
Anomaly correction officers

Anomaly correction officers are the only line of defense standing against the space between reality and human society. Marcus, a typical teen with the simple goal of getting a warm cup of coffee, unknowingly stumbles upon one of these officers while attempting to get a jump to start his late school day. what seemed like a strange encounter at a café, ultimately leads him into a life of secrecy and the supernatural. chapter(s) release every day

HaMbUGer · Urban
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119 Chs

Chapter 6: the bond that binds

"So you've escaped into our world, you've avoided your death, and now you hold our officer captive, that's quite the list of accomplishments," Dr. Fletcher said with a nod.

 "But what's next for you? If we let you go that is."

The anomaly paused for a moment, raising a hand to its chin, "Hmm, I never thought about what I'd do exactly, I'm not interested in conquering your world, or causing unnecessary trouble for you or myself." 

The anomaly then paused for a moment as it looked down at Marcus, "Though, I'm now stuck with this boy, so I'll have to take him with me."

"Hell no!" Kenji shouted angrily as he took a step forward, only to cause Alexander to growl at him, making Kenji take a step back.

"This doesn't concern you anymore Kenji." Dr. Fletcher replied without turning around, "Now silence yourself."

The tension between Dr. Fletcher and Kenji was palpable, however as long as Alexander kept Kenji in check he couldn't make a move.

"I cannot allow you to take one of our own." Dr. Fletcher said calmly, "he's my responsibility and I intend to keep him."

The anomaly sighed as it looked down at Marcus, who was still unresponsive but breathing, "That's respectable, but he's a part of me now."

"So then you can't release your core from him?" 

The anomaly nodded, "That is indeed the case, his life force, and mine are tied together, just as my core has replaced the boy's heart."

"You bitch!" Kenji shouted as he rushed towards the anomaly, Alexander wasted no time in charging Kenji and biting down on his leg, Kenji groaned in pain and he gritted his teeth.

Dr. Fletcher turned back to look at Kenji with a stern glare, "You aren't going to listen are you."

Kenji narrowed his eyes in frustration, "Nah, I won't, this damn thing is talking about taking Marcus, and you're just fucking talking to it!"

Dr. Fletcher didn't honor Kenji with a response, instead, she looked up towards Elissa, who was still hovering above with her gun pointed at the anomaly, "Elissa, take Kenji and leave this place at once."

Elissa lowered her rifle slightly as she glanced at Kenji, her expression grew pensive, "Doctor are you sure? We haven't even closed the rift this anomaly arrived from, I believe it's in our–"

Dr. Fletcher raised a hand to silence Elissa as she turned her attention towards the anomaly, "My associate made a good point, can you seal the rift you emerged from?"

The anomaly looked back towards the black sphere that continued to spin rapidly creating a constant humming sound, "I can't seal it per se, however, I won't stop you from sealing it yourself."

Dr. Fletcher nodded as she turned towards the rift, her gaze going from it to the eight black cubes that surrounded it.

"I'll take your word for it, Dr. Fletcher said with a nod, she then turned her attention back to Elissa, "On your way to take Kenji back to your safe house, inform the organization that another barrier is required."

Elissa hesitated for a moment, her finger lightly hovering over the trigger. 

"Fine," Elissa said with a sigh as she floated down landing beside Kenji. 

"We need to go, Kenji," Elissa said softly as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

Kenji, still writhing in pain from Alexander's bite, sighed reluctantly, "I hope you know what you're doing Anna, because if that thing kills even one person, I will put an end to it, no matter the cost."

Both Dr. Fletcher and the anomaly watched as Elissa placed Kenji on her back. Once he was secured, Elissa began to fly her way out towards the exit and out of the factory.

Alexander stared at the exit for a few seconds after the duo left, before finally turning around and joining Doctor Fletcher's side.

"Well that was certainly troubling," the anomaly said with a sigh, "still, all things considered, I still came out on top, so unless you can offer me something worthwhile I'll be leaving now."

Dr. Fletcher shook her head, "No, I told you that's not happening, but I do have an alternative opportunity for you."

The anomaly raised an eyebrow, its curiosity piqued. "And that would be?"

"As I'm sure you already know that boy was bluffing when he told you he was the strongest, he's just a cadet attempting to become an officer." 

The anomaly nodded, "Yes I knew the first part, but what does this have to do with your offer?"

Dr. Fletcher continued, "If your words hold and you hold no ill will, then I propose you become the boy's partner, you look human enough to where you could pass as one, although your voice is a problem, I doubt anyone expects a young child to sound like an adult man."

The anomaly pondered for a moment, its hand grabbing at its chin and massaging it. "Hmm, if I become this boy's 'partner' what would it involve?"

"There would be no work on your part and of course, you'll be protected due to your shared life force, essentially all you'd have to do is stay out of Marcus's way and live symbiotically."

"That's it?" The anomaly asked skeptically, "You'd just let me live."

Dr. Fletcher nodded, "of course, anomalies that remain beneficial to the organization can be reasonably spared, like Alexander here."

"And if I refuse?" 

Dr. Fletcher pointed towards Alexander, "Then I'll have him snap Marcus's neck."

The anomaly flinched as it looked at the dog-like creature, it watched as Alexander stood patiently by Dr. Fletcher's side, its tail slowly wagging from side to side.

"Very well then." The anomaly said with a sigh, "I accept your offer, I'm sure you're aware of the consequences that come with betraying me."

Dr. Fletcher nodded, "as I'm sure you're aware of the consequences of your betrayal."

And with that exchange of words, the negotiations were over.

About three hours later Marcus found himself in a hospital bed, his head resting on a soft pillow that radiated warmth, looking up at a ceiling of white lights and tiles.

"What happened?" Marcus asked groggily, as he reached a hand for his chest.

"Took you long enough." A familiar voice said sarcastically, turning to see who it was Marcus noticed that It was the anomaly sitting on a wooden table beside his bed. 

It was cutting an apple into an artistic statue of itself, using a finger that was morphed into a thin blade.

"What are you doing here?" Marcus asked confused, he slowly sat up and grabbed at his forehead.

"Oh, you don't remember?" The anomaly said with a chuckle, "That's rich."

Marcus tried to recall the memories that led him to this moment, the proposal from Kenji to join them for his first mission, meeting Dr. Fletcher, the barrier failing to seal the rift…

Marcus's eyes widened as he quickly turned towards the anomaly, "You stuffed your core down my fucking gullet!" 

The anomaly laughed menacingly as it placed down its apple, "You goddamn right I did!" 

"Get it out of me!" Marcus shouted as he grabbed at his chest.

The anomaly chuckled, "It's too late for that, my core has already bonded to you, we're linked like this." The anomaly then crossed its pointer and middle finger and showed them to Marcus.

"You seem pretty fucking chill for giving your life over to a stranger." Marcus snarled.

The anomaly shrugged, "It was a calculated gamble, but it's not like I had much of a choice, if I didn't do it Kenji or that other woman would've killed me."

"So you were screwed either way?" 

"Indeed, besides it's not as if I came here seeking a fight, you humans started it by blowing half my damn head off."

Marcus sighed as he laid back down in his bed, "so now what?" 

The anomaly picked another apple from the bowl, "Well from what I know, Dr. Fletcher plans to let us live in peace, you'll continue to live your life and I'll be free to do whatever I want within reason."

"And you were just ok with that?" Marcus asked curiously as he turned his head towards the anomaly, watching as she began to carve another statue.


Marcus felt a mixture of confusion and concern about how his new situation was unfolding.

Not only was his life now tied to a cosmic being that emerged from god knows where, but the anomaly itself was so relaxed about it.

After a brief moment of silence, filled only with the sounds of machines beeping and apple carving, Marcus spoke again.

"So what's your name?" 

"I don't have one." The anomaly replied.

There was then a brief period of silence until Marcus spoke again.

"Do you… want one?"

The anomaly paused for a moment before turning to look at Marcus with wide silver eyes, "what for?" It asked curiously.

"Well, so I can call you something other than an anomaly," Marcus replied.

The anomaly nodded, "Right."

"So are you a boy anomaly or a girl anomaly, I ask because while you look like a young girl, you sound like my late father," Marcus said with a chuckle.

"I consider myself female."

Marcus nodded, "Well with that in mind, and based on your silver hair and dress, how about the name Luna?"

The anomaly paused for a moment, she then looked down at the apple figure in her hand. "Luna." She repeated, "Luna."

The anomaly now named Luna looked back up at Marcus with a gentle smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, "It's not terrible, I'll accept it."

Marcus chuckled, "Well I think it fits perfectly, but I still find it strange you know, about how fierce you were when you first emerged from that rift. If it wasn't for Kenji you probably would've killed us all."

Luna shook her head as she resumed carving the apple, "Not necessarily, as I said before I had no intentions of fighting from the beginning."

Marcus nodded, "I see, well Luna, I hope that holds true because you seem pretty chill all things considered."

"Same goes for you Marcus."

About an hour later, Dr. Fletcher entered Marcus's hospital room with a clipboard in hand and Alexander by her side.

"You seem well." Dr. Fletcher said as she glanced at Marcus, who was eating the apple scraps left behind by Luna.

Marcus nodded, "Yeah, turns out Luna isn't as ruthless as she seems."

"Luna huh?" Dr. Fletcher asked curiously as she shifted her gaze towards Luna who was sitting on the table reading a book titled, A Doctor's Guide to Health.

"Yeah, figured she'd need a name you know?" Marcus said as he sat up in his bed.

Dr. Fletcher nodded, "I suppose that's true, anyway how are you feeling Marcus?"

Marcus shrugged, "Physically I feel fine, but mentally, I'm still trying to process everything that happened. I'm glad Luna isn't as bad as I thought she was, but my life has been permanently altered, I can't even imagine all the implications of this."

Luna lowered her book slightly as she glanced at Marcus, her enchanting silver eyes watching his every movement.

Dr. Fletcher nodded, "Yes, I don't know how you feel exactly but I can understand your predicament, however, you shouldn't fret over this."

"I shouldn't?" Marcus asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, we ran a few scans on your body while you were unconscious, and I can say with certainty that you're fine, Luna's core isn't harming you in any significant way, in fact, it's quite the opposite."

"Wait, really?" Marcus asked in disbelief as he turned his attention towards Luna, who was smiling smugly.

"Well of course, I want the home of my heart to be in tip-top shape, can't have you keeling over right after I got my freedom," Luna said with a sly grin.

Marcus rolled his eyes, "So you were just being selfish."

"Think of it as more as mutually assured existence, anything I do inadvertently benefits you, so you should praise my selfishness."

Marcus sighed softly, "Sure, but still, I'm stuck with Luna?  Like permanently?"

Dr. Fletcher nodded, "Yes, this also ties into the next thing I wanted to talk about."