission."


William, piloting his mech BEOWULF, assured Joseph, "GENESIS, I'll provide you with cover." With that, William activated a cloaking mechanism, rendering his mech invisible to ensure that their client wouldn't notice his presence.


Eliza's voice came through Joseph's comm system, resolute and strategic. "GENESIS, TheValkyrieSisters will distract the security. When you spot an opportunity, take it and infiltrate the fortress."


With BEOWULF stealthily providing cover, Joseph bided his time, hidden from the fortress's watchful eyes. TheValkyrieSisters' diversionary tactics intensified, creating chaos on the outskirts of the stronghold. The security forces were drawn away, their attention fully occupied by the commotion.


As the confusion grew, Joseph seized the opportunity. With a burst of speed, he maneuvered his mech, GENESIS, toward the fortress, aiming for a concealed entry point that would allow him to slip inside undetected. The mission had entered a critical phase, and Joseph was determined to succeed at entry point.

With his mech safely inside the fortress, Joseph followed Eliza's guidance. He navigated through the dimly lit corridors, following the markers that led him to the elevator.


As Joseph approached the elevator, its doors slid open, revealing a compact chamber designed to accommodate a single mech. and the doors closed behind him. The elevator descending deeper of the fortress.


Eliza's voice crackled through Joseph's comm system as he stood within the dimly lit control room of the fortress. The air was thick with tension as he prepared to execute the next phase of the mission.


"GENESIS, proceed," Eliza's voice urged, her tone a mix of urgency and determination. "Take the data and hack the terminal. "

Joseph's gloved hands deftly worked on the control panel, interfacing with the fortress's mainframe. The screen before him displayed complex lines of code and security protocols. He typed rapidly, attempting to breach the fortress's defenses and extract the critical information. The data he sought could unveil secrets that might change the course of their world.


Amidst the complex hacking process, Eliza's voice broke through the over Joseph's comms system. "Let's see what we have here..." She continued, her tone tinged with intrigue, "The Fortress VW-982 was a project by an engineer named Luther... I see, maybe this guy might be knows about the Void War."


"The Void War?" Joseph echoed, momentarily distracted by the mention of those mysterious words.


"Yes, the Void War," said Eliza and she continued "Don't you remember during your first operation, the engineer who self-destructed? It's possible that this Luther is connected to the group of engineers who hold information about it."


"Let's delve deeper," Eliza's voice remained resolute as she delved further


"The Fortress VW-982 is slated to become a Goro Industry stronghold," Eliza continued, "It's not just any factory; it's designed for the mass production of AI-controlled mechs. During the void wars this project are on hold, after 25 years of the void war. The project begin were Goro Hasegawa, the founder of Goro Industry and Luther met the engineer named Titus."


The plot thickened as Eliza's narrative unfolded. "So, the engineer who self-destructed, the elusive Titus, was a pivotal figure. Titus accused Luther of attempting to sell sensitive data to the ARTIFICIAL, a charge that couldn't be taken lightly. Goro Hasegawa, alarmed by the implications, took decisive action. Faced with Goro Industry's influence and resources, Luther disappeared without a trace."


Eliza's eyes narrowed as she sifted through the digital archives, unearthing another document that added further layers of complexity to the narrative.


"And there's more," she revealed, "It appears that, upon the completion of Fortress VW-982, the AI-controlled mechs are coded to construct a powerful nuclear reactor. This reactor holds the potential to shift the balance of power, granting humanity a formidable weapon against the ARTIFICIAL. Titus, who once opposed the ARTIFICIAL, seems to have played a key role in this development."


Eliza's brows furrowed as she pondered the perplexing puzzle. "So the underground bunker during your first operation are related to Goro Industry as well… it's seem there is another private organization are in serving under Goro Indsutry"


Eliza's voice, now filled with a sense of urgency, urged him forward. "That's all we have for now, GENESIS. It's time to breach the terminal"


As Joseph finally done. Suddenly he realized he was not alone in the control room. Two imposing mechs loomed before him, their pilots seemingly unfazed by his presence.


"Oh, there's an intruder," one of them remarked, curiosity lacing his words. "I've never seen a mech like that before."


His companion, seemingly the young, spoke with a determined tone. "What should we do with him, brothers?"


The eldest, made a swift decision. "We need to eliminate him."


Eliza's voice burst through Joseph's comm system, a lifeline in this dire situation. "GENESIS, this is Hell Brothers, the twins. To think Goro Industry hired mercenaries like them. They're dangerous. The best course of action is to retreat, GENESIS. These twins are not to be underestimated."


GENESIS maneuvered swiftly through the complex, the stolen data secure but the threat of the Hell Brothers hot on his tail. The twins were relentless, their mechs closing in with calculated precision. Joseph knew he had to find a way to shake them off.


As the chase continued, GENESIS expertly navigated the facility, utilizing its agility to evade the Hell Brothers' relentless pursuit. However, the twins were not to be underestimated; they matched every evasive maneuver with uncanny skill.


Suddenly, the younger Hell Brother unleashed a barrage of missiles, aiming to corner GENESIS. Joseph manage dodged the deadly projectiles.


The sudden turn of events gave Joseph a glimmer of hope in the midst of his intense struggle. As the younger Hell Brother's mech recoiled from the damage to its arm, William's BEOWULF made its presence known. The elder Hell Brother's realization that they were no longer facing GENESIS alone sent a shiver down his spine.


In response to William's appearance, the elder Hell Brother grumbled, "Brothers?! I see... you are not alone this time, huh?"


William's voice cover the comm, a reassuring presence for Joseph. "GENESIS, to think that you wanted to eat alone, huh? Watch my back, and I'll watch yours." William joined Joseph against Hell Brothers.