
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

Reinarudo · Action
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98 Chs

Chapter 46: A Village

They were still following the droid, they turned from left to right but as they noticed the droids that were hostile were starting to become less seen in the area the more they follow the droid.

But Gwyn and Connor were still being cautious at the mysterious droid.

Cameron was holding Emilia's hand, she was about to faint just from experiencing this while Cameron was blushing looking the other way, Violet was getting car sick from all the turns, Oliver and Xander were simply calm while strengthening their grip on their seat belt.

A few moments later they managed to get out of the tunnel and it was already sunrise, they've finally made it outside the Kingdom the droid stops and head towards the window and knocks.




Kix lowers his window and asks,


Droid: We are here.

Kix: I can see tha--!

Gwyn then pulls out Kix away from the window as she says,

"Thank you so much for helping us get out umm.. urmm."

Droid/CV:The name's CV.

it tried to smile with the so called mouth it had on its face while Gwyn says again,

"Thank you once again CV, we appreciate the help back there."

As she closes the window and drives off towards their destination meanwhile at the end of the tunnel the droid stared at the van and says,

"I never did got to know where they were heading."

and notices the destination they're about to encounter if they kept on heading there, the droid snapped his fingers producing a loud sound, moments later a half metal lizard came and he rode on it and said,

"They're heading towards the ---!?..."

The droid that rescued them from the tunnel is now pursuing Connor and the rest as they were heading into another dangerous path towards their sole purpose of coming here in the first place.

Kix gets shivers all over his body from simply thinking about the droid Bones then says,

"You scaredy cat."

Kix: Hey! surely I wasn't the only one thinking about that.

Frenda: Just you.

Crying from being alone with his opinions Gwyn was with Connor explaining their route towards the citadel Gwyn says,

"Before we make it to the citadel, we'll stay in a village near there for rest and restocking supplies."

She then takes a glance at Violet eating junk food, while chewing some chips she says,

"mrrhhh My mrr *Swallows the chips* This is my hobby ! that's why Xander bought a lot!."

Gwyn: Yes I can see that but once we get to the village there's still an hour drive towards the Citadel, can you survive without eating by then?

Violet was silent and was pouting meanwhile Gwyn continued her explanation,

"After then as I've said once we restock our supplies we'll be heading towards the citadel once and for all, so you guys have to bring what you need for the travel and once we get there no unnecessary things alright it'll only bring you down."

as Gwyn was expecting Connor to take it from there when she turned around she saw him fast asleep, he drew his eyes as if they were open in the first place but the snoring gave it away.

Once they arrived at the village, Cameron and Emilia were at the window looking at all the people in the village, the children running around playing with each other they felt like they were at a new kingdom Oliver then feels a pain in his chest while hearing a familiar voice coming from his staff saying [Oliver, get out of there] the pain from his chest disappears and so does the voice, he then says to himself,

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?."

They managed to find a perfect spot to park the van and Connor, now fully awake with a swelling lump in his head says,

"Alright in an hour I want everyone back here got it."

Everyone: Yes Boss!

They then went their separate ways to get the things they would need, Violet asked Xander to get her many junk foods since Xander always loves to shop for food whenever he has the time, meanwhile Cameron just asked Emilia out to have a walk around with him in the village, Oliver was sleeping outside the van and Violet was hitting a tree with her sword.

Meanwhile Connor and Gwyn's team were at the van planning their strategy for their attack.

Cameron tries to reach for Emilia's hand but as each time he gets an opening Emilia would turn towards him, making it difficult for him to grab her hand because of her staring at him.

her brows furrow from seeing Cameron's reaction all nervous and sweaty she asks,

"Something wrong Cameron?."

as he looks the other way and gives her a hesitate reply,

"I-I-I don't k-know what you're t-t-talking about."

A bunch of kids accidentally throws a water balloon at Cameron, all soaking wet Emilia laughs as loud as she could, holding her stomach from the pain from laughing Cameron says,

"Hey that's not funny Emilia."

Emilia: Ehh? why am I being cornered here I never done anything *Scoffs*.

as the kid approaches them with a sad look and say,

"We're sorry Mister."

Seeing their sad looks Cameron notices a bucket filled with water gun toys and ruffles the child's hair and says,

"Do you kids wanna know where I got this water gun from?."

He aims the fully armed water gun toy at the kids as they ran with joy and laughter Cameron chased right after them while Emilia was sitting at a fence watching Cameron play with the children.

She lets out a sigh of relaxation and tries to shut her eyes, as she hears [Come here] as she opens her eyes to see who's there, no one was next to her, it was just her and Cameron playing with the children in front, getting shivers all over her body she gets down from the fence and says,

"I must be hearing things."

as a little girl walks towards her with a teary eye, Emilia notices the girl in tears and asks,

"Are you okay?."

Wounded Girl: *Nods in disagreement*

A few minutes later Emilia treated the wound the little girl had and placed a bandage on it and gave it a kiss,

Emilia: There, now it's all gone.

The little girl's tears stopped streaming down her face as she lets out a smile and gives her a hug before leaving she whispers into Emilia's ear,

"Leave while you still can."

Shocked from what just happened she was just staring at the little girl confused and doesn't know what's happening at the moment, she was feeling heavy all of a sudden, as if she had a high fever, her arms felt heavy like they were dead, her legs wouldn't move as she makes them to.

She tries to call for Cameron but all of a sudden she realized she couldn't speak anymore, desperately trying to yell out to Cameron she yelled and yelled but to no sound came out of her mouth.

instead of words, blood was coming out of her mouth, the feeling of cannot breath through the mouth because of all the blood she tried to use her nose but suddenly felt like someone was pinching it.

She quivers in fear from what's going on, she tries to move or make herself move but couldn't she then felt all the hands holding her down as if the reason why she couldn't move both her hands and legs.

She felt them but couldn't see them, she yelled with no sound as she could feel a sting from a slap.

She stopped panicking and felt it again only more painful, she got her voice back and yelled,


She was hugging Cameron tightly crying from fear,

Cameron: Hey Emilia! Emilia! are you okay? everything's okay.

as the children around him stare at each other and then stared towards them. meanwhile Xander was about to pay for all the food he's gotten, a child stands next to him and asks,

"Why are you buying _____ Sir?."

Confused and shocked he took a look one more time at what he got and his eyes widened as he finally realized what he got.

Violet was hitting a tree continuously, giving every hit with a full swing without hesitation, when she was finally about to land a hit an old man stops her actions by greeting her,

"Hello there young lady."

She stopped right at the last second her blade would hit the tree and quickly placed her sword on the floor and said,

"Hello sir."

Old man: What a lovely weather we're having he--!

She wonders why he stopped talking as she turned around and saw a depressed boy walk towards her the old man disappeared she then thought,

"What the hell?."

The depressed boy walks towards her and say,

"You were this close you know."

Violet: This close to what?

Depressed kid: Destroying the source of the Carnivore plant

Violet:What's that? a plant? don't make fun of me you little brat!.

She walks towards the kid with a hostile attitude, the little kid then touched her forehead revealing the true condition of this village.

The buildings that they were all seeing were all burned down from the ground, the villagers they saw were demons in disguise, the corpses of their victims tied to a cross.

and the tree Violet was swinging around all day was the same tree but all reddish she tried to take a closer look and it wasn't just any color, the tree itself was covered with blood with countless heads as it's fruit, the spot where Violet focused on was opened there lied a gem glowing a bright red, she asks,

"Hey what am I supp--!."

The depressed kid was gone, the same could be said to what's happening to the others Emilia had her eyes opened by the little girl who was crying from an injury, Xander opened his eyes by the kid who was next to him at the counter and now Violet, by the depressed kid who tapped her forehead.

Emilia takes a look around and sees everything burned, corpses on crosses, a stream of blood, multiple demons waving around smiling, laughing, making noises as if they were human.

She screams out of terror and grips Cameron's shirt tightly,

"Emilia!? Emilia!! what's wrong!."

The children all held their hands together forming a circle between them and said,

"This is not real."

Over and over they kept on repeating the same line until Cameron felt a slight headache and closed his eyes.. once he opened them all he saw was hell.

Violet who was still thinking on what to do, whether to destroy the gem or not the demons who were posing as humans started to stare at Violet intensely.

all breathing heavily Violet grabbed her sword as the demons plunged towards her with gibberish noises when a half metal lizard comes crashing down the demons CV then says,

"Smash the gem!."

She heads for the gem as a demon scrathes Cv's arm, it wasn't that big of a scratch but Cv's voice changed deeper and deeper and its eyes that were thought to be just markers turned from black to red and with it's rapier like arms minced up the demon.

Violet smashed the gem and the tree let out a cry, it's heads screaming from the intense pain all starting to fall as if fruits falling down a tree, their heads splattered on reaching the ground.

The reddish colored sky turned back to normal, and from everyone who managed to open their eyes saw the same.

revealing the children to be souls who would protect travelers from the demons that live here.

Cameron gave Emilia a hug, scarred from what they just seen they, were simply hugging each other very tightly, and for the first time saw hell.

Xander came back to the van all traumatized Oliver then wakes up from his nap and sees Xander and says,

"What the hell happened to you man?."

He walks inside the van without replying to Oliver's question and directly goes to sleep, Cameron and Emilia then followed soon without noticing Oliver, he then says to himself,

"What the hell is going on?."

Violet with Cv walked towards Oliver and says,


Oliver: Well thank you for finally noticing me, Xander, Emilia and Cameron just walked passed by me without even saying Hi, and they looked kinda stressed though.

Cv: Well they've seen the true village it'd make sense for them to be like that, give them a day and they'll be back to normal, witnessing everything was probably too much to handle for them, and the worst part once you see the demons they start to slowly take away all your mana.

Violet: Then I could've become dry at any moment!?

Cv: No, the Demons like to slowly eat away their prey and make them despair, like showing their targets their most sinful actions and repeating them never ending until they reach into their level of Despair.

Oliver: What do you mean Demons? did something happened?

Violet's brow furrows as she asked,

"You didn't saw it?."

Oliver: Saw what?

Right before Violet was suppose to explain to Oliver what they witnessed about the village, she was stopped by Cv as he then said,

"It's best not to explain it further and to keep it to yourselves."

Oliver: and by the way what are you doing her--!

Violet: Cut it Oliver, he saved our lives right now and he has something interesting I'm leading him to Boss, he'll decide whether or not he goes with us

Oliver: Wait he's coming with us?.

Violet and Cv enter the van leaving Oliver outside as he then says to himself,

"Lately I've been missing out on a lot of things lately."

He crosses his arms and decides to head back into the van.

as a teenage girl from a far smiles and fades.

End of Chapter 46: A Village