
21. Chapter 21

A/N: Please read the note at the bottom it's important :)


February, 2016

Erin and Jay lay content in one another's Arms later that afternoon. Ben was cuddled between them while Erin rested her head on Jay's chest as he retold stories of life with his mother. Ben started to fuss and Erin sat up, picking him up and letting him crawl around them, Erin encouraging him as he looked over at his parents every few minutes.

"You look good with a baby Erin Lindsay." Jay said, and Erin could hear the cheeky tone in his voice.

Looking at him over her shoulder she smirked before replying "You'll have to wait a little longer before you get to knock me up again Halstead."

Jay felt his heart warm at Erin's answer "so, you want more kids?"

Erin shrugged "I mean, we never really discussed it, but yeah."

"I didn't want to push you in the topic." Jay said softly.

"I know. And honestly, if we didnt already have Ben, my answer would probably be different. I didn't even know if I wanted kids when I found out I was pregnant, let alone how many of them I wanted." Erin said shyly "but I like the idea of having more mini Halstead's running around our household."

"I like that too." Jay said leaning in to kiss her "I love you."

"I love you too." Erin smiled brightly "do you remember when Jin died?"

Jay frowned at her sudden change of topic "Yeah. The doctors had put you on bed rest."

"I was so damn stubborn." Erin chuckled "I felt bad leaving work when Jin's murderer hadn't been found."


"Erin you need to rest!" Jay exclaimed as Erin continued trying to pull on her maternity jeans "the doctor said you can't be standing for too long."

"I can rest at work Jay." Erin said as she struggled to bend down and get her shoes on.

Jay sighed and leaned down to help her slip on her black converse; her regular leather boots had proved useless when her feet started to swell in her third trimester.

"Erin, Hank will just send you straight back home and you know it."

"Jin is DEAD Jay. I'm not sitting at home while someone tries to attack our family."

Jay looked at her determined eyes "Erin, the doctors said you can't be at work. It's too much stress."

"Sitting at home every day is stressful Jay! Knowing there's someone out there with an agenda of KILLING our team, our family. That stresses me out more than anything."

Jay frowned as tears pierced her eyes "what's really going on Erin?"

"...What if someone comes here?" She sniffled "What if they try and hurt the baby? I can barely tie my fucking shoes up let alone defend myself against some unknown cop murderer Jay."

"Erin. No one's going to hurt you. Ever." Jay said determinedly.

"How do you know that, you can't guarantee anything Jay!" She cried.

He stood up slightly so that they were eye level with one another, his hands coming to rest on each side of her face so she had to look at him. His thumb came up to wipe the tears that began to fall from her eyes.

"I will NEVER let anyone hurt you, or our child Erin. I can't guarantee that no one will try to hurt us, but I can promise you that you'll always have me in your corner. I will ALWAYS protect you."

Her head fell to his chest and he held her tightly for a few minutes. He kissed the top of her head before standing up and putting his hand out to her."Come on, let's get to work."


"I think that was the first time I ever knew, I could fall for you." Erin said softly "No one had ever promised me they'd always be there, not even Hank. And you kept your promise; you were there whenever I needed you. Whenever Ben needed you."

"I always will be." Jay replied.

Erin leaned up and kissed his cheek, resting her head in the crook of his neck as they watched their son play "I know."

She felt her eyes close as she held her against him, allowing his warmth to consumer her. She'd never felt safer in her life than when she was in his arms.

A loud squeal broke their peaceful moment and both parents looked up to see their son standing unsteadily on his feet.

"Is he-"

"Don't make any sudden movements. You'll startle him." Jay interrupted her.

She elbowed his stomach "he's not a wild animal Jay." She muttered.

They watched with baited breath as Ben cautiously moved one foot, Jay slowly pulling his phone out of his pocket to record his son.

Erin felt her heart drop as Ben's legs started to wobble and she was ready to move in case his feet came out from under him, but the moment she waited for never came. Instead, his hands came out in front of him to clutch the headstone of his grandmother, and Erin felt the tears fill her eyes as he steadied himself before looking at his mother's open arms.

He squealed again before moving towards his mother, Erin leaning forward so he didn't have to go too far. Jay moved back so he could record the moment between his son and girlfriend.

"You can do it buddy, come on!" Erin said excitedly when the fear began to show on Ben's face. He smiled brightly before making the last few steps, falling into his mother's arms as Erin swooped him up and placed kisses all over his chubby cheeks.

"You did so good little man!" She cried as he giggled at the attention from his mother.

Erin turned to face Jay and saw the same tears in his eyes, she smiled before moving the short distance to him and kissing his cheek.

"I told you she was watching over us." Erin smiled as Jay nodded wordlessly.

"Thank you." Jay whispered "For bringing me here, I didn't realise how much I needed it."

"Of course. Always."

MARCH, 2016.

"Remind me why we volunteered for overtime?" Jay groaned as he and Ruzek sat in their patrol car

"And how did Platt manage to assign us the ONE car with no fucking heating? I'm gonna freeze my damn rocks off." Adam grumbled as Jay turned the corner and parked in front of a diner.

The two rushed inside, quickly sitting down so the waitress could pour them some hot coffee while she took their order. Jay thanked the young woman before holding the warm cup in his hands and taking a much needed sip, letting the warm liquid invigorate his body.

"So have you finished setting it up yet?" Ruzek asked when the waitress left.

Jay rolled his eyes "I told you it wasn't happening anytime soon man, I don't know what you want from me."

"You tell me that your father gave you the wedding ring your mother wore, so you could propose to Erin, and you're NOT going to do ANYTHING?"

"Shouldn't you be worrying about your own engagement? Kim's already pissed you guys had to push the wedding to the end of this month." Jay said.

"She's fine, it's not like she could be mad at her sister for being put on bed rest. The woman was pregnant and had high blood pressure. We had no other option, now stop deflecting Halstead."

Jay sighed putting his cup down "Adam, Erin and I have only been living together for a month-"

"You two were shacked up the moment she left for the task force!"

"I mean officially. We're starting a life together, but we're only JUST at the beginning. Of course I want to be with Erin, but we've only been together six out of the seven months since she's returned. Erin's still getting treatment, I'm working things out with my dad. We're not ready for marriage just yet."

"I guess that's fair." Adam shrugged.

Jay smirked as he saw Adam's understanding expression, not being able to resist goading him one last time "plus, I already have a proposal date set."

Adam's head snapped up from his coffee within a split second "what!? Tell me-"

"Dispatch to patrol 2190"

"Go for 2190" Jay said into the radio as he watched the disheartened look form on Adam's face.

"We got a 911 call, 38 Hillburry road. Reports of gunshots."

"It's a block over." Adam said as Jay nods

"Hold us down to respond." Jay replied before throwing some money down on the counter and rushing back out to the patrol car.

"Chicago PD!" Jay yelled as he and Adam got out of the car "Someone call 911?"

"Me!" Jay turned to his left to see an elderly woman standing on the front steps of her house "I heard screaming, and then a gunshot. I tried calling but no one answered." She said worriedly.

"Which house, ma'am?" Adam asked as he looked around the street, trying to spot anything suspicious.

"36. It's the one right across." She said pointing to a quaint cottage house on the other side of the street.

"Ma'am, I need you to go back into your house and wait for another police officer to come and talk to you, okay?" Jay said before following after Adam to the house.

Adam reached the front door, Jay flanking his right side, both with their guns ready in their hands. Adam reached one hand up to knock on the door.

"Chicago PD!" He yelled, but was met with silence.

He nodded to Jay and stepped aside. Jay holstered his gun and held both sides of the staircase railing with each hand, lifting his leg up to kick the door down.Adam entered the house first, Jay following behind as they checked the foyer, dining room and kitchen - all clear.

Jay's eyes caught a glimpse of light coming from the living room, and he tapped Adam's shoulder and pointed to the light. Ruzek nodded, lifting his gun up as they walked cautiously into the room.

"Shit." Adam said as he and Jay took in the sight of the young women bleeding out on the floor. Her body was battered and her face was almost completely unrecognisable. Adam quickly dropped to the floor and placed his hands on the major wound in her abdomen "Jay we need an ambulance here right now!"

Jay quickly radioed in requesting for an ambulance and was in the middle of reporting the incident when he heard a creak come from the floor above them. His eyes widened as he looked at Adam, silently telling him to stay here and stay quiet.

He moved upstairs quickly and quietly, gun drawn out in front of him ready for the possibility that the intruder may still be inside the house. After checking the two bedrooms and bathroom, he came to the final door. He spelt opened it and looked inside, not seeing any signs that there was anyone in their with him.

He moved further into the room, checking the closet and the adjoined bathroom. He was about to yell to his partner that it was safe when he noticed.

"Adam, call Voight!"

It was almost 3am when the door to the Halstead-Lindsay household creaked closed behind Jay. But this didn't surprise Erin; it was expected when you worked overtime that you were working the longest hours at the most inconvenient times.

No, what surprised Erin was the sight of her partner with blood all over his uniform. And what surprised her even more than that was the little girl with her arms wrapped tightly around her partner's neck.

"Jay..." She whispered taking in his blood-stained shirt and the little girl once more "what the hell is going on?"

"Erin, this if Emma Grace. Emma, this is my partner Erin. Can you say hi?"

"Hi." Emma said shyly.

Erin smiled gently as she leaned in slightly, watching Emma's eyes widen in fright. She stopped short and lifted her hand to wave at the little girl.

"Hi Emma."

Jay smiled gratefully at his girlfriend "I'm just gonna go put her in the guest room. I'll be back in a minute."

Erin nodded and watched as Jay walked up the stairs, she quickly turned off the lights and made sure the doors were locked before walking upstairs and waiting in their bedroom.

"Hey." Jay said walking into the room.

"Hey." She said softly "So, you want to tell what's going on?"

Jay sighed sitting down on the bed and facing Erin "We got a call tonight. A woman was murdered in her home. It was ... Horrific, Erin."

"I'm sorry babe." Erin said softly, leaning over to place her hand over his.

Jay nodded before continuing "I heard a noise from upstairs, Adam stayed downstairs with the vic and I went up to search the rooms. I found her in the closet of her bedroom. She was so scared Erin. I-I couldn't just leave her there."

"Can we keep her here though?" Erin asked "I mean, there's procedures we have to follow Jay. DCFS will have a field day-"

"I'm a registered foster parent Erin, DCFS doesn't have a problem with it." He interrupted her.

Erin looked at him in shock "when?"

"A few years ago, before I was in IU. a buddy of mine from the Rangers, he went down a dark path, his kid is my godchild so I went through the process of becoming an official foster parent so that I could look after her while he got help."

"Wow. You never cease to amaze me Jay Halstead."

Jay scooted closer to her and held her hands in his "Er, I know I didn't discuss it with you and I'm sorry for that. But there just wasn't time, DCFS was ready to take her, and we don't know if she has any other family or if the person who murdered her mother is going to come after her. I couldn't just let her -"

"Jay stop. I understand." Erin said leaning in to him "I would've done the same thing."

"So you're alright if she stays here?" Jay asks.

Erin nodded her head "of course. She needs to be safe while we try and figure out who killed her mother. Plus, I'm sure Ben will enjoy the company."

Jay smiled again leaning in to kiss his partner "thank you."

"Of course." Erin said softly "Now come get in bed, we've got an early morning ahead of us."

Erin woke a few hours later, Ben's insistent muttering so coming through the baby monitor on her bedside table. She knew he wouldn't be quiet for long and, remembering the little girl sleeping in the next room, she quietly slipped out of bed and walked across the hall to her son's room.

"Hi buddy." She said as Ben stood up in his crib, his arms stretching out as soon as she saw his mother. Erin swooped Ben up in her arms and walked into the next room to check on their guest.

She quietly opened the door, hoping the little girl was still asleep. She grew confused when she saw the bed completely empty, no sign of Emma ever having been there. She quickly checked the other rooms before running downstairs.

She let out a breath of relief when she saw Emma sitting quietly on the couch in the living room, her eyes focused on the rising sun outside.

"Hi Emma." Erin whispered softly.

The little girl jumped, eyes wide as she looked to see Erin and Ben standing near her "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you-"

"You didn't, I was just worried about where you went." Erin said reassuringly "Did you sleep?"

Emma shook her head "I saw my mama."

Erin slowly moved towards the couch, sitting down at the opposite end and placing Ben down in her lap. "Do you remember what happened?"

"My mama, she made me stay upstairs. I heard noises, and mama screamed, so I hid." Emma said softly "Is my mama dead?"

Erin felt her heart break at the little girl's questions "Why do you think she's dead sweetie?"

"Mama told me about it once. She said that bad men were chasing us, and that one day she might not come back." Erin heard Emma sniffle slightly and she reached her hand out to rest on the little girl's knee, not wanting to push her limits too far.

"I'm sorry sweetie." She said quietly "But I promise we're going to keep you safe, and we'll find the bad man who hurt your mum. Okay?"

Emma nodded her head before whispering "I like Mr Jay. He's nicer than the bad men."

"Jay's the best." Erin smiled "He is a very nice man, I promise."

"Talking about me?" Jay smirked as he walked into the room, leaning down to kiss the top of Erin's head before picking Ben up in his arms.

Ben squealed as his Dad hoisted him up in the air before pulling him back into his chest. Emma watched intently at the tender moment between father and son.

"Hi Em." Jay said leaning down in front of her.

"Hi Mr Jay." She replied quietly.

Jay smiled "My boss, Mr Voight, wants us to take you to the doctor today. We got to make sure you're okay."

Emma's eyes widened in fear "Are they going to put needles in me?"

Jay and Erin looked at one another concerned at Emma's quivering voice "No sweetie, they just want to make sure you didn't get hurt last night." Erin says softly.

"Emma, my brother works at the hospital. He's a doctor there, I'll make sure he looks after you." Jay says seriously.

Erin and Jay watch as Emma sits quietly, trying to make her decision "No needles?"

"No needles." Jay says seriously.

"Okay." Emma say softly "But … will you stay with me?"

"Of course." Erin says "Jay and I will be right there the whole time."

Emma smiles softly as Ben reaches over to her. Jay and Erin share a look as Emma cautiously begins to play with their little boy.

"You okay?" Erin asks him.

Jay nods looking over at his partner "We have to find who did this Erin."

"We will." Erin said determinedly "And when we do, they're going to pay."

A/N: Okay, so I'm trying to finish up this story, and this idea has been in my head since the beginning. I hope you guys like it!

I'm curious, is anyone still reading though? Reviews were down the past couple chapters and I would really appreciate if you guys would review and let me know what you'd like to see; they always motivate me to write faster!

This story is going to be wrapping up around the 30 chapter mark, so please let me know what you guys think and leave me some reviews xx

Maddie :)