
Wandering Remnant

Emerald and Pyrrha stood in front of a cave that was covered in pictures and was deciding whether or not to enter to see if the Forest Ruin was within. The mint-haired girl examined the drawings and made a note of one in particular.

" I think that represents a Death Stalker, a large one at that."

" Maybe there's one within the cave?"

The polite spartan suggested as she looked at her teammate, and Emerald shrugged as she answered.

" Maybe, maybe not; after all, we don't know how old these drawings are, and I'm no expert."

" Well, better safe than sorry, I say."

Pyrrha said, and her teammate agreed.

" Yeah, let's skip poking around in a dark cave that has who knows what inside."

The two girls decided not to take a chance and went back to searching for the ruins and relics, but within the cave, unbeknownst to them, something started to stir within the darkness.


Ruby and Weiss wandered the woods without a clear idea as to where the ruins may lay, and the little cookie monster decided to try to get to know her teammate.

" So Weiss... Why do you want to be a huntress?"

" To uphold my family legacy."

The snow princess answered curtly, and her teammate persisted in asking questions.

" What do you like to do in your free time? I like to study and research weapons."

" I either train, study, or enjoy a moment of quiet with a nice cup of coffee and occasionally sing."

" You can sing, cool! Silva is surprisingly a good singer. Maybe you two should try a duet?"

Weiss sent a glare toward Ruby and answered with a bit of venom.

" Not on my life will I ever consider doing anything with that womanizing rapscallion of a lech!"

" But you were at the picnic yesterday with everyone else. Aren't you a friend of his?"

" Why would I be friends with him!"

The little cookie monster looked at the snow princess in confusion and asked.

" Why don't you like him? He's a nice guy."

" That lech is seeing other women despite dating my sister!"

" Um, Silva does not start relationships with others unless they are fine with being part of his harem. So she should know and is alright with it, right?"

Weiss's glare intensified and shot back.

" I don't know what Winter sees in him. She can do better than that womanizer, and you are probably just defending him because you part of his harem!"

Ruby shook her head and then asked as she did not understand the problem.

" No, I am not, but Silva is my friend, and what's wrong with having a harem?"

" What's wrong? It's simple a harem is not normal in this day and age. Silva is nothing but a lying thief, and I will never understand why Winter goes along with him despite this."

" But harems were done in the past, right?"

Weiss snorted and told her teammate.

" The monarchy of the past had harems because they were royalty, and harems were promoted after the Great War to increase the Kingdoms' populations after the massive loss of life. But nowadays, monogamy is how things should be."

" Again, what is wrong with harems?"

Ruby asked as she did not understand Weiss's views as she thinks you love who you love, whether it be one person or more. The little cookie monster then had a look of realization and remembered the perfect word to describe the snow princess.

"You're a prude!"

" Excuse me! I am being realistic!"

Weiss bristled, and before she could go into a triad, Grimm appeared and started to surround them, and she growled as she drew her weapon.

" We are continuing this discussion later."

" You're still a prude."

Ruby replied as she took out Cresent Rose Mk.2 and immediately used her railgun to take down the largest Beowolf. As the snow princess got into her combat stance, the little red reaper used the quick boost thrusters on her scythe-railgun to close the distance quickly and bisect a few Grimm in a single swing. Weiss sent a surge of stone spikes at a concentration of Beowolfs, then created a sheet of ice around her. Ruby zipped around the battlefield to hack through the Grimm and then used her railgun to pierce through multiple monsters with a single shock and made sure to keep out of her new teammates way.

As the Beowolfs tried to reach the snow princess, they slipped on the ice, and she launched herself into the air with her Glyphs and then made rapid movements to pierce and stab the monsters. The little red reaper aimed for the furthest Grimm while keeping her distance from her new teammate and shot down several Beowolfs. Ruby and Weiss quickly finished up the remaining Grimm, and the snow princess said to the little red reaper tersely.

" You were... adequate."

Ruby rolled her eyes and retorted confidently.

" We kicked butt."


Blake and Yang walk through the woods, and unfortunately, the sunny little dragon is on a pun-ing spree.

" We should really LEAVE for the Forest Ruins. All these Grimm are all BARK and no bite, but what can you do?"

The ninja catgirl was silently questioning her life choices as she was making a note of her surroundings while trying to ignore her teammate's terrible puns. Yang decided to change topics since she wasn't getting a reaction out of Blake.

" So, since you were at the picnic yesterday, you know Silva?"

" He helped me out."

The ninja catgirl said plainly, and she asked in return.

" How do you know him?"

" That's... Complicated. But my and Silva's awkward relationship aside, you said he helped you out?"

" He helped me reconnect with my parents after I made some choices I had come to regret."

The sunny little dragon asked without thought.

" He's f*cking your mom too!?"

" What!?"

Blake stopped and looked at Yang in surprise. The sunny little dragon looked away as she realized what she had asked while looking a bit sheepish. The ninja catgirl stared at her teammate, wanting answers, and Yang scratched the back of her head before deciding to come clean as she sighed.

" I guess you can say he helped me reconnect with my mom after she separated from me and... My dad. So I assumed, considering..."

" Silva and your mom?"

" Yeah..."

An awkward silence descended on the two as they made their way to the Forest Ruin, which Blake was thankful for as she did not listen to any of Yang's puns. Unfortunately, that did not last long, as the sunny little dragon asked.

" So is Silva... With your mom..."

" No."

The ninja catgirl coldly replied. Yang dropped the matter and went back to fill her day with as many puns as possible much to Blake's annoyance, but she will grow numb to her teammate's antics... Eventually.


Ilia had the strangest feeling she should send a prayer for Blake's well-being for some reason. She could not of a reason she would feel like that as she knew her crush was more than strong enough to handle any Grimm in the Emerald Forest. The chameleon girl's urges aside, her thoughts are on the group she was with was mixed at least. Her teammate Neopolitan was a prankster that loved to mess with people with her Semblance that, could create solid illusions, and nearly scared her to death when they first met.

Then there were the two beautiful faunus girls that were clinging to a giant snow leopard faunus man, Silva, whom she knew of already, and the human woman that seemed a few years too old to join Beacon. Both were exotic and charming in their own ways. Argint gave a mature and demure impression to Ilia despite her slender figure and felt the need to protect her at first, but it was unnecessary as the vampire bat girl could use a large, heavy spear to tear through Grimm with ease.

Luna gave Ilia the impression of a wild but restrained girl that was a bit crazy in a good way, of course. The white wolf girl followed the snow leopard man like a puppy, and she felt a bit envious of Silva that he could, without shame, scratch her wolf ears. The chameleon girl wanted to do such an intimate action with Blake as scratch her cute cat ears while in private. Ilia was not sure of Cinder since the fiery woman hung back to observe her teammate from a small distance to get a feel for him.

The chameleon girl then focused on Silva and had mixed feelings about him. On the one hand, he helped Blake reconnect with her parents and also made her realize what sort of person Adam Taurus was and left him with her to go to Beacon together. On the other hand, she noticed that her crush was developing a crush on the snow leopard man, but she refused to give up on Blake and get the ninja catgirl to see her as more than a friend.

For now, she needs to bide her time and ask Blake on not date, date this upcoming weekend.


Now, we should be reaching for the forest ruins soon, and I can see who is paired up with who is on what team. Will Team RWBY come into existence despite the butterfly effects I have undoubtedly caused, or will something crazy happen? Either way, it will be interesting.