
Annie Grey

[Volume 1 Completed] Everyone knows that the choices we make determines our future, but what about the choices that we ourselves didn't make but are forced to live with. After Annie wakes up from what seemed like a dream she discovers she is from a long line of witches and together with her Book Curtis and her new friend Matt she discovers herself and which side to be on the Good or the Bad ( Updates every 2 days) Volume 2 [Journey to the Misty Mountain] [Completed] After the events of Volume 1, the now powerless Annie and her friends must face the threat of Azazel still being alive, and lurking in the shadows, while they also try to find a way to regain Annie's lost powers. Come along with Annie, Maddie, Matt, Curtis, and a new supposed ally as they journey to the misty mountain in search of Annie's powers. Volume 3 [The Imperial Artrovan Academy] Following the final defeat of Azazel, Annie, Maddie and Matt struggle to cope as their lives return to some sort of normalcy only to realize that they had put two full years of their lives on hold with unfavourable consequences. This causes Stella to suggest that they go back to school to complete their studies, seeing as she has secured them all a place at the Imperial Artovan Academy that happens to be one of the prestigious academies in the Realm, known for its immense facilities and broad level of skills taught in the academy. And thus begins the new journey of Annie, Maddie and Matt, and like most of their journeys, they are rarely ever smooth. Join Annie, Maddie and Matt as they try to navigate new school life, friends, foes, young love and so the much more as they discover and unravel more mysteries and adventures.

Dan_does_it_all · Teen
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665 Chs


"What happened to the paper?" asked Stella as her eyes landed on the paper.

"Well nothing" said Curtis as he sat down.

"Annie has some questions about her powers" he said

"She told me that she casted a levitating spell on Maddie, and Maddie was unable to undo the spell herself, until Annie had to undo it" said Curtis

"So Maddie thinks that Annie's spells can only be undone by Annie herself" said Curtis

"To test that theory, I asked Annie to cast a dome spell on that paper over there" he said.

"Try to undo it" he said almost commandingly.

"Okay" said Stella as she reached out to touch the paper and there really was a dome around it, because as soon as she tried to pick up the paper, a purple coloured dome appeared to block her hand.

She laid her hand on the dome and looked at it, expecting something to happen.

"It didn't work" said Stella

"Let me try harder" she said

This time she closed her eyes, and tried, but she still felt the dome, so she laid both her hands on the dome, and began to whisper.

Stella underestimated the amount of power that she was going to use, so when the dome finally broke and made a shattering sound, she was tired and heaving heavy breathes and fell back into her seat.

"That took longer than I expected" she said as she calmed down.

"So it is true, her spells are hard to undo" said Stella

"But I was able to undo her spell in almost and instant" said Curtis

"I think that has to do because you and her share the same magic, you are basically a piece of Grey magic that moves around, so it's exactly like she's the one undoing the spell." said Stella

"That might be it" said Curtis

"Because I had to use almost half my strength, to break the spell" said Stella

"It's very surprising, for her to be able to cast such a powerful spell, at the low power level she is currently on" said Stella

"It is very surprising" said Curtis

"I do not know why this is so" he said

"This is the first time that a Grey's spells are that strong on a beginner level" said Curtis

"She is more powerful than she knows" said Stella

"And that is both a bad thing and a good thing" said Curtis

"But I still do not understand how?" he said

"Does it maybe have to do with her being half-human or is it something else?" asked Stella

"I am not sure either, but earlier she called me in a panic because she was glowing purple" said Curtis

"Glowing Purple??" asked Stella in disbelief

"Yes Purple, she casted the hanc gratiam spell and it made her glow purple" said Curtis

"Well that is a first, that has never happened to any one else before" said Stella

"Well Annie is different" said Curtis

"Now more than ever, I strongly believe that she will be the one to defeat Azazel once and for all" said Stella with a powerful belief.

Three months later.

"Curtis, why are we out here? it's so cold" said Annie as she shivered, her hair was tied up in a ponytail, she was wearing a purple fluffy jacket, with jeans and boots.

"No because this place is seriously cold" said Maddie as she chipped in, she was wearing a green hoodie and he covered her head, with her hands in her pocket.

Annie, Maddie and Curtis were outside the Palace, in the garden, but it didn't look like a garden anymore, rather it resembled a winter wonderland, if only it was not so cold, then they could enjoy the view.

"I never thought the Witch Realm had seasons too" said Annie as she shivered

"Well we do" replied Curtis

"So how many season do we have?" asked Annie

"They are four just like in the human world, the only difference is that the Witch realm is in summer for most of the year" replied Curtis as he was very calm as usual, he was not even wearing anything warm, but who could blame him, he was a book after all.

"Can we go back inside now?" asked Maddie as she was shivering

"No, we just got here" said Curtis

"Yes and now, we should go back inside" said Maddie

"We are going to train" said Curtis

"I miss Aunt Stella, she would not make us train in the freezing cold" said Maddie as she removed her legs from inside the snow.

"Well Stella had an important trip to go to, so you are stuck with me" said Curtis as he smiled a not friendly smile at Maddie

"Okay okay, you guys stop it" said Annie

"Curtis, what does us being outside in the cold, have to do with training?" asked Annie as fog came out of her mouth as she spoke, indicating how cold it was.

"Well today's lesson is about using the weather to your advantage" said Curtis

"Ahh I see" said Annie

"The place where the battle with Azazel will take place, is the in the Plain of Kadama, which is located in the Agricola realm of the Witch realm" said Curtis

"And the Plain of Kadama is known for it's unpredictable weather" said Curtis

"Today it might be sunny and the next day it might be snowing without warning" said Curtis

"What that place sounds crazy" said Maddie as she could not believe it.

"Which is why, you both need to work on adjusting to snow and the cold" said Curtis

"Wow sheesh Curtis, you could have just told us that since the beginning, now we have been wasting time in the cold" said Maddie

"Anyway, the first thing I want you both to do, is to levitate the snow" said Curtis

"Is that even possible?" asked Annie

"If it was impossible would I ask you to do it?" asked Curtis

"Ahh yes yes, sorry" said Annie as she smiled and turned to look at the snow.

"Levitatis" she said in her mind, and then a patch of snow began to lift up in the air, but she was having a hard time controlling it.

"This is too hard, the snow is very lightweight so controlling it is difficult" said Annie

"Yes Annie is right, the snow is just too snowy" said Maddie as she was also trying to control the snow.

"Haha I feel like I'm a snow bender" said Annie as she played around with the snow.

"Haha me too" said Maddie as she laughed

The girls started to shape the snow into different alphabet letters, Annie made an A for her name while Maddie made a M for her name.

"Lol we made an A M" said Maddie as she laughed

"Haha" said Annie

"Good, I see that you are getting used to the snow" said Curtis

"Now for some serious work" he said

"Make a shield out of the snow" said Curtis

"Awww, what" said Maddie

"What level of shield?" asked Annie

"A level 2 shield, it must be able to endure my shots" said Curtis

"Okay" said Annie

"Come on Maddie we can do this" said Annie as she looked at Maddie.

"Okay fine" said Maddie

Annie held Maddie's hand and they closed their eyes and both said "Scutum" at the same time.

The snow began to form as they uttered the spell, a patch of snow floated into the air, it created a shield shape, the shield had some frost on it, and it fell to the ground.

"Hahha, you see we made it" said Annie

"Haha okay, but remember that it has to work and defend us" said Maddie

"Right" said Annie

"This thing is heavy" said Annie

"Of course it is, it's pure ice" said Maddie

"Where is Curtis?" asked Annie as she realized that Curtis was gone all this while that they were talking.

"I don't know" said Maddie as she looked around.

"Hey" she said as she was hit with a snowball.

"Where did that come from?" asked Maddie

"I don't know, it must be Curtis" said Annie

"Then where is he?" asked Maddie

"I don't know, but we better start using this shield" said Annie.

"Eeek, that's cold" said Annie as she was hit with a snowball.

"Where is he shooting from?" asked Maddie as she was on guard.

"Haha I don't know once again, but just get over here" said Annie as she began to use the shield for it's purpose, which was to shield, that was quick thinking, because before they knew it, the snowball throwing increased, and they were getting hit in smaller intervals.

"I need a hot shower after this" said Maddie

"Haha we both do" said Annie

"Awww the shield broke" said Annie as the last and final snowball hit the shield and it could not take it anymore and shattered.

"It broke so you failed" said Curtis as he finally came out.

"Aww Curtis no fair it's only our first day" said Annie

"Okay then, let's go back inside" said Curtis

"Sheesh finally" said Maddie as she was the first one to go in, she really did not like the cold.

"What is wrong with her?" asked Curtis, Maddie was being more unbearable than usual.

"It's girl stuff you do not need to know" said Annie as she laughed.