OC- Ryan Summer, Adopted Cousin of Ben and Gwen. Grandpa Max - Ryan's Adopted Grandpa
Chapter 1 Life
Life was going well, I used to wake up early in the morning, greet my parents, and go to kinder school. I nearly forgot to introduce myself, My Name is Ryan Summers, Son of Adam and May summers. We were a happy family. My both parents were ordinary plumbers living the life of a simple middle-class family.
All was going well until when it started, I was only 7 at that time, and I started manifesting my powers. I was scared to tell my parents about it, but in the end, I told them.
I thought they will get scared or disgusted with me but instead, they started smiling, laughing saying "I thought you didn't inherit anything" and started showing me their powers also.
My mom has the power to create objects, and tools, out of thin air. And my dad had the ability to counter and negate others' powers, he showed me after he negated mom's power.
And soon I got to know that my parents are 'plumbers' who protect the world. Apparently, my dad is a half alien and half-human species called Stra, and my mother is a mutant human. This way, that day ended with the weird revelation of knowing and listing to your parent's past adventures as a plumber.
Apparently, my parents were a very dangerous dynamic duo.
Since that, my parents taught me how to control my powers as well as taught me martial arts and such. I have inherited my dad's power perfectly from A to Z but when it comes to my other power like mom's but a little more powerful.
I can create anything I imagine and also destroy it, an exception to that is life, other than that anything. One time, dad showed me his plumper's custom-made handgun, and I immediately started creating 100 and 1000 of it and also destroying it after mom scold me. That day, my dad got a beating from my mom.
I don't need to know how it was made, I just need to know what it does, and *Bam* I can make one. I created many things like a washing machine, refrigerator, dining table, and all.
After that again life was going well until I reached 9 years old, my parents had an emergency plumber departure, so they had to leave my birthday in the middle to solve the problem, faced by the world.
I was not sad, and I was not angry about them leaving like that, in fact, I was proud of them and someday I wanted to be like that.
But the next day, instead of my parents, an old guy named Max came and told me my parents were MIA, I knew he did not want to tell me they were dead.
That day I cried, I cried, I got angry, and I attack the Max guy. After hitting him for a few minutes, I cried again, and he hugged me and said, "Kid, don't worry, your parents have given me the responsibility to take care of you if anything happens to them. Don't worry I will take care of you, don't worry," then I sleep while he hugged and so did I.
The next day I woke up in an unfamiliar house, in an unfamiliar room. After coming out of the room, I saw the same guy Max sleeping on the sofa, snoring like crazy. I tried to slowly walk but instead stumble into the carpet, waking that old guy up.
"*Yawn* you woke up, good. Then let me introduce myself, my name is Max Tennyson, a former plumber like your parents, in fact, it was me who mentor them both, you might not have remembered me, but I was your godfather." Said Max with a smile on his face.
I kept quiet and did not voice any questions or gave any answers either.
"*Sign* kid, don't worry I will take care of you until you reach legal age and after that, if you want to move out, you can, I will not stop you, but till then let me help you," said again Max with a serious face.
Again, I kept quiet, but this time I nodded to his word.
"Ok, Kid, I will go freshen up until then I want you to watch this, your parents gave it to me to give you, if suddenly they, I mean---ugh, here take this, they said you will know how to open it and don't worry I didn't open it." Said max and gave me, my dad's old hologram device went to freshen up.
After max went to freshen up, I walked toward the room and activated the device it lit up the whole room, and soon the hologram of my dad and mom, projected through the device.
Seeing their faces, my eyes became a little blurry, and a drop of tears came out of my eye. 'I miss you, Mom and Dad, why do you have to leave me?'.
And soon the hologram of my dad and mom started speaking in a warm tone.
"Ryan, if you are watching this then you know we cannot come back home, but we know you will be ok, Max is there to help you. Max was like our father when we were training to become plumbers, you can trust him and most importantly believe in yourself, little champ." said my dad.
"My Little Ryan, even though we couldn't be with you all your life, the moment we spend was the happiest of our life. We knew when we choose to become a plumber, we would have to face many changes, but the hardest is to leave you all alone. I am sorry, little Ryan, Mom, and Dad love you, forever and ever and ever," said mom while her voice become a little soft and felled with emotion.
I nearly cried again, but held it in. 'Love you too Mom, Dad'
"Ok, Champ remembers the Phrase we told you, if you ever to do anything do it" "" Plus Ultra"", hahaha," said my dad and mom.
"Bye Champ, Bye Little Ryan, remember to be good and not be naughty, use your powers for good," said both my parents, and the hologram ended.
'Bye dad, bye mom. I promise to be good and help others'.
Soon after, I walked out of the room and saw Max, dressed in a red Hawaiian shirt and white pants, sitting on the sofa.
Seeing me coming, he looked toward me smiled, and said, "Don't worry kid, if you ever need anything, I will provide it for you."
"Teach me, how to become a plumber, I want to help the world as my parents did," I said to Max.
"You are too young, enjoy your childhood, and after you reach adulthood, then we will discuss it."
I nodded and since that day, I started to live with him.