
Life as an African child.

It got to a point in time where my mom had to let me go to stay with some one .who would cater for my needs while she catered for my other four siblings.life was just unbearable for all of us.

Then, something happened i had to come back to live with my mom again.as it was already she was struggling to fend for all five of them.now that i have come back meant an additional mouth to feed.

I had to sometimes skip classes to go help her in the market, before we would get something to eat later in the day when my siblings came back from school.because i was the last born i had to sacrifice certain things like education just to have something to eat .

When one day my mom became ill and couldn't go to the market i had to stand in for us.i would wake up very early in the morning.prepare porridge for my mom and my siblings.shower and then leave for the market.i whole month or so i was out of the classroom on the street just to put food on our table.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

@Dear mom

Daoist0GNx9mcreators' thoughts