
Annie Grey

[Volume 1 Completed] Everyone knows that the choices we make determines our future, but what about the choices that we ourselves didn't make but are forced to live with. After Annie wakes up from what seemed like a dream she discovers she is from a long line of witches and together with her Book Curtis and her new friend Matt she discovers herself and which side to be on the Good or the Bad ( Updates every 2 days) Volume 2 [Journey to the Misty Mountain] [Completed] After the events of Volume 1, the now powerless Annie and her friends must face the threat of Azazel still being alive, and lurking in the shadows, while they also try to find a way to regain Annie's lost powers. Come along with Annie, Maddie, Matt, Curtis, and a new supposed ally as they journey to the misty mountain in search of Annie's powers. Volume 3 [The Imperial Artrovan Academy] Following the final defeat of Azazel, Annie, Maddie and Matt struggle to cope as their lives return to some sort of normalcy only to realize that they had put two full years of their lives on hold with unfavourable consequences. This causes Stella to suggest that they go back to school to complete their studies, seeing as she has secured them all a place at the Imperial Artovan Academy that happens to be one of the prestigious academies in the Realm, known for its immense facilities and broad level of skills taught in the academy. And thus begins the new journey of Annie, Maddie and Matt, and like most of their journeys, they are rarely ever smooth. Join Annie, Maddie and Matt as they try to navigate new school life, friends, foes, young love and so the much more as they discover and unravel more mysteries and adventures.

Dan_does_it_all · Teen
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665 Chs

The Dream

Two days had passed since Annie and everyone one moved to the Witch world, their routine was more or less the same, every morning would start up with Everyone having Breakfast together like one whole big family, Stella would join them if she didn't have any official duties to take care of.

Breakfast, Dinner and Lunch was always Lively when everyone was around and especially Evie because she would always have something to talk about, and that would get everyone else in the mood for talking.

Maddie felt really grateful for this special time that she was sharing with all of them, it really gave her a taste of how it felt to be part of a real family, these people knew that she was the daughter of the enemy but yet they gave her a second chance and trusted her blindly, she was sure that she would not let any of them down and prove that she wasn't a waste of their trust.

After Breakfast, Annie, Matt and Maddie decided that they wanted to explore the Palace, since they were not allowed to go out due to security reasons, the Palace was so big and they almost got lost.

Adrian offered to take them around the Palace but they refused saying that they wanted and Adventure.

Meanwhile in one of the meeting rooms

"Curtis have you heard?" asked Stella as her face looked less calm than usual

"About what??" asked Curtis with his usual expression

"Curtis word is out that the Witch gate in Sunset Village is being targeted by Azazel" said Stella

"*Gasp*" said Annie, Matt and Maddie that were on the other side of the door, they didn't mean to listen to eavesdrop on their Conversation but once Matt heard the name Azazel he stopped and Listened and so did Annie and Maddie.

"I knew it was only a matter of time" said Curtis with a worried expression on his face but his voice didn't show it.

"Azazel is currently weak and he cannot just portal through worlds like he usually would, which is why he is targeting the gate" said Curtis as he sighed

"But once he steps into the Witch world his powers would be stronger" said Curtis

Maddie's face went panicky how could this be? she hadn't even gotten away from him for a week and he was already coming, Maddie felt so overwhelmed that she didn't realize that she hit the door and it made a noise.

"Who is out there?? show yourself now!" said Stella in a commanding tone.

Annie, Maddie and Matt sheepishly opened the door and walked in, and Stella's dropped her guards down.

"Oh Children what were you doing out there??" she asked.

"I'm sorry Aunt Stella for Eavesdropping but when we heard Azazel's name we just had to listen" said Annie as she tried to explain.

"Oh it's alright dear" said Stella as she sighed and sat back down in her chair.

Maddie didn't notice but her hands were shaking and Stella noticed it and asked

"Maddie dear child why are your hands shaking??" she asked in a Concerned tone

Maddie realized that her hands were shaking and quickly shrugged it off saying "Haha it's nothing Madam Stella" said Maddie as she laughed

"Nothing how could it be nothing dear?? come over here" said Stella with a concerned look as she asked Maddie to come closer to where she was sitting.

Annie, Matt and Curtis just kept quiet because they all knew the reason Maddie was scared.

Stella reached out and touched Maddie's forehead she felt warm "Dear you are scared what happened what's wrong??" asked Stella

Maddie didn't want to say anything that could cause her trouble but Stella did figure out that she was scared so she said "It's nothing really, it's just that i am afraid of Azazel" said Maddie as she let out a laugh to lighten the mood.

"Why? did he do something to you??" asked Stella like a worried mother.

"No no it's just that i have heard many stories about him and that he's a ruthless man" said Maddie

"Yes all that is true but don't worry he can never get any of you here so rest assured you will be fine" said Stella as she tried to calm Maddie down

"Yes i know Thank you Madam Stella" said Maddie

"Oh it's alright dear it will be fine and what's with the madam call me Aunt Stella" said Stella

"Okay Aunt Stella" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Good girl now can you children please go back to your rooms me and Curtis still have some other matters to discuss" said Stella

"Okay Aunt Stella and once again we are sorry for eavesdropping" said Annie as they walked out the door.

"Oh it's alright dear Bye" said Stella

"Bye!" said Annie

After making sure that no one else was listening she turned to Curtis and said with a serious face "I will deploy more Witches to protect the gate, Azazel must not come through no matter what!"

Back in the girl's room

"Umm well that went well" said Maddie as she sat on her bed.

"Maddie you don't have to worry there is no way your Father will get through i mean isn't he weak right now?? so rest assured we will be safe" said Annie as she tried to console Maddie

"Yes Maddie, Annie is right so don't be worried" said Matt

"Haha yes i know Thank you guys" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Yayyy and next time let us know when you are uncomfortable so we can help because that's what friends are for!" said Annie

"Haha yes i know Thank you guys once again!" said Maddie

"Oooh and Matt stop eavesdropping on people it's rude" said Annie

"Hey Hey Hey watch the language i was not being rude on purpose but when you have my kind of hearing it's hard to filter stuff out" said Matt

"Okay okay but it's still no excuse" said Annie

"Haha right, you two are just jealous of my exceptional hearing!" said Matt as he gloated.

"Ooh you wish" said Maddie as she threw a pillow at his big head, which he didn't dodge since he was holding his ears, and they all burst into laughter.

Meanwhile back in the human world

The Wolf Mansion was dark and Grey as always.

"Clove me and my men are going to the Witch realm we have to settle some things first i will be back for you later"

"Okay Aza Dear Goodluck!" said Clove as she was tidying their bed, the time was currently 8pm.

"Hmm" said Azazel and with that he was gone.

Meanwhile back in the Witch world.

Dinner had been served and Stella was not present she had a meeting to attend too.

It was time for bed and everyone one said their goodnights.

"Goodnight Annie" said Maddie

"Goodnight Maddie and have sweet dreams" said Annie and the lights switched off as they drifted off into slumber.

Back in the human world.

The night was very dark, with a limited amount of stars in the sky, the wind was blowing and the wild trees of the forest were blowing with it.

In a large area densely populated with trees, there were a group of people about twenty in number both men and women, they had black cloaks on them and each of then had the hood of their cloaks on their heads, it looked like they were waiting for something rather someone.

"Have caught sight of him R??" shouted a woman that was standing in front of the group.

"No Leader the night is very clear" replied the man named R

The female leader seemed relieved and said "Hmm Maybe it was just a false alarm"

But as soon as she said that a male figure came out of nowhere and landed in their middle and hit one of the guys down.

"Vampire!!!" shouted the woman that was their leader and everyone started holding dark green balls of light and they all aimed for the Vampire, he dodged some of them but one of their balls of light hit him in the chest and it threw him away.

"Boss!!" shouted one of the other Vampires that were just coming in to the fight.

"Haha you will pay for that" said the Vampire and all the four Vampires rushed in and started hitting everyone one by one, The Female leader looked at all her fallen comrades in horror.

"Quick R send feedback to the Council quickly!!" she said before a Vampire jumped in front of her and used his sharp claws to hit her abdomen and she fell down with a loud cry.

R had just seen his Captain go down and he had already sent the message to the Council and he shouted "Captain!!" before he met the same demise as she did.

"Haha" said Azazel as he stepped out from the dark "Is this all the Council can do?? Well then this will be easy" he said with an evil laugh

"Boss the gate is ready" said Liam as he stepped out from the forest as he was holding his chest where he got hit.

"Excellent, well then let's go" said Azazel and with that they all left.

Meanwhile back in Annie and Maddie's room.

Maddie was sleeping peacefully and so was Annie, Maddie was having a peaceful dream.

She was smiling while talking to Annie and Matt as always, the sky was beautifully blue not a cloud in sight, the sun was shinning and brining warmth and she was happy, suddenly the happy scene faded and the sky became dark, everything became dark and Annie and Matt had disappeared which left Maddie alone.

"Maddison long time no see" said a familiar voice

Maddie shuddered when she heard the familiar voice she started running, she was panting hard but kept in running in the nothingness.

"Haha do you think that you can run forever??" asked the voice in a menacing tone.

Maddie didn't answer she just kept on running, her heart rate pacing, she ran and ran.

Then Suddenly the darkness rose up on her and started trapping her.

"You will obey me!" said Azazel in a strong dark tone.

"No i will not!" said Maddie as she looked around her for a way out.

"Haha you think you can run? well you cannot no more" said Azazel in a menacing tone as he walked closer and closer.

"Now go on your knees" he said

"No!" said Maddie

Azazel just laughed and moved his fingers and before she knew it she was on her knees and her head was bowed down, she couldn't move her body and she tried to move but it only came out in grunts.

"You know Maddison, you really are my daughter i admire your audacity to defy me" he said as he circled around her.

"Now tell me Maddison who am i?" asked Azazel

Maddie didn't answer

"I said WHO AM I?" asked Azazel

"You are my Father" said Maddie as the words were being forced from her mouth.

"Good now always remember that" said Azazel

He then turned around and kicked Maddie straight in her back she cried in pain, and she immediately woke up in the dark room in a cold sweat while panting.

Her eyes were filled with horror and she looked around and saw Annie sleeping peacefully, Maddie looked at the time on the clock and it was 3pm.

After that Nightmare she drank some water and tried to go back to sleep but it was difficult until she dozed off into slumber.

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