
Annie Grey

[Volume 1 Completed] Everyone knows that the choices we make determines our future, but what about the choices that we ourselves didn't make but are forced to live with. After Annie wakes up from what seemed like a dream she discovers she is from a long line of witches and together with her Book Curtis and her new friend Matt she discovers herself and which side to be on the Good or the Bad ( Updates every 2 days) Volume 2 [Journey to the Misty Mountain] [Completed] After the events of Volume 1, the now powerless Annie and her friends must face the threat of Azazel still being alive, and lurking in the shadows, while they also try to find a way to regain Annie's lost powers. Come along with Annie, Maddie, Matt, Curtis, and a new supposed ally as they journey to the misty mountain in search of Annie's powers. Volume 3 [The Imperial Artrovan Academy] Following the final defeat of Azazel, Annie, Maddie and Matt struggle to cope as their lives return to some sort of normalcy only to realize that they had put two full years of their lives on hold with unfavourable consequences. This causes Stella to suggest that they go back to school to complete their studies, seeing as she has secured them all a place at the Imperial Artovan Academy that happens to be one of the prestigious academies in the Realm, known for its immense facilities and broad level of skills taught in the academy. And thus begins the new journey of Annie, Maddie and Matt, and like most of their journeys, they are rarely ever smooth. Join Annie, Maddie and Matt as they try to navigate new school life, friends, foes, young love and so the much more as they discover and unravel more mysteries and adventures.

Dan_does_it_all · Teen
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668 Chs

The right

"So what happened yesterday? Did he agree to help us?" asked Clove as she looked at Nia.

"It's rather complicated Sage, I can't say for sure" said Nia.

"Hunter can be so confusing at times, but I know that he wants to do the right thing" said Nia as she elaborated, seeing that Clove looked very confused by what she was saying.

"Oh well, in that case I hope he does, I do not want any trouble, what if he tells everything you told him to Azazel?" asked Clove.

"He would not dare, he owes me, I never told Azazel about his plans to kill Selene, and he definitely will not tell him about this" said Nia.

"Do you trust him?" asked Clove.

"Yes, I do trust him, everyone deserves some ounce of trust, right?" asked Nia.

"I agree with you, I really do, but I am stuck right now, I need the right information" said Clove.

"I know" said Nia with a sigh.

"I need to go now, Azazel needs me to clean his office" said Clove as she put on her boots.

"Be careful" said Nia.

"I will be, see you later Nia" said Clove with a smile.

"See you later Sage" said Nia as she smiled and Clove walked out of the room.

Clove knocked on the door to Azazel's office as she waited for a reply but got no reply, so she opened the door and walked into his office.

And to her relief, Azazel was nowhere to be found, the room was empty, with no trace of him at all.

Clove sighed in relief as she thanked her luck, she really did not want to have to deal with him today.

Clove put down the broom as it dawned on her that now would be her chance to look around and try to find something tangible.

Clove walked to Azazel's desk as she quickly looked through the drawers, she needed to be quick, she did not know when Azazel would return.

Clove frowned as there was absolutely nothing in the drawers, she looked on his somewhat empty desk as she found nothing as well, it did make sense, she doubted that a man like Azazel would write down all his evil plans.

Clove sighed as she walked away from the desk to the bookshelf as she started to remove all of the decorative books one by one as she looked behind them and she accidentally brushed her hand on one unstable book as it dropped down to the ground with a shattering crashing sound as it startled Clove and she looked down.

"Oops" said Clove as she bent down and picked up the book as she heard some shattering sounds in it.

"This is not a real book" said Clove to herself as she opened the book and found crystal shards in them as she frowned.

"Crystal shards?" asked Clove to herself as she picked one up, she wanted to know what was recorded on this thing, but then again, something told her that Azazel would return any minute.

Clove felt her heart shaking, she could already feel Azazel's cold presence so she quickly slipped one of the crystal shards into her pocket, she closed the book and in that same moment Azazel walked into the room.

"Good Afternoon my lord" said Clove as she bowed and Azazel looked at her.

"What are you doing over there?" asked Azazel coldly as Clove stammered.

"I… I was just dusting around" said Clove as she felt the book leave her hands as it floated over to Azazel who caught it.

"I didn't as you to dust, just clean" said Azazel.

"Yes my lord" replied Clove as she walked to get the broom and she started to sweep.

Azazel opened the book up as he saw some crystal shards that he did not remember putting here, he wondered what was in them, he would find out later.

Azazel walked to sit down at his desk as he closed his eyes and Clove continued to sweep until the door to his office burst open and Selene walked in.

"You come with me" said Selene as she turned to look at Clove who looked at her in confusion.

Clove did not move at all, she did not know what was going on here at all, but she definitely was not going anywhere that Selene said that she should.

"What gives you the right to just barge in here and take someone who is working for me?" asked Azazel in a cold tone as Selene looked at him.

"I am sorry my lord, but I need her to do something for me, I apologize for being rude, I did not know that you were in here" said Selene.

"Still makes no difference, she is going nowhere, she stays" replied Azazel as Selene looked at Clove who was unmoving and she scoffed internally.

She hated this newfound interest that Azazel had in this girl, she hated it so much, she could sense that something was going on here, and she did not like it one bit.

"But…" said Selene as she was cut off.

"But nothing, leave Selene, do not make me repeat myself" said Azazel sharply as Selene scoffed and walked away, this was not going to stand at all.

Clove looked at Azazel, thanking him internally as she went back to what she was doing as neither said a word.

"Tell me how old are you?" asked Azazel as he broke the silence and Clove looked up at him in shock as he just looked at her.

"Did you not hear what I said?" asked Azazel as Clove nodded.

"Then answer, how old are you?" asked Azazel as Clove did not like how he was asking such a question all of a sudden, Clove knew that she did not want to answer that.

"Then how old are you?" asked Clove as she immediately covered her mouth when she realized what she had said, she had meant to say something else, but that came out instead. She looked at Azazel, believing that he would punish her for what she had said, only to her utter shock, to see him smiling coldly.

"I am much older than you for one" replied Azazel.

"I…I… and I am much younger than you" replied Clove as Azazel smiled, he liked the little boldness that she was displaying.

"Get out" he said with a smile as Clove shivered and she did not even refute him as she left as fast as she could as in the same moment the bookshelf moved aside to uncover a secret entrance as Hunter walked in.

"Did you do as I asked?" asked Azazel as Hunter nodded.

"Yes, I did" replied Hunter.

"Aunt have you seen my favourite pleated skirt?" asked Maddie as she walked into the lounge to find Lisa, only to find someone else that she did not expect to see over here… again.

"It's just so funny" said Lisa as she laughed and Christina laughed as Maddie cursed her luck, why did she have to run into Christina… again.

"Oh I'm sorry, I did not know that you had company, I will just leave" said Maddie as she wanted to slip out of his as fast as possible, but she was stopped before she could even take a step back.

"No, stay it's no problem at all Maddie, how are you?" asked Christina with a smile.

"I am good your Majesty, and how are you?" asked Maddie with a smile, wondering what Christina was doing here again, she was hoping that it wouldn't be an all the time thing.

"I am well" said Christina with a smile.

"Oh Maddie, your skirt, yes, I think I accidentally packed it with my laundry, let me go get it" said Lisa with a smile as she stood up.

"Ahh no, that's not necessary Aunt, I can go get it myself" said Maddie.

"No, I doubt you would be able to find it, let me go get it for you, please excuse me your Majesty" said Lisa with a smile as Christina smiled and Lisa left the room as Maddie was about to leave as well, she did not want to be creeped out by Christina again.

"Maddie please stay, I actually came here to talk to you" said Christina with a smile.

"To me?" asked Maddie in confusion, wondering what they even had to talk about.

"Yes please sit, I need to speak to you" said Christina.

"About what?" asked Maddie as she did not get it.

"It will be quick, I promise you, just give me a chance" said Christina with a pleading smile as Maddie sighed and sat down at a distance away from Christina.

"Thank you Maddie" said Christina with a smile.

"Please be quick your Majesty, I need to go" said Maddie.

"Yes I will be Maddie, you see, I came here to see you, to ask you to please convince Ollie to come back home" said Christina with a smile as Maddie just looked at her in confusion.

"I am sorry, but why me??" asked Maddie.

"Well because you are his friend, he trusts you and he listens to you" said Christina as Maddie scoffed.

"That Blondie doesn't trust me, and honestly we are not friends, I am the wrong person to be asking, you should ask Annie or Matt" said Maddie.

"I didn't ask them because I am sure that he won't listen to them, my Ollie is so stubborn, even I can't convince him to come back home" said Christina.

"Then what makes you think that he would even listen to me?" asked Maddie.

"You are a smart girl Maddie, I am sure that you will find a way, I need a strong, stubborn woman like you to convince him, hit him if you have to, just make him come home" said Christina with a smile as Maddie just looked at her in shock.

"I am sorry your Majesty, but I cannot help you, I am the wrong person for this" said Maddie as she stood up.

"I don't choose the wrong people, if I chose you to speak to him, then there is a reason" said Christina in a slightly cold tone as Maddie looked at her, she never wanted to get herself entangled in this royal matters and yet here she was.

"Are you threatening me? Because let me just tell you it's not going to work" said Maddie as she looked at Christina.

"I am not threatening you Maddie, far from it, just understand the plea of a mother who wants her son back home" said Christina as Maddie sighed.

"Look, your son himself said that he won't come him if his opinions are not valued, so if you want him back home, value hiss opinions" said Maddie.

"I know you are smart, so convince him, do this as a favour for me, I beg you" said Christina as she smiled and Maddie sighed, she had no choice did she?

"I will try my best, but I cannot make any promises" said Maddie.

"That's all I need, your best, thank you Maddie" said Christina with a smile as Maddie sighed internally.