
Violent Orange

" Specialist-in-training Winter Schnee and Guest Student Silva Branwen, please report to the headmaster's office."

Winter looked at me and asked with narrowed eyes.

" What did you do this time?"

" Nothing recent."

I replied to the ice queen's query calmly and got up to make my way to Tindick's office. Soon Winter and I reached the headmaster's office, and we weren't alone. There were three others, aside from the general in the office, which I recognized. Clover, Vine, and Elm from the Ace-Ops, and I already guessed and hoped why I was summoned here. James Ironwood greeted us.

" Welcome, Schnee and Silva."

" General, Sir!"

Winter saluted the general, and I joked.

" What the problem is... Winter made me do it!"

The ice queen elbowed my ribs while not looking amused at my antics which made me grin. James smirked at our interaction and asked me.

" What do you think of Atlas Academy?"

" Still prefer Beacon over this military school."

This made the general frown, and he went straight to business.

" With the pleasantries out of the way, we can get started but first. Schnee, you are dismissed."

" By your orders General."

Winter left as she followed her orders and gave me a slight nod to say goodbye, which I returned with one of my own. Next, James brought up a holographic display and told everyone why they were brought here.

" I have a mission for all of you. As most of you know, Atlas imports most of its foodstuffs from Anima, and recently this supply train has been disrupted by bandits as of late. Ordinarily, the regular Atlas garrisons should be able to handle a bandit tribe but look at this."

A video started being played in front of everyone; there were explosions, flashes of elemental blasts from Dust, and lots of screaming. As the video played, it soon changed from a bandit attack to a Grimm attack which wiped out the remaining forces, and the video soon ended. I considered what I had just seen and made the conclusion that the attack didn't make any sense from what my experience as a bandit told me. James made an order that sounded like a query.

" What are your thoughts on the matter?"

The Ace-Ops looked at me appraisingly, and the general awaited my answer.

" No bandit tribe should have that amount of ordnance by any means, and most tribes give Atlesian escorts a wide berth as it usually isn't worth the risk or effort to attack a convoy guarded by them. The losses would outweigh the gains."

James nodded at my answer and ordered everyone in the room.

" I concur; with this in mind, I want the four of you to work together to find these bandits and eliminate them."

Clover then interjected.

" Permission to speak freely, sir?"

" Granted."

" While I understand why you summoned the Ace-Ops for this mission, I am curious about our tag-along."

The general looked at Clover and then answered as he gestured towards me.

" This is Silva Branwen, a former member of the Branwen Bandit Tribe and your guide for tracking down these bandits seeing how our forces stationed in Mistral are unable to find them despite their best efforts."

James looked at the rest of the people in the office and asked.

" Any other questions?"

No one said anything, and the general dismissed everyone.

" Good, you will leave within the hour."


Sienna Kahn went over the checklists and reports on the White Fang's movements for their new initiative and asked her captains.

" Is everything on schedule?"

" All the supplies have been prepared and shipped, High Leader."

" Our brothers and sisters will be in position by the end of the month."

All the captains of the White Fang gave their confirmations on how the plan was proceeding, and she told them.

" Good, soon the humans will learn that the faunus are done being pushed around and are going to push back from now on!"

All the captains nodded in agreement, and a number of them were smiling at what was to come. The High Leader then said with a serious look.

" By the end of the month, everyone will know the White Fang's change in policy, and we will get the respect we deserve!"

The captains cheered at the thought of finally bringing change for the faunus, and Sienna raised her hand to silence them, then said.

" I will see all of you in Atlas."

The High Leader and Captains dispersed to make the final preparations for their massive operation; one captain, Adam Taurus, went to meet with his two lieutenants, Ripper and Blake Belladonna. The ninja cat girl had her nose buried in a book and heard Adam come in, then exclaimed.

" Adam!"

The bull faunus smiled at his semi-girlfriend and told her, along with his other lieutenant.

" Soon, Atlas will pay for what they've done to the faunus!"

Blake hesitantly nodded as Adam continued.

" Especially the Schnee Dust Company, as they will learn they can not oppress the faunus any longer!"

The ninja cat girl interjected while looking nervous.

" Adam, I heard the SDC underwent some changes, and they might be..."

" Blake, I know you don't relish violence but don't be fooled by those so-called changes that Schnee b*tch has put forth; they are trying to get the faunus to lower their guards to make the transition of power smoother. Mark my words, if not for the plan in place by the end of the month, those changes would be reversed to maintain their profits."

Blake's cat ears lowered as she didn't argue with Adam and buried her reluctance.

" I understand, Adam."

" I know you do, Blake; trust me, this is how to make our voice heard."


Yang was slightly bitter right now as she lost the joke-off to her dad, and he was being very smug about it while he served breakfast.

" Here's your eggs benedict, second place."

The blonde scowled at her father but accepted her plate as she replied.

" We'll see about changing that as I am EGG-cellent."

" You have a lot to learn, young grasshopper. Like how to jump!"

Taiyang made an impression of a wise old sage with his joke, and Ruby groaned at her family's terrible sense of humor.

" Dad, Sis, please stop already!"

" Yeah, the two of you have already been at it for three days straight!"

Qrow interjected as he got his breakfast himself, as he agreed with his youngest niece that enough was enough already. Taiyang and his elder daughter looked at one another and replied in unison.

" But they're funny/PUN-ny!"

The two reapers groaned at the pair of blondes and glared at them to stop. They held their hands up in surrender and agreed to at least stop for breakfast. Ruby sighed in relief at having a peaceful breakfast and dug in so that she could have her cookies for dessert sooner. As Qrow ate, Yang asked her uncle.

" So, how was your mission?"

The dusty old crow sighed and told his blonde niece.

" Frustrating for the most part, and that's all I can say on the matter, but I did get to meet with Snowball again, although he probably isn't happy right now."

" You met Silva again? And why wouldn't he be happy?"

Yang asked while looking curious, and Ruby and her father decided to pay attention to the conversation. Qrow explained Silva's circumstances and how he is stuck at Atlas Academy for the time being, and Yang commented.

" Yikes, that must suck."

" Yeah, I don't envy Snowball for having to deal with Tind-I mean, Jimmy's stick up his butt on a regular basis."

Qrow refrained from using Tindick in front of Ruby so he didn't have to pay her to swear jar, and the little red reaper asked.

" But he did the right thing, stopping those people from hurting the faunus? I mean, he resisted arrest, sure, but why didn't the police also try to arrest the mob?"

Her uncle sighed and told her a blunt truth.

" It's because he's a faunus, nothing more, nothing less. Atlas isn't a really friendly place for snowball's kind. Putting that aside, he said the original reason he went to Atlas was to use their tech to make his weapon."

Qrow distracted Ruby with her favorite subject and started to think of all the weapons she could design.

" I bet I could make an awesome weapon with Atlas tech like a Scythe-Sniper Railgun or maybe a Coilgun-Scythe with some flight thrusters for extra mobility. An Elemental Dust energy assault rifle would be a good range option!"

Ruby took out a notebook and wrote down her ideas for her future weapon. The little red reaper did some rough designs along with some notes as she was lost in her own little world. Yang then asked her uncle.

" Do you think Silva is willing to visit?"

" Probably, but I wouldn't count on it since he is on a short leash right now."

The blonde dropped the subject but still wanted to question the snow leopard faunus on a lot of things.