
Another Genesis : Rise of Mankind

In a world were humanity is imprisoned within a colossal tower, a creation of the enigmatic entity known only as ARTIFICIAL. Society is stratified by class, with each floor of the tower representing a distinct social hierarchy. The upper floor are privileged by royal and elite, while those like Joseph, our determined protagonist, living at the lowest levels in underground. Joseph's always dreamed to become a mech pilot, a prestigious occupation coveted even by those in the lowest rungs of society. Despite his daily job as a junk collector. He secretly collecting a discarded parts. With an unyielding spirit, Joseph assembles his own mech from the junk part. However, his joy is short-lived when his creation refuses to activate. The next day, Joseph returns to the garbage-strewn depths of the lower levels, he found a mysterious core, named ‘GENESIS’ and Joseph put this artifact into his mech and it’s finally activated. The next day Joseph decide to take a first ride to hone his piloting skills. Joseph had a childhood friend named Erina. Erina who secretly had a deep affection for him but sadly Joseph his passion for machines often blinds him to the affections of his childhood friend, Erina. Joseph's unwavering honesty and dedication, however, only serve to deepen Erina's feelings. Their lives take an unexpected turn when the next day turns out to be Erina birthday, Joseph offers her to ride with him through the sky as a special gift. Their celebration are interrupted by the mech security forces, who warned them, that lower-class citizens such as Joseph and Erina should never control mechs. At night while Joseph in his garage a place where his build a mech, Joseph met an mysterious oldman self-proclaimed once reached the surface of the ARTIFICIAL tower. The revelation he shares is nothing but the truth, the world they inhabit is an illusion, a fabricated construct within the tower. The mesmerizing sky above is merely a holographic mirage. As Joseph learned that the existence of "Sky Pillars," each representing a different level of the tower and connected like the rungs of a great ladder. To access these Sky Pillars and journey upwards, one must be a mech pilot. To obtain a mech pilot's license, Joseph must entering the test, the test including life-and-death trials within an arena. If the candidate survives they will earn the right to become a mech pilot. The path to uncovering the tower's mysteries and securing their freedom is fraught with peril, but Joseph bound by destiny to explore the ARTIFICIAL tower and discover the hidden truth.

azzamyani_97 · Sci-fi
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56 Chs


The sign language interpreter arrived, introduced as Abu by one of the mysterious figures.As Abu approached Felix, they exchanged glances, and Felix pretended to communicate through fake sign language. When Felix finished, the mysterious figure asked, "What did he say, Abu?"

Abu decide to play along and following Felix's lead with false sign language, replied, "Both of them are from Zone 1. They arrived through this route illegally."

The mysterious figure responded, "I see, low-class humans trying to change their lives. Anyway, I don't think you deserve to live, after overhearing our conversation earlier." He aimed his gun at Asher and Felix.

But just before he could fire, Joseph and William leaped into action, surprising the group by descending from the building above.

With swift precision, Joseph and William managed to incapacitate a few of the mysterious figures. "Joseph, William, you came!" exclaimed Asher in surprise.

Felix asked, "How did you know we were here?"

"It was thanks to the bartender," replied William and Joseph in unison.

"I see... well, looks like you decided to wear that," Asher remarked, noticing William's pink shirt and yellow slacks.

"Haha, we don't have time for this," replied William.

Joseph interrupted, "Looks like there are many of them."

"Don't worry, I've got another technique. I believe we can do this," assured Felix.

"What is it?" inquired William.

As Asher and Felix swiftly stated, "Are you ready for this?"

Joseph, confused, replied, "Huh?"

Without waiting for an explanation, Asher and Felix dashed away, prompting William to exclaim, "Gosh, you guys are the worst!" and join in the escape alongside Joseph.The group of mysterious figures immediately gave chase, intensifying the pursuit.

As they raced through the streets, Eliza's voice echoed through their comm devices, "What's happening?"

Joseph quickly responded, "Seems like they've spotted us, but don't worry. We're heading back to the bartender. He might have more details.

"Eliza acknowledged, "I see. Be careful, and ensure you evade capture."

The bustling bazaar transformed into a frenzied chase scene as Joseph, William, Asher, and Felix darted through the crowded marketplace.

The mysterious figures pursued them, blending within the throng of people."Over there! Don't let them escape!" echoed a voice amidst the chaos.

The quartet maneuvered between the stalls, leaping over vendors' stands, and ducking under hanging fabrics. William, clad in his unusual pink shirt and yellow slacks, stood out like a beacon in the sea of people.

"William, why did you choose that outfit?!" Joseph shouted as they zigzagged through the marketplace.

"I couldn't help it! If i choose to wear that wolf costume, it's hard for me to run!" William yelled back with a mix of exasperation and amusement.

As they burst out of the bazaar into the street, they found themselves in a maze of alleys. William spotted a series of low rooftops and pointed, "This way!"

Without hesitation, they bounded up crates, scaling walls, and leaping across rooftops. The figures, close behind, mirrored their moves, determined to close the distance.

"Up there!" Asher directed, spotting a higher vantage point, and they climbed a fire escape to a nearby building.

Felix glanced back, assessing the situation. "There's a park ahead; we might lose them there!"

As they descended from the building, they dashed towards the park, using every obstacle – benches, sculptures, and trees – to create distance and confusion. The figures followed suit, pushing their limits to keep pace.

As their finally succeed running away from the figures. Their decide to go to the bar, The Bartender helping them by hide them under hidden room are placed under the wine shelf.

As the figures stormed into the bar, tension swirled in the air, palpable as they interrogated the Bartender."Have you seen four people around here?" asked one of the figures, his voice edged with urgency.

The Bartender, cool and collected, raised an eyebrow. "Who exactly are you referring to?"

The figure described them: "A junk part collector, two merchants with turbans from Zone 1, and a man in a pink shirt and yellow slack labeled as a bad boy."

"I'm afraid I haven't noticed anyone fitting that description," the Bartender replied smoothly.

Desperate to find any trace of their targets, the figures turned to the patrons. "Anyone seen them?"

The patrons, as if scripted, answered in unison, "No!"

The Bartender, feigning innocence, spread his arms. "See for yourself. No one here has seen such individuals.

"The figures, frustrated yet seemingly convinced, exchanged doubtful glances.

"If you see them, notify us immediately," one of them commanded before leading the group out of the bar.

As the evening slipped into midnight, they patiently waited within the confines of the bar. When the last call was made and the customers departed, the Bartender made his way to the hidden door concealed beneath the wine shelf.

He opened it, revealing a secret passage where Joseph, William, Asher, and Felix awaited. "Safe and sound," said the Bartender .

Joseph nodded appreciatively. "We're grateful for your help. They would've caught up to us if not for your clever hiding spot."

William, curious about the Bartender's motives, asked, "What did the Crimson Queen do to you that made you want to help us?"

In response, the Bartender called for Abu, who stepped forward, revealing his identity. Asher and Felix were taken aback by the revelation."You're... " Asher exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, I was the sign language interpreter," Abu admitted. "But I realized you were faking it and decided to play along."

"Why?" asked Asher, intrigued.

"Because I don't like working with them," Abu explained. "I've secretly been working with the Bartender."

Felix nodded in understanding. "I see."

Abu continued, revealing his motivation. "The Bartender helped me. If it weren't for him, I would've ended up as a slave. He decided to buy me instead and set me free."

Joseph, moved by Abu's story, inquired further, "Do you happen to know where that group came from, Abu?"

Abu shook his head. "They're just a bunch of bandits, losers, really. But why do you ask?"

The Bartender chimed in, connecting the dots, "It seems that these bandits are linked to the disappearance of Princess Scarlett, the Crimson Queen's daughter."

William pressed, "Is there any information you can share with us about them?"

Abu leaned in, sharing what he knew, "Their hideout is quite distant from here, located in Zone 3."

Eliza's voice interrupted from afar, "Zone 3? Then we'll need to find an illegal route."

The Bartender intervened, cautioning, "The illegal route to Zone 3 is heavily guarded by these bandits. You'll need extensive preparation for an ambush if that's the route you plan to take."

Eliza expressed her gratitude, "Thank you both for sharing your information."

"Anytime," replied Abu and the Bartender.The Bartender led the way, guiding Joseph, William, Asher, and Felix through the hidden passage. Despite its narrowness, they managed to navigate it successfully.

As they finally reached the exit, the Bartender pointed to the door. "This is the way out."

Before they left, the Bartender added, "Please convey my thanks to the Crimson Queen. She knows me," he said with a smile.Joseph nodded gratefully as they stepped through the door, exiting the hidden route to continue their mission.

After Joseph, William, Asher, and Felix safely returned to the Silver Prism Motherbase, they engaged in a discussion with Eliza and Karina, the Crimson Queen."It seems we might have an idea about Princess Scarlett's location," mentioned William.

Eliza nodded, "It's possible the bandit leader holds that information."

Joseph agreed, "That's a possibility."

The Crimson Queen suggested, "Our best approach would be capturing their leader first."

"Absolutely," Eliza added.Concluding the briefing.

Eliza announced, "Our next operation is the Illegal Route Zone 3."