
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

Reinarudo · Action
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98 Chs

Chapter 97: Assembled Forces

Both Atalante and Aiden were defeated, now with them gone all Sanity needed to deal with were Merlin and the others.

Gwyn pressed a button as it activated on Bones and Kix's distress call on the van they then immediately head towards their position to pick them up.

"I would stand back if I were you." Merlin uttered.

"Hmmm? and why's that?." Sanity asked.

He wasn't planning on stopping nor slowing down.

"Because of this!!."

Merlin then waved his staff as rose petals blinded Sanity's sight with him trying to peel off the petals the rest of them took this as a chance to escape, Merlin was strengthening the petal's seal to give them enough time to get out of there, since Merlin was carrying both Atalante and Aiden, while Anastasia made an ice golem and made it carry Arthur and Frenda while Gwyn was carrying Gray.

Hngghh!!! They think they can run from me by blinding my sight!?."

He aimed his lance towards the skies and threw it, as it was hurling through the sky and landed right in front of them.

Merlin looked back in shock to see the precise aim Sanity threw his lance with.

"I don't need my eyes to take all of you down!." Sanity said.

At the next moment he was about to charge towards them but..

"Abbigail!!." Alex yelled.

Multiple strands of ribbons surrounded the blind villain and as Abbigail then closed her fists the ribbons around Sanity all wrapped around him, entrapping him in it.

"HAH!? You think this pesky Ribbons could hold me do---nrrghh!!! Why is it cold all of a sudden?." Sanity uttered.

As it was then revealed Skadi froze Abbigail's ribbons to strengthened it even more not even Sanity could break through that.

The awake student council managed to arrive and saved them from the villain.

"President.. you're okay.." Patrisha uttered gasping for breath.

"Glad to see you're all safe too.. although I'd like to know what's going on." Alex said as he stared unto the sealed villain from a far.

"That can wait for later.. for now we need to rendezvous with my friends and get out of here." Merlin said.

"Don't worry our ride's on the way." Gwyn said.

While everyone was waiting, Abbigail and Skadi managed to hold him down for now while Jazmyn stared at the unconscious Arthur and thought

[Just like me... huh]

Seconds passed by and they can see the van heading their way.

"What's going on Mage of Flowers.. I demand an explanation." Alex said.

"Oh? is that how you ask someone for something President of the Student Council?."

At the next second two of Alex's familiars were snarling at Merlin with their drool dropping from their mouths.

"Alright, Alright I'll tell you.. geez you're no fun." Merlin said.

The familiars dispersed as Merlin explained to Alex and the other student council members what was going on and how they got here and there, He explained everything to them what they needed to do.

"Well? are you guys in?." Merlin asked.

"If it's the only way to save our friends then yes we're in." Alex replied.

The other members simply nodded their heads in agreement to join their ranks to restore those who fell unconscious from the spell.

[Twilight huh..] The Phoenix thought.

"Excuse me but miss Jazmyn I know you're little friend giving you those powers knows about the Twilight spell that's being casted around us now.. if you may allow her to show herself." Merlin said.

Merlin knew about Arthur and his Dragon servant ever since he first saw him that day when both Annie and Dorothy were captured by Sanity for the first time and he just noticed Jazmyn's connection to the Phoenix servant.

[What should we do? are you okay of showing yourself?]

Jazmyn was communicating with the Phoenix through her mind.

[It's fine.. you trust these people with your life so I have no reason to hide myself.]

The phoenix then appears on top of Jazmyn although she doesn't have a physical body, it was just a spirit of the phoenix appearing in front of them, and as Sanity felt a spine chilling sensation he was wondering what was going on.

Everyone around her was astonished to see a gigantic fiery phoenix in front of them.

"Ummm Jazmyn.. what's going on here.." Alex uttered breathless.

While Abbigail and Skadi were to shocked to see that but they had no time to indulge themselves in different matters since they were to hold down Sanity until their ride arrives.

"Mage of Flowers huh.. no wonder.. I don't have enough knowledge about Twilight but that chibby over there does." The Phoenix pointed her wing towards the little Dragon on top of Arthur's unconscious body.

It was Arthur's Dragon, but it was tiny because of the fact that Arthur overused his mana earlier thus of him becoming so tiny.

"A dragon?..." Patrisha uttered breathless.

"Man this school really has some interesting characters you know that.." Skadi said.

"Thanks.." Abbigail replied.

"Twilight is a spell that greatly affects people with less then fifty percent of mana soo those of you who couldn't make it were probably too weak from the fight or just merely tired, it's not any lethal or dangerous as long as their bodies are safe and as soon as the spell is lifted the people unconscious will wake up." The Dragon explained.

"Where can we find the Spell caster then?." Anastasia asked.

"That's where I'm not sure.. I believe the spell caster is the mastermind of this group.." Merlin said.

The van arrives and the two Spirits dispersed and went back into their owner's body.

"We need to get out of here!." Gwyn said.

As everyone got on board Bones drove the van away from the area getting some distance before Abbigail and Skadi's magic wares off freeing Sanity.

"I'm still not getting through Tazer or Annie.. head towards the abandoned building near the gymnasium." Merlin said.

"Yes sir.." Bones replied while something was concerning him as he drove [Does he perhaps remember us from that time..] Bones was nervous and sweating intensely.

As Merlin and the others were finally far enough Abbigail and Skadi's magic wore off which made it easier for Sanity to tear off.

"Alright!! I'm finally back into action!!!."

He sprung himself to where he last saw them and as he reached there, they weren't there anymore.

"Tchhh they got away.. no matter it's almost time anyways.. we'll finally have our revenge." Sanity said to himself as he rushes back to their meeting area.

End of Chapter 97: Assembled Forces