
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

Reinarudo · Action
Not enough ratings
98 Chs

Chapter 91: School Wars prt III

The crowd was getting excited, they yelled, they cried out giving support for both teams on the field.

As the bounded field was activated the crowd became even more restless as they betting who would win between the two schools.

Inside the bounded field was a forest terrain type, and the bases of both teams were finally complete.

The task for this particular match doesn't involve taking down the mage supporting the base.. but the target will be a person wearing the provided target suit.

Arthur and the others were already having their meeting inside the base.

"Alright Carla you stay here just in case of an am---!?."

Multiple tremors occurred on their base as it felt like the roof was about to collapse in on them.

"Such tremendous firepower.." Gray uttered scared.

"We can't let them pin us down any longer, remember the new skills we made!."

Dorothy was getting used to commanding the others unlike the first match where she would hesitate at times, and be unsure of her decisions but now she has finally placed some trust within her choices and has now a calm peace of mind.

The front wall of the base was getting bombarded by two Mages from the SK Academy.

"Keep going! We need to draw them out!." SK student said.

"Yeah, Yeah I'm on it."

a shine of light glittered among their eyes as they cancelled off their spells and casted new ones, defensive spells.

A wall made out of water was built in front of them as they were protected from the incoming bullets.

"Tchh.. they managed to protect themselves..."

It was Carla who was the one sniping them from a far with just her sight and her two pistols, as she felt utter disappointment in herself she then lets out a smirk as she then says,

"So.. I'll let you deal with them my King."

Arthur came in slashing the wall, surprising the enemy Arthur accomplished this feat by concentrating his mana on his entire sword to cut through the spell itself.

Without giving them any time to react Arthur dealt with them swiftly by knocking them out unconscious.

"That's two down.." He uttered.

He placed his sword back unto it's sheathe as he tries to head back to the base but then...

[Behind you!!!]

A sudden voice called him, made him aware of what's currently happening, he turns around and pulls out the sword that he just tucked in it's sheathe and parried the strike from an unknown swordsman.

The two were in a lock, both weapons were giving their all to ensure it doesn't break.

Arthur leg's were getting cramped from the lock now, even by concentrating his mana unto his sword at the nick of time, it's still isn't enough to back off the attacker.

It was wearing a hood so he had no idea of identifying whether it was a boy or a girl, but it's hood looked upwards and backed away from Arthur, ending the lock.

Arrows came crashing down unto the spot where the mysterious attacker was standing, he turned around and saw Patrisha, aiming her bow as she said,

"I'll join you!."

"What's the situation?." Arthur asked.

"The others have begun the plan as we speak, and we'll soon follow once we're done here."

The mysterious hooded swordsman readies his sword as he charges towards them with massive bloodlust.

"Got it!." Arthur replied.

Arthur parried the hooded person's strikes while he would follow it up with a fatal strike and shortly after Patrisha's arrows would pierce the attacker's flesh and skin, she coated the arrows she fired with her mana.

[I only have 9 arrows left.. I need to save these arrows for the mission] Patrisha thought to herself as she change gears and grabs her daggers.

She then plunges in towards them supporting Arthur from close range, the swordsman was now fighting two opponents that were using mana skin.

He too was using his own mana skin but that isn't enough to keep hold in a battle with two opponents.

From left to right Arthur and Patrisha kept swinging their blades with ease and speed, not giving the enemy any openings to strike, he blocked, parried and evaded their strikes but he wouldn't get an opening from the two.

[I would've had the upper hand if I got more intel from these people.. tchh I have to----!?]

His eyes widened as he then noticed something was different the moment these two swung their weapons at him,

[Are they gaining more momentum and speed!? I need to get out of herreee quic----ngh!?]

As he would try to get away from them, they would simply follow his movements, and continue their unending attacks, not even showing a bit of sign of weakness or sluggish movements.

They swung their weapons with great ease but at the same packs quite a strong hit, the swordsman was getting desperate just to escape their unending strikes.

[I have no choice but use it then..] He uttered in his mind.

"Can you still keep up Patrisha?." He asked.

"Who do you think you're talking to." She replied.

There were no signs of slowing down between the two, they kept on bombarding their opponent with their attacks, left and right.

Arthur noticed the mysterious swordsman was fighting them one handed, while his other arm was reaching for something behind his back.

"Patrisha, get away!!!."

The mysterious swordsman pulled out a spear as he jolted it towards the two, without Arthur's warning Patrisha would've been injured from that strike critically but she managed to dodge it in time and as she leaped in the air, backing away from their enemy, Arthur managed to slash their opponents hood off revealing the person's face.

He had nice pale skin but had a burnt scar on his left face, his eyes were the eyes of a kind person that wouldn't harm anyone else if he had to.

"A dual wielder!?." Patrisha uttered in shock.

"And it's a spear.. so we're going to have to dodge the spear and the sword strikes.. great looks like more jobs for us." Arthur said.

"That's fine by me." She uttered.

She concentrated her mana on her legs thus giving more force to her jumps, runs and slides, she rushes towards the enemy in front of them with the speed of almost how a cheetah would run.

Patrisha circles around the enemy with her speed, confusing him to where she would attack.

She ran and ran in circles until the dust mostly covered her up, The mysterious person simply stood there calmly, waiting as he strengthen his grip on both weapons.

Behind him, he blocked Patrisha's strike as if he knew she was gonna go there.


She backs away and uses the dust to cover her presence as she waits for her next opening to come, Arthur dove into the huge balls of dust shortly after.

[Now.. where would she strike next?.. the back? my front? the sides?]

He was making himself open on purpose to draw her in and land a strike on her with both weapons.

[Since she failed to launch her attack from behind.. she's gonna try to attack in the froo---.]

Behind him appeared, a silhouette.

"Fools, I'm going to make sure you won't ever have the chance to back away again!." He yelled out as he turned around and aimed both weapons at the silhouette.

It blocked both weapons at once and he said,

"It's foolish to try and block both of my weapons by yourself, what? did your friend perhaps left you alone here little girl?." He taunted her with a huge smile on his face.

"You like taunting women huh? never thought a guy with kind eyes such as yours would do such a thing."

His mind was still processing what he just heard, that wasn't the voice of a girl, it was a boy's.

Arthur was the one who blocked his strikes and Patrisha came up from behind shortly after.

"That won't work on me!!!."

He used his spear to block Patrisha's strike, the three of them were now in a lock, one fatal move and they would be grazed or worse.

The mysterious person twirled his spear around to loose Patrisha's balance as he then redirected his sword and jolted it towards her, Arthur appeared out of nowhere and blocked the sword, and Patrisha leaped from above to try to get a clean hit with her blades.

She was against the sun so the person focused on Arthur instead and tried to predict which spot she would strike.

He trusted his instincts while Arthur was dealing with his sword he was thinking what he can do to help Patrisha.. he then noticed what she was holding in the air.

"You may have forgotten about the weapons I used earlier.. but no hard feelings."

It wasn't her blades she was holding, it was her bow and an arrow ready to fire.

[Wait a minute! didn't she used a bow before now? ----huuhh!?!?.]

He looked above at the heating sun, as he felt a stinging sensation from his eyes thus breaking his concentration and focus.

She fired a single arrow that had her mana coated all over it as it spread out into tinier arrows and reigned on the ground.

[Crap!! I need to get out of heree!!!!]

The sun was now covered by a rain of tiny arrows, as he was about to make a run for it Arthur plunged his sword unto a piece of his clothing on the ground while holding him down.

He was prepared to take the enemy out with him, he stepped on both arms of the enemy to make sure he doesn't tear off the clothing pinning him on the ground.

As the arrows were getting closer and it landed on the ground, everything in the area was destroyed, from trees to plants, to rocks to boulders nothing was standing left.

The audience outside were at an awe for seeing Patrisha's powerful new skill, she then arrives on the ground and looked for Arthur.

The dusts were starting to clear up and she saw Arthur's sword and the three knocked out SK students on the ground unconscious, Arthur was on the ground too but was several miles away from the three.

Patrisha ran towards him to check on him and was glad to have known he was fine, On the nick of time Arthur ran farther away from the enemy and when he realized he wouldn't make it he tried to concentrate his mana skin to every single part of his body and took all the raining arrows.

Although exhausted he was able to successfully counter all those arrows and survive.

She extends her hand to help pick him up as she asks,

"Think you can keep going?."

"Who are you... ughh.... talking to." He replied.

She helped him stood up from the ground as they then proceed to head back towards their base and catch up to the others who went to find the enemy's target suit.

Alex, Jazmyn, Abigail, Gray and Dorothy were the team searching for the enemy.

Before leaving the base Dorothy placed some of her mana to leave their base and at least leave the structure of it still standing.

"Be sharp everyone." Alex uttered.

They were already walking in enemy territory, they knew it and were on their guard.

"Anyone hear that noise?." Gray asked.

There was a whistling in the forest, they weren't sure where it came from as it was just bounced from here to there, it echoed all around them.

They formed a defensive circle to at least prepare for the enemy's attacks but the whistling continued but there was no attack.

[Where are they gonna strike?] Abigail thought to herself.

[Abigail can probably catch them once they try to strike with her ribbons.. but I'm not sure if they're gonna attack or just buy time for their reinforcements to arrive] Alex thought while he was cautious to his surroundings.

There was no attack but the sound of the whistle grew stronger and louder by each second.

[Where is that sound coming from?] Gray asked.

[Everyone be ready!] Alex yelled.

As three persons rushed towards them, Alex, Jazmyn and Abigail were the only to notice this and protected Gray and Dorothy.

They parried the enemy's strike with their weapons and abilities, while the two students behind them were caught in the confusion as to what just happened.

"Looks like this is SK Academy's Student Council Al--President." Abigail said.

With her free hand she then conjured up a sword made out of ribbons and she added spikes all around the sword itself, she swung it towards her opponent but she dodged and backs away.

"You're not getting away!!." She yelled.

Abigail chases after her while the others were busy battling their own opponents.

"Abigail wait!!!." Alex yelled out while blocking the enemy's strikes.

Behind them were all of Alex's familiars as they attacked the enemy without hesitation.

Jazmyn used her fiery wings to protect herself from the enemy's bombardment of fireballs.

"Mages!? You remind me of my little brother so much that pisses me off!!!."

Her wings consumed the fireballs one by one as both her wings grew bigger by each fireball she takes in.

"This was my mistake.. I need to fall back!." SK Student Council member said.

"You're not getting away!!!." Jazmyn flew and chased after him.

And the next thing Alex knew they were all separated, One of Alex's familiar was just taken out and all that remains is his first familiar, the strongest in his arsenal.

The two crossed swords but something was off from their opponents moving, it was like his weapon isn't a sword.

[Could it be....?...] Alex wondered.

Their enemy was wearing a hood and concealed his weapon, but from just watching that person fight Alex was starting to figure out his weapon.

"Dorothy, Gray you two proceed ahead, the three of us will catch up." Alex uttered.

"But.. Arthur and Patrisha haven't caught up yet.." Dorothy replied.

"Don't worry I'll make sure to give them directions.. just go and don't stop we'll catch up you have my word."

"Alright good luck President." Gray said.

As the two left the area and proceeded to head front Alex calls back his familiars and now that it was the two of them left in the area he raises both arms up and says,

"Kinda quiet now.. am I right?."

"Silence..I know you are the president of WordBagon.."

[Well you must've heard that like two times now people calling me that] He uttered in his mind.

"Therefore I shall not show you mercy."

He charges towards him at the speed of light as Alex himself swung his sword upwards as he parries the swing with multiple thrusts and backs away.

"I knew it.. I finally figured out what your weapon really is." Alex happily said.


"It's a rapier isn't it?."

"What good does it give you if you know what my weapon is!."

He rushes towards him and the two exchange blows with each other while Abigail used her ribbons to try to catch her opponent like she was fishing.

She threw a long and thick ribbon to try and capture her but she twirls her lance as fast as a helicopter once the ribbons make contact.

"Tchhh I knew this wouldn't be easy." She said to herself as she conjured up her armor but only for her legs to give her more speed and to catch up with her opponent.

She was leaping around from tree to tree while Abigail was running on the ground chasing after her foe with everything she got.

"Take this!!! yaaahhh!!!."

She throws sharp ribbon like projectiles at her while she merely evades or blocks some of them like it was nothing while continuing leaping around from tree to tree.

[What can I do to stop her fro---!!?!?!?.]

Her opponent from above disappeared and was heading right for her, Abigail immediately conjured up her full armor and took the blow while grabbing hold of her enemy's arm and not letting go.

"Where do you think you're going huh?." She uttered.

As the next thing she saw was the girl slicing off her own arm to get out of the situation.

She was gonna scream from what just happened but couldn't.. because there was no blood coming out.

Abigail then came back to her senses and tried to catch her escaped prey, she regrew the arm she lost and twirled her lance once again to counter her ribbons.

"Funny, usually people'd freaked out after seeing that... oh well."

As soon as she got some distance between each other she readied her lance and asked,

"You're really strange aren't you? you just witnessed a person cutting up their own arm and you reacted nothing to it.. who are you?."

She then takes her helmet off to give her foe a reply from her question.

"I'm Abigail, The Vice president of the student Council in WordBagon Academy.. and I'm pretty used to that.. but it was the first for me seeing a person willing to cut up their arm like it were nothing.. but as soon as I noticed there wasn't any blood I managed to get back to my senses."

"So you're the famous support from this school's student council, Amazing.."

"F-Famous? Me? Either way.. you're a homunculus aren't you?." Abigail asked.

The girl simply smiled and chuckled to her question as she then says,

"Yes, I am.. and the Student Council's Vice President.. same as you."

Abigail was shocked breathless from what she was seeing, her opponents hair and eye color changed drastically, from black to blue.. her eyes were pinkish earlier but now they were blue.

"This is my true form.. And I won't loose to a person like you!." She uttered.

"Same goes for me!."

Abigail puts her helmet back on and the two charged towards each other once again while on Jazmyn's side she backed away from her foe and was avoiding the fireballs unlike earlier..

[If I take in too much I would overwork my wings.. I need to avoid them] She thought.

"HAHAHAHA What's wrong? weren't you confident about those wings of yours earlier? Why are you evading my spells now!."

[Tchh this brat's seriously on their student council? his power can seem like he does but his attitude not so much..]

Jazmyn then had enough evading his spells and simply dove towards him while releasing the immense energy she had from consuming his spells from earlier.

"Is she serious!? She's going to kill me!?."

Her eyes became dark red as her face was dark pitched black, her teeth were showing as she smiled menacingly as she was heading towards him.

[If she makes impact with the ground she'll explode like a bomb!? and take me with her!?]

"I won't let you beat me!! Fireball!!!."

He launched multiple fireballs at her while she was still diving down towards her opponent without any plans of stopping or slowing down.

"I'm not the one who's going to beat you..."

Her wings slowly disengage from her body.. as something was coming out behind her.

"She will." Jazmyn yelled.

As she aimed both her hands at the direction of where the Mage is standing A red fiery phoenix came out and was heading towards him.

The multiple fireballs he launched earlier were being consumed by the Phoenix's fire as it did, it grew much bigger than before..

"Phoenix Crash!!!." Jazmyn yelled out as loud as she can.

The phoenix she released then slammed the Mage into the ground while burning away all his mana... when the flames of the phoenix disappeared and returned to Jazmyn, The Mage was already knocked out cold.

"I guess...I...overdid it." She utters to herself.

As she was about to head back to where their President is, she noticed something happening from the Mage's body and her eyes widened from shock to what she's seeing.

Alex evades and parries the enemy's strikes while he would follow them up with a critical strike, He sidestepped and dodged his opponents multiple thrusts and backs away from him.

"This is getting us both nowhere, Am I right?." Alex asked.

"mhm.. then you wouldn't mind forfeiting the match would you!!."

He charges towards him readying to thrust another couple of times while Alex says,

"You first."

Alex charges to and the two continued their unending parries, strikes and blocks until one of them creates a mistake or an opening.

But this time Alex was getting the upper hand, he would manage to leave grazes towards the enemy in front of him.

[Should I use it while I still have the advantage?]

Meanwhile at Abigail's side of things she was almost done with her battle as well, Her opponent was already exhausted, anytime now she was about to break.

"..You.. got me... good.." The Homunculus utters.

"And I'm not done yet!."

Without giving her anytime to react she entrapped her enemy with her ribbons while launched multiple sharp ribbon like projectiles from the inside.

[Surely this would deal some damage to her.. Homunculus or not.. there's no way she can maintain her form in there.]

She was confident but at the same time desperate.. something was wrong about this when she was fighting.

Abigail felt something out of place here, something different when they would clash weapons.

As she opens the trap black dusts appeared and were carried by the wind.. Her eyes widened from the realization what they were fighting were merely illusions or spells.

"Ash---." Abigail said.

"---Magic." Jazmyn said.

As the two then proceeded to head towards their President's position to warn him of their discovery.

[Should I use it while I still have the advantage?]

Alex was doubting his decision for he too was sensing something off about this battle.

He blocked his strike and followed it up with a kick giving them distance between each other.

[I don't have a choice..]

Alex readies his sword in a stance, he grabs hold of the sharp edges on his sword and says,

"I give thee..------!?."

"DON'T-----." Jazmyn yelled.

"-----DO IT!!!!." Abigail yelled.

His chant stopped while Abigail used her ribbons to slice in half the boy in front of their president.

As he was shocked of this development, he was oddly calm and at the same time happy as his theory wasn't wrong..

"Ash Magic.." He utters.

[I realized something was odd from the start.. why we couldn't sense them coming from a far.. and their movements were sluggish..]

"So they just wanted us to use our mana huh.. Impressive.."

"Uhmm President.. I may already have depleted my Mana hehehehe."

Alex then pinches her cheek while saying,

"Why do you always go too far when it comes to battles!."

"I mweann I dwont knwow pwease stwopp ouchh."

Alex lets out a sigh as he lets go of Jazmyn's red swollen cheek and looks towards Abigail asking,

"Can you help her with her injuries at least Abigail?."

"Yes President, I'm right on it."

Alex then takes a sit on a huge rock as he then says,

"We'll wait for Arthur and Patrisha to catch up and then we'll make our way towards Gray and Dorothy.."

"Uhmm President.." Jazmyn says as she points behind him.

He looks around and sees both Gray and Dorothy right there, they never left the area but simply hid there while the battle was ongoing, Gray on the other hand was on the verge of collapsing as he was scared breathless when he was hiding.

Dorothy and Gray both hid in different places so if they're spotted they could both react quickly rather than staying together which could provide problems.

"Well all we're waiting now is for Arthur and Patrisha.. where could those two be?." Alex said.

Meanwhile back at the base..

Arthur, Patrisha, Carla and Saya were dealing with two enemies that managed to infiltrate their base..

It was a tall guy and little girl holding a teddy bear that infiltrated their base.

"I hope they can wait for us a little longer.." Arthur utters as he draws his sword.

"This might take a while.." Patrisha said.

Carla and Saya have both readied their weapons and was already aiming them at the enemy.

"Now, now people.. It's not nice to aim such sharp and dangerous things to others.. so why don't you all CALM DOWN!!."

The tall boy throws multiple daggers at them And Arthur protects Carla while Patrisha protected Saya from the incoming daggers by blocking them with their weapons.

While they were dealing with the daggers both Carla and Saya leaped above them, Carla fired at least two bullets while Saya threw her scythe at them.

"We're up Nana." She said in her light voice.

As she throws the teddy bear in front of them, it grew into a huge giant one and acted as a shield for them, it took the bullets Carla fired and grabbed Saya's scythe.

"What!?." Saya reacted.

"Hehehe Nana is always strong, super strong! She won't be defeated by that!."

"I see..." Saya replied as she tries to pull her scythe back.

The bear's hand grew a bright purple light as it exploded and the scythe returned to it's owner.

"AAAAHHHHH Nana are you okay?." The little girl asked.

The giant brown bear nodded it's head to answer to his master's question.

"What are we going to do about that giant bear my king?." Carla asked.

"How many bullets do you have left?." He asked.

"7 left.."

"On each!?."

"All in all.. I have three bullets in my left pistol while in the right I have at least 4."

For now the enemy ceased their attacks, but Arthur and the rest were on their guards, these weren't normal opponents they are facing.

The gigantic bear turned back into a small one, once it did the tall guy came right out of it and was arming his daggers.

"Oh no you don't!." Arthur said.

As he then rushes in to stop him, as every strike gets parried by Arthur the tall guy would throw at least a dagger or so hoping to hit his targets.

But Patrisha would put a stop to that by blocking all the thrown daggers, enraged from this the tall guy moved even faster than before, Arthur was still able to keep up but because of his recent battle he was about to give in to the exhaustion.

"Hang on my King I'll help yo---!?!?."

The Gigantic bear was in front of Carla, Saya and Patrisha.

"No, you three should face mee."

"This is getting troubling." Patrisha said to herself as she draws her blades.

The Gigantic bear throws a punch towards them and misses and gets it's arm stuck to the ground, Patrisha took this opportunity and ran from it's arm and headed towards it's head.

She slashed both of it's eyes as the bear fell to the ground, Carla was behind the girl aiming her pistols telling her to give up.

Saya reacted, And the Gigantic bear was once again behind Carla despite loosing it's eyes.

"Surrender! I don't want to harm a little girl." Carla said.

The little girl smiled menacingly as Saya scythe wrapped around Carla's waist, confused to what's going on she just felt the bear's presence behind her.

She fired a bullet to it's arm to stop it's attack and Saya pulled her away from there.

"That bear's gonna be annoying!." Carla said.

"I agree.. any ideas ms. Patrisha?." Saya asked.

"Still working on it.." She replied.

Meanwhile the audience outside was enjoying the battle so far and were on the edge of their seats, yelling, cheering, they were all enjoying watching the battle unfold.

"Father do you think they'll be fine?." Louise asked.

"Hey.. Louise.. if they win this.. we need to give it to him.."

"Are you sure?.. what if he'll go crazy like before.."

They knew something, something relating to Arthur.. and chose to hide it.

"I'm sure he won't this time.." He uttered.

"What makes you so sure?."

"Because... he has her."

Meanwhile outside the gym were heroes on patrol in the area, and one of those heroes on patrol were Atalante and Aiden as they saw the battle through the giant tv outside the gym.

"Man those kids from SK are really tough.." Aiden said while eating an ice cream cone.

"Students from SK Academy are chosen only by power.. if you don't have a strong ability or skill you won't be able to enter it's school.. that's how that campus works.." She replied.


"And why are you eating an ice cream on our patrol!?!?!?."

Back to game, Patrisha and Saya rushed towards the bear to take it down and once and for all.

The bear threw a punch and missed Patrisha climbed her way from it's arm to repeat what she did earlier while Saya was going to take out it's legs with her scythe.

As Patrisha was about to slash off it's head She noticed the other hand heading for her, as she dodges the second punch and because of it looses her balance, she then leaped away from it while Saya was getting close to it's legs.

"One... strike..."

She spun herself like a tornado with sharp spinning blades to try and tear off it's legs in one strike.

Arthur was blocking, evading and parrying the enemy's strike and followed up with a powerful punch by each time..

"Don't think just because you landed multiple blows at me you have a chance of winning this.." The Tall guy said as he continues his unending strikes.

[When is this guy gonna quit.. no matter how many times I land a punch he won't go down!] Arthur thought to himself.

He then had an idea instead of blocking the sword, this time he evaded it and ducked once he did, he knocked out his legs disturbing his balance.

"I'm gonna end this with one punch." Arthur uttered.

He never noticed it but his arm to his fists became a gauntlet made out of scales and he even added his mana skin unto it making it even more powerful than his normal average one.

As the tall guy was watching he thought to himself this is where he ends and gets beaten.


Arthur landed the punch, and punched him into the ground creating a crater, he was out of breath and once he took a look at his arm it was back to normal.

[What was that tremendous power just now?] He thought while gazing upon his hand.

And in the reflection of the sword which looked like a dragon's eyes looking at him as it disperses and disappears.

Saya manages to successfully take out its legs and backed away from it.

"We did it! now that bear won't be moving at all." Carla yelled out.

"Wait!." Patrisha said.

Behind the fallen bear was it's owner, the little girl, crying to it, she was clenching her fists unto it.

"I'll make them pay.."

They were all wary about the little girl still alive but without a second thought Carla rushed in out of fear trying to finish the job.

"I'm taking you out while we have the chance!!." Carla yelled.

"Too late..." The little girl uttered.

She gave Carla a glare with her reddish eyes and for some reason Carla's body wouldn't move.

"T-This is.. Eyes of petrification?."

"This is bad, Saya!." Patrisha said.

"On it!."

Saya's scythe wrapped all around Carla's frozen body and pulled her away from there.

"T-Thanks Saya.. I owe you twice now.."

The gigantic bear's body slowly melted into acid, as it formed an even bigger serpent.. it was twice as big as the bear.. and it had strands of other serpents as it's hair, at least almost six strands of serpents attached to it's head.

"There's no way we are beating that.." Patrisha uttered.

The serpent launched it's other heads at them as they all dodged it's blows the entire ground was filled with holes..

"This is way out of our league.. we need the student council here.." Carla said.

"No.. We can do it..."

They were panicking at the look of the giant serpent in front of them, they were about to loose hope.. until Arthur came in and told them they can do it..

"How?? We don't have the means to take out that thing.." Patrisha said.

"If we do it right, we can time it.."

Arthur explained to them what they needed to do while the little girl was still trying to complete the serpent's form..

"You think you all can handle it?." Arthur asked.

They all nodded their head and agreed to Arthur's plan.

"Alright, here I go!."

By concentrating his mana only to his legs Arthur ran as fast as he could..

"Oh no you don't! Get her Medusa!!!." She yelled.

The Serpent unleashed it's serpent heads towards Arthur, while he just kept running, he never stopped not for a bit, not even slowing down, as the serpent heads were getting close to him Patrisha sliced multiple heads protecting Arthur.

And more serpent heads started heading for Arthur, one slice was all it took for Saya's scythe to slice all six heads in one..

It gave Arthur three minutes until the heads would grow back, all he needed to do was get to the serpent's main head and slice it off.

Because even if they took out the owner.. the serpent would still move on it's own for she has already supplied enough mana for it to stand on it's own.

"You're all sooo annoying!!." She tried to get Arthur's attention by letting him look into her eyes.

But that backfired when....

"This is payback for earlier brat!." Carla said.

As she placed her shiny clean pistols in front of the girl using her eyes of petrification, she was staring unto her own reflection and was frozen solid.

She couldn't move anymore.. she was stuck by her own ability..

"Goooo My King!!!!." Carla yelled.

One serpent head launched itself towards Arthur and misses, and then Arthur used it as a stepping stone, he climbed the serpent's body reaching it's main head.

"This is the end.. please don't grow back anymore.." He uttered.

And as Arthur tried to slice it his sword was stuck midway on the serpent's neck..

"You've gotta be kidding mee!?." He yelled out in despair "Move! Move! Move! Move! Move!." He kept on yelling until the sword would budge.

As the other six serpent heads grew back, Saya, Patrisha and Carla all took the liberty of dealing with them while Arthur was cutting up the main head.

"Please!! give me strength!!."

The neck was just that thick for the sword to cut.. it stopped mid way and now wouldn't even move from that spot.

"I'm winning this for Dorothy!!."

The same eyes that stared unto him earlier came back unto the sword's reflection, it closed its eyes and flames were coated all around it burning away the thick flesh of the serpent burning it all away, Arthur then took it as an opportunity and sliced it clean.

The Serpent fell unto the ground and dispersed.. it became a tiny plushie once again.. and it seemed like it won't be returning anytime soon.

The little girl then broke free from her own ability and was heading towards Arthur..

"How dare you hurt my Nana!!!!."

She wasn't holding anything at all.. just her fists and her emotions..

"Sorry Arthur.. but I'll dealing with her."

He noticed the voice behind him and backed away.. It was Zack and May, although she was looking grumpy on the screen on his device.

"Zack?." Patrisha reacted.

"I told him to just sit there and hide but he just wouldn't." May said.

"I'm tired hiding all the time!." He uttered.

As he then clenched his fists and a net fell unto the girl.. Everyone's reaction were the same.. "Heh??." They weren't expecting a net to beat and catch her.

"You think some stupid net's gonna stop me??." She yelled.

"This is not some ordinary net you know.." Zack uttered.

The little girl then screamed in pain as she was experiencing being electrocuted, a few seconds after she was knocked unconscious.

"Zack.. what kind of net is this?." Saya asked.

"It's a net that produces electricity that zaps away your mana.." He replied.

"Now.. get back to hiding Zack." Carla said.


He stomped his foot down showing his resolve.

"I don't wanna hide this out.. I'm a student from Class L-1 too you know.. I want to fight.. I don't wanna hide.. I'm going to fight!."

They were all hesitant while Arthur was still waiting for him to say something to convince him.

"I wanna get stronger.. I wanna fight with you guys.. I wanna get stronger so I can protect May from anything!!." He yelled.

And that gave him Arthur's full respect.. May was blushing, she was on the floor having a bright red face.

"I trust Zack on this one.. I mean I'd be the same if I was hiding all the time.."

"You sure My King?." Carla asked.

"Yes.. all we gotta do is protect hi---?."

"No.. I can hold my own." He insisted.

"Alright.. but when it looks like you don't we'll protect you Zack.." Arthur said.

"Master is going to kill me for this.." Saya said to herself.

"Now everyone let's go catch up to the others!!." Arthur said.

And now Zack, May, Saya, Patrisha, Carla and Arthur were heading for Dorothy's side to support them as they storm the enemy base to take out their target and win this match once for all.

Meanwhile outside the school campus near a restaurant, A familiar Van was parked there.

It was Gwyn and her team, they seemed to be talking to someone in a distorted voice, was it to hide his or her identity? to sound intimidating? they never knew the answer but listened to what this guy had to say.

"I know you're all ready to strike.."

"Yes.. but are we really going to leave the area alive?." Kix asked.

"I for one have to agree with Kix.. there are heroes scattered around the area.." Bones said.

"Don't worry.. just follow the map I lent you and you won't run into any heroes."

There were still hesitant, their thoughts were still unsure on what to make of this.

"First things first..." Gwyn said "Who are you? and your name?."

The other three were prepared what the answer was.. because this person has been in contact with them since they first formed as a Dark organization and is also their boss.

But even for all those years, they still couldn't learn their boss's identity not even gaining a bit of information regarding him/her.

"You see.. we need the trust of our boss if we're going to pull this off." Gwyn said.


"So if you won't tell us who you are.. then we mig---?."

Then Frenda placed bracelets between all of their wrists, including her own.

"What's the meaning of this!?." Kix reacted.

"Frenda!?." Gwyn reacted.

"I see.. looks like the time is now huh.."

"What do you mean!?." Gwyn exclaimed.

The bracelets were coated with sealing magic and they won't come off that easily, It had a plain red orb on it.

"You see the red orb on your bracelets?.. It will grow brighter if it gets close to the person that casted mana into it.."

"So Frenda wasn't the one who placed her mana into these things?." Bones asked.

"No.. I did.. and wherever you guys are.. if you wanna know who I am then you better keep an eye on those orbs.. Just do your job alright."

Their boss ends the call as all three of them were pissed and were looking at Frenda in a demonic way.




While the competition of the School Wars was occurring looks like another plot was set in motion.

End of Chapter 91: School Wars prt III