
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Sunset Black

I was drinking some tea with Raven as the stars came out, and she asked me.

" How was the "sparring" session with Yang, Silva?"

I took a sip of my tea before replying.

" Well, after I taunted her when she started to lose steam, she went for my groin, and I then smacked her around to make a point."

" A foolish mistake; in my experience, most guys make it a point to concentrate a good portion of their Aura to protect their family jewels, so attacking them there only works if they're gullible or inexperienced."

The former bandit chief pointed out her daughter's mistake and added as she sighed.

" Tai has been using the kid gloves on the girls too much, which leads them to develop bad habits in combat."

" Are you planning on teaching them?"

I asked with a bit of curiosity, and Raven answered.

" I am thinking of at least trying to have Yang spend part of winter break with me and put her through a training camp I am planning for her to get rid of her weaknesses and bad habits."

I am starting to pity Yang a little now as her mother is a harsh taskmaster that hasn't softened despite putting her bandit ways behind her. Still, winter break is just around the corner; it's like summer break, but in the winter instead, because of the amount of snow in the non-tropical or arid areas of Remnant is nothing to scoff at since there is no carbon pollution in this world. When Dust is used as an energy propellant, it dissipates into the air by scattering its used-up components, while the rest stays together for the most part.

But I am going off on a tangent here, so I better stop before I start making extensive comparisons of Earth and Remnant. Different worlds, different issues with some similarities here and there. Raven then asked me with a frown.

" Should I be worried?"

" About what?"

I asked back as I lacked context.

" Shouldn't mothers be angry about having their children beat up? But I feel like that was being a hothead and that you should've gone a bit farther than just "smacking her around" and assert your dominance over her. Is that wrong of me?"

I felt more than a bit surprised that the former bandit chief was doing that much self-reflecting on being a parent and looked at her like she was growing a second head. I thought about her question for a few moments, then answered.

" I can't tell you how to do things with Yang, but you can do the best you can, Raven."

She sighed as she looked up at the stars with melancholy.

" I know, but 13 years is a lot to catch up on in more ways than one."

" Just take one step at a time, Raven."

The former bandit leaned against me, and we watched the star in comfortable silence. As we relaxed when minutes went by, I felt Raven stroke against my groin over my pants with her hand. I looked at her and saw that she was in the mood for some fun. I never pegged her to be the romantic type, not that I'm complaining. I kissed her deeply as she unzipped my pants to reach for my rod. Yang and Ruby should be asleep by now, right?


Yang Xiao Long was unable to sleep; her earlier loss to Silva this morning impacted the confidence she had built up from being the best fighter in her year and possibly the whole of Signal Academy, aside from the teachers and her father and uncle, of course. The blonde had never lost in such a one-sided way, and her mind ran wildly to try and come up with a way to win against the snow leopard faunus but was drawing a blank. She soon felt the need to water the flowers and got up to head to the designated area that served as an outhouse.

Yang soon finished her business, and as she was about to head back to her tent, the blonde heard something in the distance. She stood still and tried to listen for the source, which sounded like... moans? Yang decided to investigate and followed the noise as she quietly sneaked through the dark forest of Anima. What the blonde saw next made her mind go blank; Silva and her mother were naked and having sex outdoors. Her mind was at a standstill until she heard her mother cry out in a sensual tone.

" Harder, Silva!"

Raven held a tree in front of her as Silva pounded her from behind. Yang wanted to leave immediately, but as she took a step back, she broke a branch, and the blonde panicked as she hid behind a bush. The two lovers heard the branch break but didn't call out but instead silently raised their guards in case of an attack. After hearing nothing for several minutes, they relaxed and went back to fully screwing each other. Yang watched as she couldn't pry her eyes away from what she was seeing.

The blonde saw a side of her birth mother she didn't expect. Raven looked lustful and content while Silva was focused on pleasuring her as much as possible. The snow leopard faunus grabbed both of the former bandit chief's breasts as he leaned in to kiss her from behind. Silva was under no illusion that Raven was trying to manipulate him for some reason because regardless of her recent changes, the former bandit chief was the same at her core. She is willing to do almost anything to achieve her goals so long as they don't cross her bottom line.

He didn't mind but wished that she trusted him enough to ask him directly instead of trying to get him to do it through trickery. The snow leopard faunus wasn't a hundred percent sure of her goal right now but would refrain from using Soul Archive as he felt that if he wanted her to trust him fully, he needed to trust her first. Yang watched the two go at each other, and she felt her insides getting hot.

The blonde knew she looked like a carbon copy of her mother but with a different coloring, and it made it disturbingly easy for her to replace Raven with herself. Yang let her imagination run wild as she pictured herself being ravished by Silva and felt her hand reach for her clit unconsciously, thanks to her raging hormones. Slipping past her pajama bottom and entering her now wet panties, the blonde started to rub her sensitive bean. Her breath got hot and heavy as she watched the outdoor sex, mesmerized.

Raven cries out as she cums first, and Silva pulls out of her and covers her back with his essence. The two changed positions; the snow leopard faunus lifted the former bandit chief from her legs as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Silva reentered Raven as he picked her up, and Yang bit her lip as she climaxed to prevent herself from being discovered as the blonde masturbated. The snow leopard faunus moved his hips as the former bandit chief kissed her lover, then separated as she let out a loud moan of pleasure.

The night continued as the three let their lust run free.


I found myself still feeling a bit tired from lovemaking with Raven she had gotten insatiable since she no longer has an intense fear of Salem, just ending everything. I got out of the bed I was sharing with her to get started on breakfast for this morning. As I got out, I stretched and groaned a bit from popping a few of my joints in return. I felt surprised that Raven didn't ask anything of me in return for last night's fun, but I might be feeling a little overly paranoid since I haven't used Soul Archive on the former bandit chief in recent years. I shook my head to clear my head as I had already decided that I would trust Raven to an extent.

I decided to grab some fish to grill for breakfast this morning. I grabbed a fishing spear after putting on my gloves to prevent my fur from getting all over the fish. After getting three for each person in the camp, I started gutting and cleaning them. Afterward, I seasoned them with some spices and rock salt as I got the campfire going. As I watched the fish cook, my mind started to wander toward my current project of designing and building construction bots to get started on building my homes in Vale and Anima.

Raven told me she had a spot picked out to set up shop and that she wanted our home to be at when it got built. She wanted a tea room, of course, and April mentioned wanting an automated kitchen to do all the cooking, which I could make, but I needed to work out the coding and programming for it first. As I thought about what the construction bots required to be effective and efficient in building, Raven woke up, looking radiant from last night's fun. She sat next to me without saying anything, and I handed her the fish I had grilled for her.

Soon everyone was woken up by the smell of breakfast and joined in around the campfire. Yang had bags under her eyes and refrained from looking me in the eye as I gave her breakfast. While I felt suspicious about her behavior, I decided not to comment on it as she has a lot on her mind right now, considering my sudden introduction into her life and relationship with her mother. So much to do but so little time.