
Annie Grey

[Volume 1 Completed] Everyone knows that the choices we make determines our future, but what about the choices that we ourselves didn't make but are forced to live with. After Annie wakes up from what seemed like a dream she discovers she is from a long line of witches and together with her Book Curtis and her new friend Matt she discovers herself and which side to be on the Good or the Bad ( Updates every 2 days) Volume 2 [Journey to the Misty Mountain] [Completed] After the events of Volume 1, the now powerless Annie and her friends must face the threat of Azazel still being alive, and lurking in the shadows, while they also try to find a way to regain Annie's lost powers. Come along with Annie, Maddie, Matt, Curtis, and a new supposed ally as they journey to the misty mountain in search of Annie's powers. Volume 3 [The Imperial Artrovan Academy] Following the final defeat of Azazel, Annie, Maddie and Matt struggle to cope as their lives return to some sort of normalcy only to realize that they had put two full years of their lives on hold with unfavourable consequences. This causes Stella to suggest that they go back to school to complete their studies, seeing as she has secured them all a place at the Imperial Artovan Academy that happens to be one of the prestigious academies in the Realm, known for its immense facilities and broad level of skills taught in the academy. And thus begins the new journey of Annie, Maddie and Matt, and like most of their journeys, they are rarely ever smooth. Join Annie, Maddie and Matt as they try to navigate new school life, friends, foes, young love and so the much more as they discover and unravel more mysteries and adventures.

Dan_does_it_all · Teen
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The Green eyed Cousins

Morning Came and Annie had just woken up she yawned and went to brush her teeth, she looked at her alarm clock on her bedside table and it said 6:15,

"Okay i have time to check my email" said Annie as she sat on her table and switched on her purple Laptop.

"Hmm it seems that i have a message on gloom" said Annie as she opened gloom

"Oooh it's from Maddie" said Annie with a smile.

Once Annie read the message her smile dropped "Oh okay then, take care" she replied as she was sad.

But Annie shrugged it off and took a shower, she wore a blue blouse and a pair of blue jeans and she tied her hair in a ponytail.

Annie came down for breakfast and Curtis was already there, Annie had toast and Jam while Curtis just watched them all eating because he claimed that he was okay and he didn't need to eat.

When Annie finished eating Breakfast it was time to go to school and Matt was already there and knocked on their door.

"Good Morning Mrs. Grey" said Matt

"Oooh good Morning Matt you are early" she said as she greeted him with a smile

"Have you eaten Breakfast yet??" she asked

"Yes i have" he replied with a smile

"Good Morning Mr. Grey" said Matt

"Hmm" said Mr. Grey as he just grunted and nodded

But by this time Matt was used to Mr. Grey's usual cold demeanor towards him

"Good Morning Annie" said Matt sweetly

"Good Morning Matt" said Annie as she drank her hot chocolate

"Oooh Curtis what's with that stare of yours??" asked Matt

"Well my so called buddy here forced me to go to bed last night" said Curtis as he looked at John.

"Hmm what are you looking at me for my house my rules" said Mr. Grey as he sipped his Coffee

"Yeah yeah don't forget that i used to change your diapers" said Curtis

"Hey hey don't go there" said Mr. Grey as he was embarrassed

Annie, Mrs. Grey and Matt burst into Laughter.

"Oooh and may i add that as a baby i didn't know what your mother fed you you're diapers were always very full" said Curtis

And the rest burst into even more laughter

"Lisa stop laughing it isn't funny" whined Mr. Grey

"Sorry hun it's just too funny" said Lisa as she kept on laughing

"Annie Amara Grey seeing that i am your Father i order you to stop laughing" said Mr. Grey

"Sorry dad but i can't it's just too funny" she said as she was holding her stomach as it was hurting from her intense laughing.

"Ooh well then you won't mind me sharing some of your diaper stories too" said Mr. Grey

Once he uttered those words Annie stopped laughing immediately and said "Aww no fair dad" and the other's started laughing.

"And as for you Mr. Sundew i advise you to stop laughing before something happens to you" said Mr. Grey as he threatened Matt, and Matt subconsciously gulped as he was scared.

"Aww dad stop scaring Matt" laughed Annie

"Anyway we better get going if we don't want to be late for school" said Annie

"Okay" said Mr. Grey and with that they all left and were on their way to school.

Annie hoped that she would at least see Maddie in class but to her surprise she had switched all her classes to the advanced ones, which saddened Annie.

When Annie and Curtis entered the Class Curtis introduced himself and sat on the desk right next to Annie, other students started chatting about how cute Curtis was little did they know that he was wayyy older than them🤣

After Class it was break time and Annie, Curtis and Matt went to the Cafeteria, Annie looked around and was waiting for Maddie to come eat lunch but to her surprise she didn't.

"Guys i feel like Maddie is avoiding me" said Annie as she fiddled with her food using her fork.

"What makes you think that Annie?? everything was just fine yesterday" said Matt as he ate his food

"Well for one this morning she texted me saying that she would be busy and i might not be able to see her, and when we came to school this morning all her classes had been switched back to normal which is strange why did it happen all of a sudden and right now i have been waiting for her to come and eat lunch but she isn't here, she is definitely avoiding us" said Annie as she stated the facts

"Aww Annie don't think like that Maybe she is actually busy" said Matt as he tried to comfort Annie

Meanwhile behind the Cafeteria doors Maddie was there watching Annie, Curtis and Matt oh how she really wanted to be there and join them but she couldn't for Annie's sake so she just walked away.

A week had passed and it had been the same routine for Annie, Matt and Curtis, every morning Matt would come over so he, Annie and Curtis could go to school together, but Annie seemed to be getting sadder and sadder by the day, she had tried to reach Maddie but every time she logged into Gloom Maddie was always offline for some reason, and when she tried to look for her at school she could never find her, it was like Maddie had became a ghost and was invisible like she was never real in the first place.

Meanwhile Curtis and Annie had been dubbed the Green eyed cousins because of their beautiful green eyes, girls would always want to talk to Curtis but he would never allow them, he always stuck to Annie as glue.

"Curtis it seems like you have many adoring fans here" said Annie as she chuckled and ate some rice.

"Hahah yes so true Dude i even think that you have a fan club already" said Matt as he laughed

"Oh Haha so funny" said Curtis sarcastically "Those girls are so annoying besides if only they knew that i am wayyy older then them" said Curtis as he massages his temples.

"Oh haha Curtis it would just break their hearts" said Annie as she laughed

"Yeah yeah" said Curtis

"Oooh Matt so have you told your parents that me, my Parents and Curtis are coming for Dinner tomorrow?" asked Annie as she took a sip of her coke.

Matt looked around to see if anyone was coming outside since they were in the outdoor dining area.

"Yes i have and they said that they are delighted to host guys" said Matt

"Yayyyyy i am also happy to see them again ( i mean more specifically your mom) because your dad is a little bit weird" said Annie

"Hahha about that don't worry he was just playing" said Matt as he became embarrassed

"Don't worry it's fineee, i can't wait to see Evie and little Noey and also Celeste i love her pretty white hair and i Love Ellie and Kaylee's bright personalities and also the boys and their quietness" said Annie as she talked about the Sundew siblings with a smile on her face.

"Yes they will be happy to see you too" said Matt

Meanwhile Maddie had just come out to the outside dining area and she was sloppy that she didn't pay attention to see that Annie and the guys were also there.

"Maddie?? " asked Annie as she saw Maddie for the first time in a week.

"Oh shoot i have just ended my good streak of hiding" said Maddie to herself

"Oh Hi Annie" said Maddie as she waved.

And Annie signaled that she should come over and sit down with them and she did.

"Maddie how are you??" asked Annie

"I am good and how are you??" asked Maddie

"I've been good" said Annie

And the table went quiet and it was awkward, the girls didn't know what to say to each other.

"Umm Curtis come help me, let's pack our trays from the table" said Matt as he tried to get the girls alone to talk.

"Why do i have to you can go just fine" said Curtis and Matt kicked him under the table and said "Dude let's go i have something to tell you"

"Then why didn't you just say so instead of kicking my leg sheesh children nowadays don't have manners" said Curtis as he got up from the table and took Annie's tray and whined.

"So..." said Annie

"So..." said Maddie as she didn't make eye contact and instead stared at her food

"Maddie why have you been avoiding me??" asked Annie plainly

"What noo what gave you that impression i have just been very busy" said Maddie

"Maddie i thought we were friends and friends don't avoid and lie to each other" said Annie

"*sigh* Annie i really didn't mean to hurt you the truth is that i am genuinely busy and i am sorry that i haven't been able to hang out believe me i really want to but i can't" said Maddie honestly

"You really mean it??" asked Annie

"Of course i mean it!" said Maddie honestly

"Yayyyy" said Annie

"Yes Yayyy but we can't hang out in person" said Maddie

"Oooh no problem i am also not allowed to go out due to some reasons" said Annie

"But that's why we have gloom" said Annie

"Yes" said Maddie as she chuckled

"So girls is everything fixed now??" asked Matt as he smirked and he and Curtis came and sat down.

"Yes everything is wonderful again" said Annie as she smiled

"Yes it is" said Maddie

"Yayyyyy" said Matt "Now hehehe time to catch up" said Matt

"haha" they all said as they broke into laughter.

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