
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

Reinarudo · Action
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98 Chs

Chapter 9: Let's begin our Date!

It's a Saturday Morning, Dorothy was entranced by a familiar smell and tried to get up from bed without opening her eyes, due to this she fell on the floor with her blanket wrapped around her.


She opens her eyes and sees on the table, Arthur's omelet eggs, it was still fresh, she sniffed the familiar smell over and over again as her stomach finally gives in and lets out a loud growl.

"Hey you're finally awake."

She looks to the other side as she sees Arthur holding another batch of omelet eggs in a plate in his right hand.

He was wearing an apron, hairnet and placed the ketchup on the table.

"I made your favorite today." He smiled towards her.

Arthur prepared all the spoons and forks for breakfast while Dorothy was still on the floor, her eyes were shining as the omelet eggs were reflected in her eyes, she was already drooling but was still trapped by the warm and lengthy blanket.

Arthur walk towards and kneels in front of her saying,

"It can't be helped." He utters as he pats her head.

Dorothy was flustered from the situation while she tries to wiggle her way out from the blanket that was trapping her.

While Arthur then simply rolls Dorothy out free, as she then stares at the ceiling not thinking about what just happened she quickly smelled the eggs's scent and immediately took a seat on the table.

But she hasn't started eating yet, she was waiting for Arthur to take his seat in front of her, she starts to stutter while making growling noises.

"I-I'm coming." He uttered.

Once they both took their seats they both then say,

"Thank you for the meal."

And began eating their breakfast, Omelets were Dorothy's favorite food that Arthur has cooked, before the School Royale activity Arthur would use to cook for Dorothy every time and Arthur himself has been always making their lunches as well.

[I'm glad things are back to normal] Arthur thought to himself.

While he was in thought he just realized, there were only two omelet eggs left from the two plates and seen Dorothy's plate, it was filled with rice and tons of omelet eggs.

[She even left me two..] He thought to himself.

"Hey Dorothy wanna come with me later? I'm going to go buy somethings in the Market." He asked.

"Where are we going to eat?." she asked while her mouth was full.

[I knew she was about to say that.]

"Well we can eat a restaurant if you like."

After hearing this she nodded her head and agreed, and the two continued eating their breakfast while they talk about other things.

It's been minutes now and the two were already ready, they went outside their rooms and locked it.


A familiar voice was heard, It was Gray who was walking by.

"Hey Gray, where are you going?." He asked out of curiosity.

"Oh nothing just to buy something at the vending machine... Hi Dorothy I hope you're feeling better now, everyone's been worried sick about you."

Dorothy then looked at Arthur, her eyes were wondering what he told their classmates while she was gone.

He knew this for a fact for a reason and was scared about this, She then turns towards Gray and says,

"I am now Thanks Gray."

"That's good to know, Well I have to go now Arthur, Dorothy see ya later."

As he then heads for the vending machine away from them, Dorothy tugged his Jacket and asked,

"Hey Arthur?."


"What did you tell the class about me?."

"I just told them you had a fever, that's all."

As the two continued on their walk outside they saw a lot of other students from different classes walking around, some were chatting on the benches, they were all enjoying their weekend.

Dorothy was still nervous about this idea since she was always targeted by Assassins, she doesn't know when or where they'll launch an attack and if they see her with Arthur they might use him as bait to lure her out but she then thinks to herself that..

[There's no way Arthur would get captured by some lowly Assassin.. I have to trust in him.]

Arthur was thinking about what she said yesterday as she was bursting in tears.

[I'm not your normal average girl.]

He was fixated on that and wanted to let her be outside, in the city to enjoy herself more, he wanted to let her experience joy and happiness. an experience she hasn't tried yet.

They pass by candy shops as Dorothy was interested in some of them, Arthur then bought her the candy she was looking at.

She was happy while chewing on the candy in her mouth, she then noticed a clothing store and tugged his shirt.

"Hey Arthur you mind if we come inside here for a second." She uttered.

He takes a look at the store she wanted to go inside to and Arthur saw a clothing store, as it rings a bell in his mind he then thought of what she told him yesterday too.

[I'm not your normal average girl who loves to go shopping.]

Arthur then agrees, as they enter the store Dorothy still didn't knew what to do, she was merely holding Arthur's hand as she passes by some of the clothes there.

Something gets her attention and checks the clothing itself, they were all in good condition but the prices were way to extreme.

[Why is there a torn area here? should this be up for display?] Arthur thought to himself.

"Hey Arthur can I try this on."

She was embarrassed and wasn't looking at him directly but she showed him a cute red tank top.

"S-s-Sure thing.. I'll be waiting outside if you need me okay."

He was imagining Dorothy in that red tank top and was now in a world filled with perverted thoughts.

[She's going to look a-adorable in it.. hehehe]

And it was Arthur's first time shopping with a girl, and the first girl Arthur has even went with shopping other than his sister.

As Dorothy was changing into the red tank top she chose Arthur was having a distressful conversation in his head.

[Behind me is a.... I-I-Is a na-naked girl]

[You should go look at her partner!] His inner demons talking to him.

[Are you crazy!? I might die if I do? I won't get to see her in that red tank top if I die.]

[It's more better seeing her naked body rather than an extra red clothing on her.]

[Just shut up demonic me, I just wanna enjoy my time with Dorothy.]

[You're no fun partner.]

As he finally made his decision the thought did crossed his mind but he was able to endure it.

[You don't have time Dorothy, you have to do it!.]

The dream he had days ago then pops back into his head as he was then filled with curiosity.

"What was that about really?."

As the curtains opened and Dorothy's head popped out of it.

"You were saying something Arthur?." She asked.

"Wha---? No, I wasn't... you're done?."

She slowly opens the curtains, slowly revealing to Arthur the red tank top on her, his heart skipped a beat after seeing her.

"H-Hey come on don't just stare at me, do I look okay?." She asked embarrassed.

"I-I-It looks perfect on you." He replied with an awe look in his face.

The two were embarrassed and looked the other way as she then says,

"I'll go change and buy this then.."


She then closes the curtains to change, once a few minutes have passed they were already next in line,

"Alright do you two couples have a card?." The cashier asked.

They both then replied,

"W-We're not a-a-a-a c-c-couplee."

"Not yet at least." Arthur included that bit.

Dorothy was flustered from hearing that, her face was all red as she places the tank top on the cashier.

The cashier simply smiled at us while she checked the price for the top.

After they paid it they went outside the store and Arthur checks the time, it was already twelve sharp.

"Maybe it's time for us to eat our lunches." He said.

They managed to find a comfy restaurant and were waiting for their orders.

"Well this is the first time I've ever been to a restaurant with my defenses down." she said.

"Oh come on do you really have to say it like that? just please enjoy this Dorothy."

As their orders finally arrived they then started to dig in, after they were done they went outside the restaurant and found a bench to sit on.

They were stuffed, they ate a lot of food in that restaurant as everything looked good and delicious on the menu.

Arthur checks his wallet to see if he still has money to pay for what he's buying and sees he's still good to go, he lets out a sigh of relief.

"H-Hey Dorothy, can I ask you something?." He asked.

She stared at him wondering what his question would be.

"Sure I'll answer your something, it depends on the question though." She replied.

"Do you get dreams?."

she giggled and laughed at the question he asked her saying,

"What do you mean do I get dreams? Ofcourse I do silly."

"Well I mean bad ones." He uttered.

Her mood simply changed and she was silent again.

"I just wann---."

She cut him up and gave him a letter, his brows furrowed from the question where and how she got that letter.

What contained in the letter Dorothy gave him was a sentence saying,

"I'll tell you, just not right now please trust me."

He closed the letter and let out a smile as he then says,

"I'm surprised you had the time to write all that in just a few seconds."

She then laughs at his sarcasm.

[Yeah, I am curious about her past.. but I want her herself to tell me.. when she's ready I'll be ready to listen to what she got to say.. until that day comes I'll enjoy every single moment I have with her.] Arthur thought to himself.

~ A few minutes later ~

"Well let's go Dorothy the store might close soon."

He stood up from the bench and put up his hand.

"It closes? it's still basically 1:30 right now and you're telling me a store you wanna go closes at this hour?." She replied.

"Well it's a special store."

I gave her a smile, grabbed her hand and we went to the store immediately, As they arrived at the store Dorothy was suspicious about the store itself..

"Hmmmm... A cake shop huh?."

She looked at him wondering what we were doing here.

"Well I did say I'd buy something."

He raised both of his hands as if she were a cop and he was caught red handed stealing.

"You said in the "Market" this is no market Arthur." She replied.

"Did I now? hehehehe my bad."

She looked at him with a curios look on her face so he decided to let her wait outside while he goes and buy it.

"Hey Dorothy can you wait here for a second I'm gonna go buy the thing I want okay, don't worry I'll be quick."

"Okay Arthur." She replied.

As he goes inside the cake shop her mind was fixated on what he was doing here, and why.

But she then reminisced about the first day they met,

[Wait! before you call me a perv, I must warn you]

[What's this tight feeling in my chest? I feel comfortable and calm when I'm with him...but do I really deserve such emotions to begin with?] She thought to herself.

As Arthur got out of the store holding a paper bag he then says,

"Sorry to make you wait Dorothy, let's get going."

It was a long way to go before they'd arrive at the dorms, so they took a break at the same bench in front of the restaurant they ate at lunch earlier, it was already 3:30 in the afternoon.

Both tired from walking Dorothy asked a question about the bought item Arthur got from the cake store.

"Well what do you think I bought from that "Cake store."

she giggled.

"Well for who is it for then?." Dorothy asked.

"Well I got it for the both of us of course." I smiled and pat her head.

"W-W-W-What for?." She asked

"Well for being my friend, I never had a lot friends when I was young and I would protect my sister from bullies at our neighborhood even if it meant loosing some of my friends." he paused for a minute and think of one moment.

~ Flashback ~

"Hey? what are you doing to my sister?."

"She has been saying rude things to us and we're going to teach her a lesson for fighting back!."

the kid slapped Arthur's sister..

He couldn't stand it, seeing his friend slapping his younger sister so he then decided to defend her at all cost.. he hit the kid in the head with a stick..

"I'm going to tell Mommy!."

Ever since then no one has been wanting to be friends with me..

~ and a girl can be seen holding two pistols..

~ Present ~

"Well aside from that I was just a random plain student until I met you that day at the gym, so Thank you for everything Dorothy." I gave her a smile.

"But you're wrong about one thing." She proclaimed.

Arthur was confused about what she said,

"We first met when you randomly opened our dorm room and I was still changing."

she was crossing both her arms while facing the other way.

[But either way I can't get this feeling out of my chest.] Arthur thought to himself.

"W-W-W-W-What are you trying to say here!?." She was stuttering.

"I gave you my answer.. but you never gave me yours." He said.

"But I did.. last night remember.."

"That doesn't count.. I want you to say what's on your mind.. how you feel about me."

Dorothy was still hesitating to reply, his mouth was shaking from what she should say, her mind was saying one thing while her heart another.

"I want us to be an confirmed couple.. I want us to be together.. I want to be with you Dorothy because I love you." He said.

Her expressions were sad, as she then says,

"You wouldn't want a murderer for a girlfriend Arthur."

He was silent but his feelings for her was still there, He was shocked to hear it but was prepared to listen to her story.

"What do you mean Dorothy?." He asked.

"It was years ago.. I killed a person."

End of Chapter 9: Let's begin our Date !