
Another cliché of global transmigration, but now I have money

(the MC will not have unique skill or system, he will not be the strongest, he will use money and only money, with money he will have strong equipment and many soldiers, unique buildings etc, in short just money) Damned humanity is totally transmigrated, each person is given a race and a small random territory, 1 month later everyone knows who is strong, people with strong races are already on the path of conquest, weak races are dead. Ezekiel received a race of medium strength and a shitty territory in a swamp, in 1 month he managed his territory well but was destined to live like a weak lord, after opening a common chest he received a unique animal egg, a goose that shits gold , earning 100,000 gold coins a day, he can now recruit troops non-stop and buy resources non-stop Your dark elves are the richest in the entire world

Marcelinho_Ggazeli · Fantasy
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4 Chs

dark elves will be the richest

A handsome black elf with white hair was sitting on top of the corpse of a huge crocodile, another 30 black elves skinning crocodiles on the sides.

His name is Ezekiel, he was just an ordinary citizen and an ordinary country on earth, when some idle god had the clichéd idea of ​​transmigrating all of humanity to a fantasy continent

His name is Ezekiel, he was just an ordinary citizen and an ordinary country on earth, when some idle god had the clichéd idea of ​​transmigrating all of humanity to a fantasy continent

Dark elves, the most beautiful and coolest race in fantasy, but the creator god of this fantasy world doesn't have that same opinion.

For some reason, dark elves only have A-level race potential, not strong, but not weak either, just common.

The happiness of becoming a dark elf faded, but after seeing the starting territory, he felt like killing himself.

swamp, its territory is located north of the black swamp

Now that 1 month has passed, people with strong races like dragons and angels already have a level 4 lord castle, while he has a level 2 castle

He managed his territory well, hunting crocodiles he has a lot of meat and leather, selling leather in the system to other lords, he became a leather merchant

He earns 1000 gold coins a week, his territory has 12 wooden houses, 2 archer towers, 1 barracks, 1 market, lord's castle level 2 and a wooden wall surrounding everything

"My lord, congratulations you have reached level 2" Lydia

A beautiful dark elf said, Lydia was the only elite level unit in Ezekiel's territory.

"Thank you Lydia, call the soldiers, it's getting late, let's go back home, we've already hunted a lot today" Ezequiel


[Name] Ezequiel Silva

[Race]: Dark Elf

[Class]: Archer

[Power]: Rank Lord, level 2

[Statistics] health = 1000, damage = 250-300, speed = 70-80, magic = 0

[Talent/skills] Eye of the archery, 2 arrows per shot

[Territory]: shadow castle

[Power]: Castle level 2

[Strength]: 100 elf villagers, common grade, level 1

20 Elf Lancers, Common grade, Level 1

50 elf archers, common grade, level 1

1 Special Elf Archer, Elite grade, Level 2 (Lydia)


shadow castle

"30 crocodile skin units, unfortunately all are level 1, but that's ok, I can get 30 gold coins from the market" Ezekiel

After counting the hunting gains, Ezequiel opened the system chat to sell the crocodile skin

[Chat channel]

merchant; Ezekiel

Items for sale; tier 1 crocodile leather, 30 units available

price; 1 gold coin per unit

"I'm going to take a shower now, after I sleep, I'm tired" Ezequiel whispers to himself

"My lord, you didn't open the chest that fell from the crocodile's corpse" Lydia enters the room carrying a small chest

"It's just a small common chest, in addition to a few dozen wood and stone, comes the basic equipment" Ezequiel

During this 1 month, Ezekiel hunted many crocodiles, he opened hundreds of these basic chests and nothing interesting comes

"My lord, don't give up so much, common chests are also magic, no one knows what may come" Lydia

"Lydia you are always very optimistic, alright" Ezequiel takes the small chest

* you opened a common chest, received;

25 wooden pieces, 25 stone pieces, 20 silver coins, 1 common sword, 1 common used boot, 1 random pet egg *

"1 egg? That's great, I read some reports in the regional chat, one lucky goblin got a baby elephant, lord grade, which animal will I get" Ezekiel finally smiles

Taking the egg in his hand, he drops a drop of blood, this is the way to hatch the egg and form a blood bond

* Ding ..... Congratulations, you have gained a single level animal, there is only 1 in the world, you have received it;

golden goose *

The egg broke, a fat golden goose came out

Ezequiel looked at that fat and fluffy animal, then he looked at the goose's panel, he couldn't believe what he saw

[Name] None yet

[Race] Golden Goose

[Statistics] 100 health, damage 0-2, speed 7, magic 0

[Talent / Skills] Golden Egg (1 time a day he poops 1 golden egg, 1 egg can be converted to 100,000 gold coins)

100,000 gold coins per day, even the strongest players in the world should earn about 5,000 gold coins per day, even the great seed and food merchant of the Fairy Race must not exceed 10,000 gold coins per day

"What the hell is this luck I've had, did some Chinese protagonist's soul invade my Western body?" Ezekiel

Taking the fat goose in his lap, Ezequiel hugs him as a father hugs his beloved child

"My little goose, his name will be Elon Musk, the former richest man in the world, now he will be the richest goose in the world" Ezequiel

Little Elon sways, apparently he liked the name

A golden egg comes out of Elon's ass, the egg is about 20cm long, fully golden

"Lydia, take little Elon, get him a room, he can eat whatever he wants, from today onwards Elon must be treated like a sacred animal in our territory" Ezekiel speaks

"Yes my Lord" Lydia is happy to hug the fat fluffy goose

*do you want to convert 1 golden egg into 100,000 gold coins?*

Holding the golden egg, Ezekiel receives a message from the system, without even thinking he accepts to convert

*you received 100,000 gold coins*

"Oh my god I'm rich I'm not the strongest but who cares I'm rich you bitch" Ezekiel screams with happiness

Ezequiel enters the market in the chat, just like a new millionaire he starts shopping

[chat channel]

item search = building plans

doing search......142 results, see;

merchant; Daniel

Item; 1 brothel building plan

price; 100 gold coins

merchant; Rita

item; 1 building plan, stone house

price; 120 gold coins

Ezequiel started looking for the best buildings, after a search he found

Merchant; Mikhail

item; 1 building plan, special unit barracks, snake men

price; 10 thousand gold coins

Merchant; Anushka

item; 1 building plan, cave of beasts

price; 10 thousand gold coins

Merchant; Akemi

Item; 1 building plan, miners' barracks

price; 15 thousand gold coins

Without even negotiating with the merchants, Ezekiel simply bought the 3 buildings

[chat channel]

item search = Equipment,

doing search ........... 343 results, see;

After filtering out the best ones, Ezekiel bought 2 Rare Level Bows for 5,000 Coins, 1 Rare Level Armor Set for 10,000 Coins

After buying the equipment, Ezekiel bought the resources needed for construction, 10,000 stone units, 10,000 wood units and 5,000 iron units, the price of iron is 1 unit for 1 gold coin, wood and stone are 2 units for 1 gold coin, ie Ezekiel spent 15,000 gold coins on resources

"Now I have money to upgrade my castle to level 3, recruit more troops and villagers, I'm not strong like a dragon or demon, but I will have the biggest army in the world and the best equipped" Ezekiel

"I will use money to earn a good living in this world"
