
Anos voldigoad reincarnated in the Tensura world.

[heroine and lover: Shizue iawa] [Reincarnation][Slow life] =========================== In the mesmerizing realm of "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime," our protagonist is reborn as Anos Voldigoad. Armed with demonic powers, he embark on a captivating journey Navigating complex relationships and confronting formidable adversaries, our demon lord delves into this vibrant world, Join them on this unique quest,

X_MinecraftYT · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 8 A Demon's Play: Unleashing Power and Unraveling Threads


As I groggily woke up, attempting to rub my eyes, I noticed Anos holding my left hand. Confused, I glanced around and realized I wasn't in my room; it was Anos's room. Wondering why I was there, I continued to look at him, touched his soft hair.

The more I looked at him, the faster my heart beat, and my face seemed to blush. Since we arrived at the village, my face blushes when Anos is too close.

However, a small issue arose—I couldn't move my hands away. He held them quite tightly, and the more I tried to retrieve my hand, the stronger his grip became,I tried to say " Anos-san, please let go of my hand."

However, he doesn't reply at all. I tried once again, but failed. Seeing the soft approach wasn't working, I decided to use the hard way. I karate-chopped him on the head. He fell on his back, rubbing his head in pain, and said, "What the hell, Shizue? Why did you hit me?" I responded, "I know that can't hurt at all, stop the act." He chuckled, "Oops, exposed." Then he got up, I Asked, "Why am I in your room at all?" He responded, "Because I don't know where your guest home is, and you fell asleep, so I thought to bring you here."

He sat down on his bed near me, and although it makes me blush every time we stay so close, it doesn't matter now. I said, "We should prepare to go since we stayed longer than planned." He responded, "I don't think it's possible to go now."

I asked puzzled, "Why is that?" Anos responded, "Oh yeah, you fell asleep when Rimuru and I spoke. It's about the orc race, which seems to have started a war with all the races here in the Jura Forest." He added, "And I was thinking to help them a bit since they helped us first too."

Curious, I inquired, "The orcs. Aren't they considered the weakest race?" Anos admitted, "I don't know, but it seems in the last time they hunted and killed a lot of villages." He elaborated, "Didn't you see the new people last night? They are from one of these villages."

I asked for clarification, "You mean the guy with red hair and the girl with violet hair and the other three people?" Anos confirmed, "Yes, them." He explained, "Because Rimuru is afraid that they're may gonna come to his village too." I agreed, "Yes, wae should help." Anos then changed the thema, "Anyway, it doesn't matter now." And He added, "and I have a gift for you."

As he said that, he bowed down and took something from under the bed. It was a wooden box, which he placed in front of me, saying, "Open it." I slowly open it, and it's was an Elven-inspired tunic with intricate silver embroidery. Lightweight, leggings, boots and a pair of Fingerless gloves with magical runes, All I could think was how beautiful they are. I gazed at him, and before I could say anything, he, with a smile, simply said, "No need to thank me. I saw that you didn't have many clothes, so I let Garm make some clothes for you, and there's more at home." Overwhelmed with emotion, I hugged him, tears streaming down my face. I questioned myself, wondering why I was crying and why I was embracing him, Why is he so kind to me? He embraced me back, his hand on my head, and said, "Let it out, let everything out." [ bit later ] I glaze at him said to him " "Thank you, I don't know what got into me," I expressed. He simply smiled, "No problem," and added, "I think you should take a bath now." I questioned myself, wondering why. I sniffed myself and realized I smelled very bad. Quickly, I leaped from the bed, grabbed the wooden box, and dashed off before I closed the door I glazed at him and said,"Thank you." And closed the door behind me.


"I think I should take a bath too," I mused. [After the bath] It's always good to freshen up. Anyway, I'll be heading out now, as I walk for a little I meet the future benimaru and future Shino and future shuna and the rest,I walked over to them and said, "Hey, guys." Future Benimaru seemed a bit taken aback, so I added, "Where are you guys headed?"

Future Benimaru responded " we're going to meet Rimuru-same to talk about something."

think I know why they're going to talk to Rimuru-sama. I asked, "Can I come with you? I need to speak with Rimuru

myself." He responded, "Yes." A little bit later, and we're standing in Rimuru's house. I'm on the side, while Future Benimaru and the rest are in conversation,naming and all,

Lost in thought, I failed to realize he had already named them, and now in recovery mode, and they began to panic. I reassured them, saying, "Don't worry, he's in recovery mode since naming your guys took a lot of magical." After I reassured them, they calmed down significantly. I decided to give them some space, so I walked out. As I strolled around for a while, I unexpectedly encountered a girl, with long black hair and light deep blue crystal eyes.

She wore an Elven-inspired tunic adorned with intricate silver embroidery, paired with lightweight leggings, boots, and a pair of fingerless gloves — all the clothes I had gifted her. She looked stunningly beautiful, It was Shizue, and she asked, "Why do you look so...?" I responded with some embarrassment, "Nothing, nothing." Adding, "I wanted to talk to Rimuru, but it seems for the next days he's sleeping."

She asked, "Why, what happened?" I explained, "Because he named the new guys, and now he's in recovery." She replied, "What are we going to do until he recovers?" With a smile, I said, "Did you forget that I can teleport? We can go back and return at the time." She laughed and replied, "Oh, yeah, I forgot." Taking her hand, I teleported us home.

[days later]

Days passed quickly; now we're standing at a table with Rimuru, Benimaru, and the others, discussing the orcs. However, as we speak, I sense somebody hiding underground. I activated Demon king's Presence(skill) a for bit to scare the thing and shouted, "Come out." A girl in green emerged fearfully, saying, "Please calm down." Benimaru and Rigurd, standing near me, said in unison, "a dryad." Rigurd added, "It's rare to see one." I deactivated Demon lord's Presence(unique skill) and said with a smile that sent a chill, "You shouldn't hide and wait to scare us like that."

She replied with fear " Yes, Yes." I said " and don't fear me if your not an enemy, I will not do anything to you." Adding " so why did you come here ." She got her calm again and responded " first let introduce myself; I'm treyni the dyrad." And she adding" and the reason why I came here is Becuse I want you two to defend the orc Lord." Gazing at me and Rimuru,

but before I could respond, Benimaru said, "That's quite a selfish request from someone who just appeared out of nowhere." He added, "There are races far stronger than goblins." She replied with a smile, "Yes, that's true. If the Ogres' homeland had been at full strength, perhaps I would have gone there." Adding, "Though, even if I had done that, Iain still could not have ignored these two individuals' existences." She added, "Were our settlement to be attacked by the Orc Lord, the dryads could not hope to fight them alone." Continuing, she said, "This is why I have come to request assistance from someone strong." Rimuru responded, "The idea that the Orc Lord even existed was just a theory to us."

Meanwhile, reaching for the potato chips, she continued, "The dryads have knowledge of essentially everything that happens in this forest." Before she could take one, I took the whole bowl of potato chips away and said, "If you know everything, then you should know that dryads are born from potatoes, and this thing that you tried to eat is made from them." She replied with embarrassment " we're know everything expected handmade things haha." However she hit serious again and added" the orcs Lord does exist." Rimuru responded, "Despite how i looks." Before he could finish,

I interrupted him, saying, "I think we will help since the guys beside me are waiting for revenge, and I want to fight a bit." I looked at Rimuru and added, "You named them; you take responsibility for them." And added, "Do you think we're weak? We have the strongest demon and the strongest slime."

He replied, "Huh, the strongest demon and slime where." I punched him in the head and said, "I'm the strongest demon, and you're the strongest slime, you idiot." He replied, surprised, while rubbing his head, "You're a DEMON?" I responded " yes my body is that of a demon, doesn't matter now ." anyway we continued talk about the things until rimuru agreed.


[Here's Author, we're going to skip some things, like the meeting with the lizard and other details, and head straight to the battlefield.]



Right now, Rimuru and I soar above the remaining 160,000-strong orc army, watching Shizue and the others in battle. I turn to Rimuru, asking, "Can I start now?" He nonchalantly replies, "Do what you want; I can't stop you."

It's time for some fun. Hmm, which skill should I use? Ah, I've decided – Demon Lord's Presence (unique skill). Even though it might be a bit much, the demon lords are watching the battlefield, so I don't want to reveal too much.

Regardless, let's go. I gaze at the orc army, smile, and declare, "Time to test this skill at full power." Activating the Demon Lord's Presence at full power, a black sinister aura envelops the entire battlefield, knocking over 160,000 orcs, leaving only our allies and the orc Lord standing.

As Everyone is surprised, I deactivate the skill, and turning to Rimuru, saying, "Now that the obstacles are down, I'll have some fun with the orc Lord." Before he could respond, I flew to the orc Lord, arriving in front of him. However, he seemed unfazed, only repeating, "I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I want to eat." He then glanced over a fallen orc and began devouring it.

Watching this made me nauseous; it was too much for my mental state, It seems I still need to adapt to situations like this, much like in anime/manga/novels. After consuming that orc, He powered himself up, and as he finished,

I began walking towards him, drawing my sword. "Let me introduce myself; I'm Anos Voldigoad, the Demon King of Tyranny and the Deepest darkness,The founder and the Lion of Destruction." In an instant, I stood next to him, Swinging my sword at him, he almost blocked it, but the impact knocked him back.

He countered with an attack, but to his surprise, I effortlessly blocked and counter-struck. The impact sent him reeling. The repetitive exchange grew monotonous.

Suddenly, someone descended from the sky in white formal clothes and a mask – Gelmund, the one who named the orc lord. He uttered something to the orc lord, cursing him. Before he could address me, I swiftly punched him, knocking him out cold. Turning to the orc lord, I coldly stated, "Eat him, and maybe you'll stand a chance against me, Geld."

He did exactly as I said, staring blankly as he consumed Gelmund without a hint of reaction. After finishing his meal, he began to evolve.

After a while, I gazed at him and inquired, "Finished now?" He looked at me, hunger in his eyes, and replied, "I'm hungry, I want more." With the starved skill and sword in hand, he launched into an attack. Although I easily blocked his stronger assaults, this time, I decided not to go easy.

In an instant, I cut off his head and arms, reveling in the thrill. It didn't kill him, but it amused me, so I continued the onslaught for half an hour until boredom set in. Glancing at Rimuru, I said, "I got bored; it's your turn." Annoyed, he retorted, "Kill him already."

With a smile that spoke volumes, I replied, "I don't want to; it's your time," and teleported away, leaving him alone with the orc lord. I reappeared near Shizue, surprising her. She said, "You scared me. Why are you here when you should be there?"

I responded " "I've already done most of the work; can't you see the orc army of 160,000 knocked over and weakened the orc lord, making it easy for Rimuru to beat the orc lord?" I added, "You've done a great job yourself." As I spoke, I looked around, witnessing the aftermath – corpses of orcs, some on fire, others split in two,

She responded, "Of course, I've done a good job; however, lately, I feel like I'm getting stronger every day." Confused, I asked, "Isn't that a good thing?" She replied, "Of course, it's a good thing, but I still need to adapt." I suggested, "Now that our jobs are done, let's go home." She replied, "Don't need, we still have to help Rimuru and the others." I responded, "Rimuru and the others can handle the rest; we've already done the bulk of the work." I took her hand and teleported home.
