
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

Reinarudo · Action
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98 Chs

Chapter 76: Search, lock and Destroy

Oliver, Atalanta and Aiden all split up in different areas to get more ground and hoping at least one of them would find who they believed to be the mastermind, the droid named Cv.

Two heroes were battling a few droids in the area, they were already exhausted from an ongoing battle.

"We need to get out of here!."

"No! if we leave who's going to protect the city!?."

The droid's kept on coming, there was no end to them.

"O spirits of the winds give me power to blow my enemy!!."

and a sudden gusts of wind blew at least half of the droids surrounding the two heroes in the area, they turn their heads to the left and saw Oliver walking towards them and as they were about to thank him Oliver raised his hand and halted them from saying it.

"I'm still not a professional hero yet.. that means I don't deserve to be thanked for."

The two heroes merely looked at each other and bowed in front of the one who at least saved them.

"True.. but you still saved us.. that still deserves our thanks."

"Well... ummm... you two head out and look for other heroes battling the droids."

"What are you going to do?."

"Well I'm basically searching for something so I may at least deal a few droids along the way."

Oliver ran while attacking droids around him at least taking a few of them out to lessen the heroes's work.

[I need to find the Mastermind.. and quick]

Meanwhile Abigail and the others were clearly facing the droid that all the heroes have been searching for..


"Damian... could that thing be?." Lance asked as he was on his guard.

"No doubt about it! that's probably their leader, Vice President I request to take action."

"I reject that request! we don't know anything about that droid and I know for a fact that thing isn't like one of the droids we faced before."

"Just because it looks different doesn't mean it's special!."

Damian fires an arrow only to be sliced up by the enemy droid in front of them with just a wooden stick.


The droid plunged towards them with such speed only for Lance to intercept it's movement, he slammed the ground with his spear but the droid managed to dodge the attack and backed away.

"Thanks Lance, I owe you one."

"Save it til we get out of here." He twirls his spear around and rushes towards the enemy leader without thought.

Cv then charges towards the Lancer with no hesitation, and the two clashed it out the sounds of their weapons clashing, the air that are being produced from those hits, Lance would take a step backwards so Damian's arrow could land a hit.

but It managed to predict their movement and block the arrow while continue parring with Lance.

He managed to land a blow to the droid, at the right chest of it, was pierce by his spear but it was able to get away.

"Lance!! on your left!!." Damian yelled from a far.

And at his left multiple droids came in one by one attacking the lancer to buy time for the enemy to make it's move.

From left to right, they kept on coming, Damian would snipe from a far and help out Lance by shooting the droids that are still far from him to lessen the enemy up.

"Wide... open!."

Behind Damian was another droid, it was holding a broken glass shard and was ready to stab him... until one its arms were caught by a ribbon and out of nowhere an arrow pierced the droid's head.

"Huh?." Damian reacted from the out of nowhere arrow hitting the droid.

He took a look and saw multiple arrows from the night sky raining and were all heading towards Lance.. or he thought they would..

"Lanceee!! look out!!." He yelled out.

Not giving him a time to think Lance looked above and saw the bombardment of arrows heading towards him... he closes his eyes and grits his teeth.

He wasn't pierced at all, the arrows pierced the droids surrounding him instead, clearing out the entire area leaving them and the mastermind.

"You must be Cv!!."

a feminine voice came from the alleyway, everyone was silent and shocked to know who that was.

a green bow with a red wolf logo, they knew who that hero was and were grateful for her help.

[Oliver I found the droid.. contact Aiden and come here at WordBagon Dorms]

"I'm sorry but I'm going to stop you." She fires three arrows while rushing towards the droid.

Cv blocks the three arrows and throws a rock at her while Atalanta leaps from the air and dodges the rock, and against the moon light she fired two arrows once again.

but it noticed and dodged the arrows as well, without rest Atalanta was getting closer to the droid and once she did she parried its strikes with her bow.

The droid was shaking, showing a shock reaction as they cross weapons.

"What's wrong? first time seeing a Marksman fight up close?." She smirked and continued to parry its strikes without fail.

Ever since Atalanta was beaten by that villain one time she swore to herself she would train in close range quarters, so she would be able to defend herself when the time would come when an enemy would find her or she would try to beat the villain up close.

and her hard work is being put to the test in this moment, she was able to block the droid's strike with no trouble and was able to counter it using just her bow.

She took the strike to the left and sidestepped to quickly fire an arrow at the droid's right leg.

Limping from the loss of a leg it was still able to stand, it plunged towards her even though it lacks its right leg.

"You're kidding me, right!?." She reacted out of shock.

It used its left leg to sprung itself towards her and the two clash once again, as they had their strikes Atalanta would try to aim for its left leg only to be blocked by it.

[It's starting to predict my movements] She thought to herself.

"Then how about... this!!."

She grabbed an arrow from her quiver and used it somewhat as a dagger, she was dual wielding, at least that's what it would like if she were holding two swords.

after countless blocks the arrow snapped in two and she had to back away.

"Vice Pres--!."

Multiple ribbons were summoned as it tried to grab the droid, it leaped around using it's left leg.

Meanwhile Max was chasing after Sanity in a building hallway, he borrowed another power from one of his dogs and gained a few claws and leaped towards the enemy.

Sanity turned around and blocked his attack using his Spear and as Max would use the walls to bounce off on and pull multiple attacks Sanity twirled his spear around as he would twirl it at the place where Max would focus his attack on.

"You're never gonna beat me!." Sanity smirked as he continued to twirl his spear.

Max caused a crater from one of the pillar in the walls and continued his attack without any hint of slowing down.

Sanity used his left hand to throw multiple knives at places where Max would land but would be blocked by his claws and he would still continue to leap from one place to another.

[What's his deal?]

He noticed too late and the entire walls collapsed and Max left right as everything fell.

"I wonder what your last reactions were, to know I beat you." muttered Max as cracks his knuckles.

He was right about to head for the others to help them out only to hear..

"Well sorry to bust your victory but I'm still alive."

Sanity was there behind him but his left arm was bleeding intensely, Max turned around of shock to see him survive that.. beside Sanity was a little girl.. with wavy long black hair, in a two side up hairstyle she had reddish eyes and into twin tails tied with red and blue ribbons while the majority hangs loose.

"A-Are you okay.. big brother Sanity." the girl asked.

"Thank you Touch.. I see you still have your touch.. HAHAHA see what I did there?." He ruffles her hair as she pouts and says,

"Let's just go already!."

"Oh hang on! I just sensed both Sight and Taste lost consciences we need to get them first."


"I won't let you!!."

Max leaped towards them only to get pinned by a block of wall, the pressure of the block of wall slowly crushing him, Sanity waved his hand and the pain stopped.

"That's enough to hold you for now.. how does it feel to get crushed by the very thing you tried to defeat me with." He gave him a smirk as Max could see his face very clearly.

The girl placed her hand on the ground and a block of wall carried them off to where they wanted to go.

Max punches the rock out of frustration from unable to do anything meanwhile Cv was avoiding the grasp of the ribbons, it knew if it got caught it won't be able to get out anymore.

"This... pain."

He continued leaping only to get his left leg pierced by an arrow, it turned its head to the source and saw a smirking Atalanta.

Once he reached the ground, the ribbons surrounded and tied him up.

"You guys are from the Student Council aren't you? your friend is in no peril whatsoever."

"You mean Drake!?." Damian reacted.

"Yeah, don't worry I called in an ambulance I'm sure your friend's being sent there now as we speak, It's dangerous here so get back to your school and protect your school mates and underclassmen."

Everyone: Yes Ma'am.

As they left Atalanta gets close to the tied up droid and asked,

"Why are you doing this?." She kicks the droids chest.



At Connor and Violet's place, Taste's body was being pulled by a hollow block as they tried to grap Taste's body they were stopped immediately by raining cement.

"What the hell are these!?."


Xander was thrown by a cinderblock while Cameron was protecting Emilia from raining tiny fragments of cement.

"Cameron, the villain!." She pointed out as Sight's body was being raised by a piece of block.

"What the hell is this power!?." He blocks multiple cement with his spear protecting Emilia and letting the villain go.

Atalanta grabbed the droid and dragged it with her as she would bring it to the other heroes close by.

She felt a sudden breeze out of nowhere and felt the chill running towards her spine, she immediately jumped and dodged a wall of block.

"What was tha--!."

She noticed multiple rocks being hurled towards her and she dodged two and destroyed one by firing an arrow, destroying it into pieces.

"You have someone important to us, would you please give it back." Sanity extended his hand as if he were expecting her to just hand it over.

"You must be Sanity right?."

"Oh? am I that famous?."

"Well Arthur and Dorothy told me about you, and how you kidnapped them last week."

"Oh? that! HAHAHAHAHA surprised you know those two, Touch, if you may?."

She placed both hands on the ground and two blocks of concrete came below the ground and formed a huge drill.

"You gotta be kidding me." Atalanta said to herself.

the girl blinked as the huge drills went towards the hero carrying the droid, she managed to dodged both of them but at the last second Sanity appeared right behind Atalanta.

She felt the immense sheer of intimidation, fear and power coming from the enemy behind her, luckily a pillar was reachable and she was able to bounce off away from the new enemy.

But Sanity managed to slice up the ribbons tying up the droid and caught it as part of the ground raised them both up Atalanta couldn't follow the enemy.


She aimed for the ground carrying Sanity and the droid and focused all her mana into that one arrow.

"To both divines I offer this."

As she fired the arrow filled with a huge amount of mana to disintegrate an army or two, the girl named Touch, placed her index finger on the ground and a huge chunk of the ground formed a huge wall.

"Lord Camelot." She uttered to herself.

the arrow clashed with the wall, the sheer power vs the defensiveness of the wall the two were in a stalemate but it was obvious who was the winner.

If nothing could pierce the wall, the wall would win, the arrow self destructed while the Five Pillars including the mastermind of the droid army was able to escape.

While they were escaping Sanity touched the droid's head and said,

"Tell your droids to head to this coordinates."

He showed Cv the coordinates in a piece of paper, the droid showed a confused reaction as it asked,

"Where?.... going?."

"To our base, starting tonight you're one of us."

"Ehhh?? are you sure about this Brother?."

"It's best not to question him, we tried but he just won't listen." Sight relaxes on the ground, covering his eyes and goes to sleep.

"Will just let Master decide his fate." Taste said as she licks her dried up lips.

"M-Master!?!? are you sure about that?? He might get mad at us." Touch covered both his eyes and ears.

"Pleasee, like I said we can gain something by siding him with us I can guarantee you all that."

"Hmm Hmm I believe you Brother!."

They aren't really siblings by blood though, Touch just simply calls Sanity that because he's older than her.

"Tchh well if Master does approve I guess we have an army now."

Taste was starting to think positive thoughts about this, instead of focusing on the negative ones like she did before now.

"Yes. Yes you see my brilliance too huh Taste!."

"Stop it, I might kill you here and now."

"Have you found that cloning girl yet?." Sanity asked as he stared at Touch.

"Ummm N-No not yet.. Smell is still having a hard time keeping track with her scent."

"I see, well we'll just forget about her for now. Besides the Twilight is almost upon us, we're going to need every card we have at our disposal."

End of Chapter 76: Search, lock and Destroy