
19. Chapter 19

A/N: Words cannot explain how sorry I am for the long wait! I lost inspiration for this story and wasn't sure where to go, but I've kind of figured it out a little?

Anyways, for those who are still reading thanks for sticking with me! Hope you like what I have coming up, I'm going to try and wrap this story up in about 10 chapters or so. I've also started a new Linstead story so feel free to check it out :)


January 16th, 2016.

"I can't believe the size of this place!?" Aaron said shocked as he carried in one of the boxes containing Erin and Jay's belongings from their respective apartments.

New Year's Eve had come and gone quietly, the whole unit spending the night together with all their families. Aaron and Lucy had joined them also. Jay was beginning to feel more comfortable around his father and step-mother, Erin and Lucy had grown closer and Ben had loved the additional grandparents to dote on him.

Erin smirked as she looked at her father-in-law "I know, my man's got good taste

"He got that from his mother." Aaron said quietly with a smile.

Erin smiled softly at the mention of Jay's mother. Over the past couple months, she had gotten to know more about the woman who raised Jay. Aaron and Lucy would come for dinner once every two weeks and there was always a childhood story to be told, with Jay and Will giving their mother daily heart attacks the topic of every one.

"Okay, that is the last one!" Jay exclaimed as he brought in the last cardboard box and set it down in the spacious living room, Atwater and Ruzek following behind with the couch.

"Man, how come I got stuck lugging this thing?" Ruzek groaned "Why couldn't you just hire movers? Or better yet, sell the damn thing and buy a new one. That way the movers come with the new couch."

"That couch has sentimental value Ruzek. Break it, and I'll break you." Erin glared at him.

"Do I even want to know?" Atwater chuckled.

Jay just rolled his eyes, looking over and smiling at Erin who winked in return before walking back into the kitchen to finish unpacking.


"We're finally done." Erin said as she flopped down onto the bed.

Jay chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into his chest "You did good today." He whispered "I'm sorry I wasn't able to help more."

Erin shrugged "It's okay, I know you've been busy with the case."

Hank had given Erin and Jay the week off to unpack and settle into their new home, but after the unit had received a case Jay had been called back in three days later. Unfortunately, this left Erin with the bulk of the moving process. Luckily the team had wrapped up the case within a few days and were able to come by and help Erin move the last of their things into the new house.

"Now we just have to unpack the rest of our bedroom, and the living room, and then we're finally done." Erin yawned as she snuggled further into Jay's chest.

Jay smiled, leaning down to kiss the top of her head "Night Erin."

"Night." She mumbled tiredly.

Jay lay there watching Erin sleep. He couldn't believe that he got to spend the rest of his life with this woman, that he got to raise his son with her. After everything they had been through, it was nice to finally feel like everything was working out.

He was broken from his thoughts when he heard Ben stirring from his sleep over the monitor. Not wanting to wake Erin, he gently rolled her to the other side of the bed and pulled his arm away from her, quietly slipping out of bed and walking into the nursery next to their bedroom.

"Hey bud." Jay whispered softly as he picked up a whining Ben "What's up?"

Ben snuggled into Jay's chest, seeking the comfort of his father. Jay smiled at the action; Erin was normally the one to get up with Ben at night, which rarely happened anymore, so Jay enjoyed the fact that he could experience this one-on-one time with his son.

"I hope you like the house Ben." Jay whispers into his son's ear as he sits down in the rocking chair "I made sure it had a big backyard, when you grow up I can teach you how to play soccer and corn hole, maybe some boxing. That one we won't tell mum about."

"Da" Ben murmured sleepily and Jay felt his smile grow wider.

"Don't tell your mum, but I'm a little scared buddy. Everything is going so well, life is never usually this kind to your mum or I. Part of me is waiting for the other shoe to drop, especially with tomorrow."

He could feel Ben's breathing even out against his chest, and he looked down and saw his son peacefully sleeping once more.

'Probably best.' He thought 'Not exactly the most uplifting conversation to have with your son about life. Idiot.'


Erin awoke an hour later, reaching her hand out only to feel cold sheets beneath her fingertips. She frowned in confusion, quickly getting out of bed and looking for her boyfriend.

"Jay?" She whispered when she entered the living room, seeing him sitting on the couch watching a documentary.

"Hey." She said again sitting down next to him.

Jay stayed silent, instead wrapping his arm around Erin's shoulder and pulling her into his side. She sat quietly waiting for him to initiate the conversation, wanting him to feel comfortable talking to her about whatever was on his mind.

"I'm sorry I woke you." He mumbled looking down at her.

Erin's eyes met his and she smiled softly "Are you okay?"

Jay nodded his head "I was just thinking about mum. It's her birthday tomorrow."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Erin frowned.

Jay shrugged "You were so happy about moving in, I didn't want to ruin that."

"Jay, talking to me about things is never going to ruin anything. Yes, I'm excited about moving but that's because I get to live with you and be a family. You can't just keep things inside because you think it'll upset me. I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Just keep yourself in check Halstead, one more slip up and you'll be sorry." Erin said with a smirk.

Jay chuckled softly and stood from the couch, pulling her up with him "Let's go to bed?"

Erin nodded "I'll meet you in there. I might as well put on a load of washing while I'm up."

"And you say I'm the house-husband." Jay chuckles turning off the TV.

Erin rolls her eyes and shoves his shoulder as he walks towards the stairs "I'll be up in a minute."

She waits a few minutes to make sure he's not coming back down, and rushes into the kitchen. She picks up the phone and dials Hank's number.

'Hopefully he won't be mad about this.' Erin thought to herself as Hank picked up the phone.

"You better have a damn good reason for disrupting my sleep Erin Lindsay" Hank's gruff voice came through the phone.

"I need a favour…"

A/N: Okay, so this was intended to be longer but it's been a while and getting back into the swing of things when it comes to this story was harder than I thought. I have a plan for the next chapter though and it will definitely be up soon!

To anyone still reading, thank you for waiting for so long I'm so sorry I'll try my hardest not to leave updates this long but I can't make any promises with my uni and work schedule right now.

Please leave a review and let me know what you think!

Maddie :)