
Another Chance Please ... (based on true story)


I want to be successful but my circumstances and this world are creating difficulties for me.

I Can't give my name for some reasons but you can call me Malik. I was born on 17th February 1993 and I belong to a poor family. We are about 6 people including parents. My father spent his whole life in his big brother's curtains business. Because my grandmother told my father that don't leave this shop, this shop is your mother, that's why my father put his whole life in this shop. From the shop, father used to get 300 rupees per day, of which he kept fifty rupees and gave two and a half hundred rupees to my mother.

With the passage of time, my father age increased and his eyesight became weak, Due to his old age and weak eyesight, he was asked not to come to the shop. When father was banned, I used to get 12,500 from Job. On which I told my father that you will not give any answer, God willing, something will happen. We live in a rented house even today as I am writing this, August 16, 2022, we are still living in a rented house. I am the sole breadwinner in my household. The way it was done at shop, if you were to work anywhere else, you would make do everything there, They will also pick up sacks from my father and make him use brooms, that's why I forbade him to work. And he was not old enough to do all this, nor did he have that much power. For the last four years, my father have been at home and I am the sole earner. Keeping up with the household expenses is becoming more and more difficult in today's tough times. Around 15 December 2015, I got a job in a fast food company. And between 2017-18, father was unemployed. Even today, My father often cries while sleeping at night and regrets that I did not do anything for my children in my whole life.

And I don't have the courage to ask my father that I don't want anything from you father. For me to having you and my mother between us is nothing less than wealth.

And what you could not do, you will tell to Allah almighty and Allah will give me that. And most of all, my father worry about his daughters, where will their wedding expenses complete from?

One day I got courage and said to father that the one Allah who gave daughters has to do everything, don't worry and trust on Almighty.