
22. Chapter 22

A/N: Hey guys, I just wanted to say thanks for all your reviews and the support of this story. I'm so sorry for the long wait but I am determined to finish this story before New Year's!

The edition of Emma Grace has been part of my plan since the beginning of this story, and while there are quite a few stories like this at the moment, this story was inspired by the story 'Love Lives On' by imjustwriting; in which Erin and Jay have a little girl but adopt a girl whose mum was a victim in one of their cases.

Hope you guys like the final chapters of Another Broken Heart You've Left Behind; there's one more dramatic ending I have planned before we're done …


The visit to Chicago Med had been relatively quick. Erin and Jay dropped Ben off to Hank so they could focus on helping Emma Grace. Will and Natalie had been as quick as possible in conducting their examination, and Will was briefing Erin while Jay and Emma went to get a snack from the cafeteria.

"She has no signs of abuse or malnourishment. North Western had a file on her, so we got that sent over. But from all the tests we've done, she's a perfectly healthy child. But from all the tests we've conducted, she's a perfectly healthy child. I think she's just shaken up by last night's events." Will said looking down at his notes.

"You're sure there's no psychological abuse? She's so scared of me, Will …" Erin pressed.

"Her x-rays showed a break in her arm last year, but the notes on her file say that Emma Grace was in an accident; fell off a jungle gym at the park. There's several witnesses. And in regard to her psychological state, I think she's just in shock. She's lost her mum, and been put in the care of complete strangers. It's a totally normal reaction."

"That's a relief, at least." Erin said softly. Too many cases with kids had involved abuse; she was glad that Emma wasn't one of those.

"Hey." Jay said as he joined the two, Emma in his arms "Everything alright?"

"It's great." Will smiled, leaning over to tap Emma on her nose "Little miss is all good."

"That's awesome news." Jay said looking at Emma "How are you doing kid?"

"I'm glad Dr Will didn't give me any needles. They're scary." Emma said softly and the adults all smiled at her.

Jay turned to eye his brother "So Will, I saw Nina … Anything you want to tell me?"

Will smiled sheepishly "Oh, that."

"That?" Erin raised her eyebrow at him "What exactly is 'that'?"

"They broke up!" Jay said looking at Erin "Almost two weeks ago!"

"What!? Will!" Erin smacked his chest "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I meant to, but everything has been so busy. I haven't really had a chance to call or see you." Will explained.

"Will, you know you can call us anytime, especially for things like this. What happened?" Jay asked.

"She got a job offer in Boston. She asked me to come with her, and I couldn't say yes." Will said.

"Why not?" Jay asked "You two were pretty serious about each other."

"I have my family here. I don't want to miss out on seeing Ben grow up. And I like my job, I like the people here…"

Erin noticed Will's eyes wander to the person standing a few feet behind his brother and smiled slyly "You're still into Natalie, aren't you?"

Will sighed "Maybe? I have no clue anymore, but I do know that I couldn't bear the thought of saying goodbye to her. And it wasn't fair to Nina to commit to such a serious, life-altering decision when my heart wasn't completely invested."

Jay smiled and patted his brother's shoulder "You made the right decision bud."

"I sure hope so."

"So, what do we know so far?" Voight asks as he steps out of his office. Jay and Erin had come straight to the office after Emma's check-up, leaving the little girl and Ben to play in the break room.

"Victim's name is Haley Morgan. 22 years old. Cause of death is a gunshot wound, but the autopsy report also shows excessive assault prior to the gunshot, which also contributed to her death. ME reckons even if they had fixed the wound, the blunt force trauma to her head alone wouldn't have given her much of a chance." Ruzek explains.

"What do we know about her family? Parents, boyfriend, anyone we suspect yet?" Voight asks.

Antonio walks towards the board, sticking up a photo of Emma "Her parents are both deceased. Her daughter, Emma Grace, is 4 years old. There's no father listed on her birth certificate, and so far we don't know of any guys in her life. She was working at a diner a few blocks from her house, hopefully someone there can give us some more insight."

"Antonio, take Atwater and check it out." Voight orders.

"Emma said that her Mum told her there were bad men chasing them. It's possible Haley was hiding something?" Erin said.

"Is it possible Emma's father is the one after them?" Jay adds.

"Well, we don't know who he is, so it's a possibility." Atwater shrugged.

"Hey, guys." Ruzek interrupted "FBI has a note on Haley Morgan's file? Agent Warner's name is attached to the original case file."

"What kind of case would she have with the FBI?" Jay asks confused.

"It's sealed." Ruzek shrugs in answer.

"Hank, I know Agent Warner. He's helped us out in the past before." Erin offers.

"Alright then, let's find out what he knows." Voight says "Halstead and Lindsay, you got this."

"So, how are you doing?" Jay asks while they drive to the FBI offices in downtown Chicago.

Erin frowned "Fine. Why?"

"I just wanted to check, I man I did just unexpectedly bring another child into our home, without discussing it with you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Jay said nervously.

Erin pulled over to the side of the road before turning in her seat to face Jay.

"Babe, it's okay. You're my partner, I support you with every decision you make; it's part of the job description." She laughs "But I like having Emma here. She's a sweet kid."

"So, we're okay?" Jay pressed.

"We're perfect." Erin leaned over and kissed his cheek "Now quit worrying. You'll give yourself wrinkle lines, and I can't have my boyfriend looking like he's 80 years old." Erin laughs as she pulls back into traffic.

"Detectives, nice to see you again." Erin looked up as the young man walked towards them.

"Agent Warner, thank you for meeting with us." Jay said shaking his hand and letting Erin do the same.

"Anytime. I do have a busy work schedule today though, so if we could keep this quick I would appreciate it."

"Of course. We have a victim of ours that has an FBI case file we need to access. Victim's name is Haley Morgan."

"Haley?" Agent Warner said shocked "She's dead?"

Erin looked at Jay, confused by Warner's reaction "Yes. Her body was found two nights ago."

"Warner, how do you know Haley?" Jay asked.

"She was my CI for a while. She was based in Detroit and I was just starting out with the Bureau, six years ago. She was in deep with this guy, Jonathan Hayes, big time drug dealer down there."

"How did you meet her?" Erin asked.

"She was arrested for possession, and the bureau sent me to try and flip her. She knew their relationship was toxic, but she was loyal to him. She thought he loved her. I kept in contact with her; gave her money, food, clothes."

"But she wasn't your CI." The question comes out more like a statement from Erin.

Warner nods "I know it wasn't appropriate, but I felt connected to her. I wanted to help her-"

"You fell in love with her." Jay says in realisation.

"Yeah, not that I realised at the time." Warner chuckles "She came to me about six months after she was first arrested. She had just found out she was pregnant- Oh God, Emma. Where is she?"

"She's staying with us at the moment, she's safe. I promise." Erin reassures him.

Warner shakes his head "Uh, she said she wanted out. Hayes wanted her to get rid of the baby. She told him she had an abortion, but she knew she only had a limited amount of time before he realised that she was still pregnant. So she gave me intel, and we planned a raid. We got almost everyone, but Hayes and some of his top men escaped."

"So that explains the sealed file." Erin said "FBI wouldn't want to risk any information being leaked that would risk Haley or Emma's life."

"Well clearly something went wrong Erin, she shouldn't have been found!" Warner exclaimed.

"Agent Warner, I understand you're upset, but unfortunately this happens. Sealed case files don't guarantee protection, but we will find who killed Haley. You have my word." Jay says seriously.

"You don't understand detective, Haley and Emma should never have been found." Warner sighed "The reason that I didn't already know about Haley's death, is because I haven't seen her in over two years."

"What happened?" Erin asks, confused once more.

"After the raid, we searched for Hayes for a year. Every time we thought we had him, he slipped right past us. it became too much of a risk to keep Haley and Emma in Detroit. Hayes could easily find them, and I promised Haley I wouldn't let anything happen to her daughter. FBI decided it was best to not only relocate Haley and Emma but give them new identities. So, we entered her in witness protection."

"That's why there's no family history or details about Haley before her move to Chicago." Emma says, everything finally clicking into place.

"Yes. The FBI frowns upon relationships, and it was too dangerous to keep in touch, so I let them both go. I thought she would be safe." Warner says softly.

Erin looks sadly at the young man, the heartbreak obvious in his eyes "I'm really sorry to push, but are you able to give us the case files for Haley's UC work? We need as much information as possible."

"Of course, anything you need. Just find Hayes, this has to be him. He can't find out about Grace."

Erin's hand comes to rest on her friend's hand across the table, her eyes meeting his "You have my word. We'll keep her safe."

A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter! I'm not 100% sure if Emma Grace is going to be around for the long haul; I have a plan either way but I'm curious what direction you guys would prefer? Should Emma stay or go? Let me know in your reviews!

ALSO, I realised my last update was actually on the TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY of publishing this story!? Wow it feels like I only started writing this like two weeks ago haha but we're almost at the end and I'm sad to see it go!

I'm so thankful for all your support these past two years, thanks for sticking with me!

Hope you all have a wonderful New Years, see you all in 2018!
