
Anomaly's Reincarnation(redoing)

[WSA ENTRY] In a universe where death leads to the Sanctuary, governed by the god Vitalis, souls strive to ascend by fulfilling roles and titles. Among them is Cipher, burdened by envy and a sense of insignificance. When he uncovers a hidden truth about the gods, Cipher embarks on a perilous journey to challenge their rule. With the aid of a mysterious system. ======================== Please show me some support, if you liked it! It has a bunch of info dumping in volume one but I hope you like it! ☆= buffer chapter ======================== Volumes: Volume one: Genesis (Completed) Volume two: Village of life (Ongoing) Volume three: Nipuni Volume four: Breath of gods Volume five: The void legion Volume six: UNKNOWN Volume seven: UNKNOWN

Dreadfull_Dusk · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Living in the shadows

Cipher leaves, not wanting to watch them interact or be joyful over their winnings. Deep down, he wanted them to fall in battle, this time he didn't want to watch other peoples lives, he wanted to live it, he wanted to see how it feels, for the longest time he can only dream of being special like all the humans living in the sanctuary. 

For many years, Cipher would watch over one person, he would watch them from afar as they grow up, following them on their journeys, watching and actually being excited when they won battles or sad when they lost.

 This time he had picked Mika and Rellio, two best friends who always want to join the trials of gods so they can become one, however, they'll never reach it, Nobody has. Not once, in every life he has ever watched played out was ever close to living up to their titles or reaching it, only merely grazing it, then unfortunate events happen right after. 

It's pointless, and tiring. If he had a chance he would do anything to join the trial of gods but not to become a god of some planet but to kill and rewrite the rules placed by the gods, and seek revenge for his mishap. He would wreak havoc on this world and the people who think living is a game and they can live with having weak motives like becoming a god of some planet they don't even know, in some universe called "universe of gods"

He hated each one or them, he hated all the people he watched for years, seeing their insignificance in living if they were going to fight for such a reason. 

"Becoming god, such utter foolery," he says. 

He would destroy this world and the gods if he had to and bring upon a new era of people who have better goals that are worth fighting for. 

Floating down to the forest, a place he alway comes back to when he is tired and finds no sense in watching them, but always finds himself going back. 

The leaves of the trees glistened with the remnants of a recent rain shower as Cipher settled into his favorite spot, nestled between two majestic oak trees. Suddenly, a radiant red light pierced through the forest, casting an enchanting red glow all around. His ghostly eyes widened with intrigue. Was it the manifestation of someone's power? Countless possibilities raced through his mind. Yet, amidst the mesmerizing illumination, a sense of dread began to gnaw at him, creeping through his spectral form like a stealthy panther, enveloping his entire being.

He flew up still seeing the red light in the distance, coming from a place he forbidded himself from going, a place where humans should never go, the borderlines of the desolate land. But this feeling, this fear, or dread he's feeling right now is so magnetic he couldn't leave it be. 

With cautious steps and a hesitant demeanor, Cipher floats closer, his senses on high alert. It's a sensation he's unfamiliar with, a rare occasion since arriving at this place. Each time he nears this forbidden boundary, an instinctual reluctance takes hold, compelling him to refrain from crossing or peering beyond. It's as though an invisible barrier, wrought from the dread of the unknown, stands as an insurmountable obstacle, binding him in place.. 

With his head down, he watches as the forest slowly turn s from bright and vibrant under the moon's ray, to dark with mist shuddering over the forest. This is a place no light of the moon, not even the dual moons could ever illuminati. 

Finally, passing a mountain to the left and right of him, he passes the barrier his mind subconsciously placed, and going on there's nothing but desolate lands, no sign of trees or life, only the red light that was still emitting in the distance, continuing to go further and further in the more he goes towards it.