
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Hunting Black

I, Silva Branwen, am wondering if what I am doing right now can be considered speed dating. Yesterday, Jeanette Arc had me spend most of the day with her daughter Garnet, and now I am on a hunting trip with Jade Arc. We are after some prime game meat to grill for tonight's party, and our target is some mountain sheep that reside near Shion. Jade had her weapons, a pair of dual swords outfitted with shotguns, strapped to her back while carrying a compound bow and a quiver of arrows on her side. As we trek through the woods to the nearby mountain ridge, I asked her.

" Do you know what your mothers' are expecting by planning these dates?"

The tomboy arc sighed and then told me with exasperation clear in her voice.

" Mother Jeanette has the final say on who my siblings and I are dating because her Semblance lets her see the true nature of a person along with bits of their past. My guess is that she is hoping that at least one of us will be interested in you enough to consider starting a relationship with you."

I was surprised by what I heard as nowhere in Jaune's memories does he have any clue about his mother's Semblance or Semblances in general, despite seeing his sisters and parents spar. I can understand Aura because it's not usually visible unless it gets broken or manifested by Semblances usually have some sort of indication of being used even if they are subtle in nature. Even Pyrrha's Semblance Polarity can be seen as a black outline around whatever she manipulates, and the naked eye can't see EM fields.

I felt concerned... no, that's not the word, maybe anxious about what Jeanette Arc might have seen when she used her Semblance on me since she can see bits of my past. Considering the fact she has me going out on dates with her daughters means that she saw something she likes and wants in her daughters' boyfriend. I sighed as it didn't matter because none of the Arcs, aside from Giles, had given me any indication that they meant me any harm. None of the Arc girls interest me, and I plan on leaving in a few days, so these dates seem a bit pointless to me. However, it appeared more troublesome to try and ignore the woman, so I was stuck humoring her.

Jade and I soon start climbing the mountain ridge to try and find some sheep to hunt. After about a few hours, we finally found some mountain sheep, and the Arc tomboy took out an arrow that was outfitted with micro rockets and then drew the compound bow. I kept silent so as not to disturb her, and she released the arrow. After a few moments of its flight, the micro rockets lit up and pierced its target with high speed. As we went to get the game, I asked Jade.

" Are you the one that usually uses that bow of yours, or does all your sisters dabbles in archery?"

" Garnet and my mothers can use it, and the twins are still learning since they plan on being huntresses."

Jade and I reached the fallen sheep, and she took out the arrow and then picked up it up over her shoulders. She then told me.

" Let's go find somewhere to drain the blood from this big guy."

I nodded and followed her since she was the most familiar with this process, probably. As I followed her, I reminisced about my past life's hunting experience. I generally preferred hunting in Europe to America because some restaurants offered game meat on their seasonal menus, unlike other countries. However, the States did have a few places that did, and they were few and far between. I could sell the excess meat and buy lunch or dinner made from it while I was at it from professional chefs. I recalled some of the best hunter's pies from a nice place in Germany and felt a craving for them.

Hmm, I could try to remake it, some pie crust, a select few vegetables, plus gravy made from the version, and, of course, some herbs and spices to deal with the gamey-ness. As my mind wandered, I heard Jade call out to me.

" Hey, Remnant to big guy, can you hear me?"

" Um, yeah, what's up?"

" I finished setting up, draining the blood from the game."

" K, need anything?"

" Nah, I'm good, thanks."

Silence descended as things felt awkward between Jade and me. The Arc tomboy then asked me.

" Does it bother you?"

" Does what bother me?"

I asked in return, as I didn't know the context of the question.

" You know, about a girl hunting, killing, gutting, and other not-girly stuff? The few guy and girls I dated felt, well... put off by this sort of thing."

" Somethings don't appeal to people as they appeal to you, and if they're bothered by it, that's their problem."

I shrugged as I didn't mind as everyone likes what they like, and they don't need a special reason to like it. The awkward silence continued until we both heard a roar and saw a bear heading our way. It must have smelled the fresh blood. I grinned as it charged at us. I like bear meat, and grilling up its choice cuts and then turning the rest into jerky sounds good to me. Jade drew her swords, but I stopped her.

" Mind letting me handle this?"

" Ah, sure...?"

She stood back, and I immediately used Flash Step to close the distance. I went for the jugular with my claws to make it bleed out, then took out its shorter back legs the next instant. The bear cried out in pain and was unable to stand on its hind legs, making it crippled and dying. As it thrashed its claws helplessly, I simply waited for it to bleed out, and it eventually died. Now to gut and bleed this big fella for some cooking. Bear hotpot sounds good for tonight, along with steak cuts. Jade walked over to me and asked.

" How did you move so fast? I mean, I saw you do the same with your match with Mother Aleanor but didn't realize that speed wasn't your Semblance until you started using those dark energy blasts."

" It's just a clever bit of Aura manipulation; that's all."

" Any chance you be willing to teach?"

Seeing the Arc tomboy look at me, hopefully, I answered.

" No."

" No?"

" I don't really know you or your family, and I haven't taught everyone I am close to using that trick of mine."

Aside from Raven, I haven't taught anyone else, at least not yet. Neopolitan, Emerald, Melanie, Miltia, Winter, and Willow are on my candidate list for teaching some of the things I learned to do with Aura manipulation if they are willing to learn. Jade nodded in understanding as she said.

" I understand... but if we do get to know each other better, would you mind showing me?"

" Maybe..."

We both went back to Shion with the bear and sheep in tow, as I felt no need to use Door To Darkness since the point of these dates was to spend time with the Arc girls.


Ruby and Yang watched the construction bots work from Raven's campsite, and the little Reaper exclaimed excitedly.

" He can make robots?! Yang, do you think he would be willing to teach me how to make robots?!"

" Ah, Ruby, I... think so?"

The blonde sister answered, sounding unsure, and Raven drew their attention.

" Girls, don't go near the construction sight since you be in the way and possibly get hurt."

" Yes, Raven."

" K, mom."

Silva had just started his road trip across Anima to Menagerie, so he wasn't there at the moment, much to the confused and mixed emotions of Yang. On the one hand, she felt relieved that she wouldn't be walking in when the snow leopard faunus was being... intimate with her mother but on the other hand, she had some burning questions to ask him. Ruby then asked the former bandit chief.

" Hey, Raven, where is Silva?"

" He's started his road trip."

The little reaper let out a disappointed whine as she wanted to join the road trip but couldn't because her father told her no. He wasn't about to let his little girl galivant on a road trip he had no control over. The blonde then asked, sounding surprised as this was the first she was hearing about this road trip.

" He's taking a road trip?!"

" Through Anima to reach Menagerie."

" So he will be back soon?"

Ruby asked hopefully, but unfortunately, geography is not her strong suit. Raven shrugged as she answered vaguely.

" He'll be back when he gets back, Ruby."

Raven went to make herself some tea and left the sisters alone with their thoughts.