
Annie Grey

[Volume 1 Completed] Everyone knows that the choices we make determines our future, but what about the choices that we ourselves didn't make but are forced to live with. After Annie wakes up from what seemed like a dream she discovers she is from a long line of witches and together with her Book Curtis and her new friend Matt she discovers herself and which side to be on the Good or the Bad ( Updates every 2 days) Volume 2 [Journey to the Misty Mountain] [Completed] After the events of Volume 1, the now powerless Annie and her friends must face the threat of Azazel still being alive, and lurking in the shadows, while they also try to find a way to regain Annie's lost powers. Come along with Annie, Maddie, Matt, Curtis, and a new supposed ally as they journey to the misty mountain in search of Annie's powers. Volume 3 [The Imperial Artrovan Academy] Following the final defeat of Azazel, Annie, Maddie and Matt struggle to cope as their lives return to some sort of normalcy only to realize that they had put two full years of their lives on hold with unfavourable consequences. This causes Stella to suggest that they go back to school to complete their studies, seeing as she has secured them all a place at the Imperial Artovan Academy that happens to be one of the prestigious academies in the Realm, known for its immense facilities and broad level of skills taught in the academy. And thus begins the new journey of Annie, Maddie and Matt, and like most of their journeys, they are rarely ever smooth. Join Annie, Maddie and Matt as they try to navigate new school life, friends, foes, young love and so the much more as they discover and unravel more mysteries and adventures.

Dan_does_it_all · Teen
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665 Chs

Second thought

"Curtis, Annie is with Azazel now" said Matt as he walked to Curtis who turned to look at him.

"I know, I can hear her heartbeat, what are you doing here and where is Maddie?" asked Curtis as Mira nodded at him and he nodded at her as she spoke to one of the other cauldron soldiers.

"Annie asked me to leave, and Maddie refused to go anywhere and we didn't have any time to argue so Annie just let Maddie stay" said Matt.

"Alright then" said Curtis.

"Don't go anywhere Curtis, you know what Annie said" said Matt as he could see that worried look in Curtis' eyes.

"I know" replied Curtis as in the corner of Matt's eye he saw Mira talking to who he could sense was a rogue.

Matt did not know why, but there was just something weird about that rogue, and right now, he was panicked thinking about Annie, he needed to get his mind off It and find something else to do.

And something was telling him that he needed to talk to that rogue.

"Curtis, I need to go do something quick, I will be right back" said Matt as he looked at Curtis who didn't seem to care, and Matt walked away quickly to talk to Mira.

"Age has nothing to do with anything" said Azazel as Annie looked past him and saw Maddie with Selene a distance away, she did not have a good feeling about that, but she needed to focus over here right now, nothing could distract her, nothing at all, she would make sure to keep her focus.

"Well of course to you age doesn't matter, remind me just how old you are" said Annie as Azazel chuckled, he seemed to be loving their small talk.

It did not irritate him at all, if anything, his belief was why waste a meal that he would already end up eating later with ease? So, he felt no need to rush things at all.

"Funny, you are bolder than last time" said Azazel with a smile.

"That's because you cheated last time" replied Annie.

"There is no such thing as cheating child" replied Azazel.

"That is a lie, you killed Curtis last time, that was part of cheating" said Annie.

"Ahhh that, I wonder where the book is and well it's only fair, you killed my wife, didn't you?" asked Azazel with a smile.

"He is somewhere safe where you can't get your hands on him" said Annie.

"And for the record Azazel, I never, and I repeat never killed your wife" said Annie in anger and irritation, here he went again, repeating the same nonsense all over again.

"I would never kill her, you know for someone so great and mighty, you were too dumb to realize that your henchwoman killed your own wife, and not me" said Annie as something unnoticeable flickered in Azazel's eyes for a split moment.

"You claim to be in control while you are actually being used by others" said Annie as Azazel just listened to her, he seemed to be thinking.

Annie was no longer scared of Azazel, if anything she was furious at him, and she was ready to take him down today, she was not going to let him escape this time.

"All you do is kill innocent people, not minding their age, or their lives or how their family feels, and yet when it happened to you, you wanted to take revenge, let me just tell you that you took revenge on the wrong person, I would never kill anyone, besides you, and my hands are clean" said Annie as in the same moment an arrow was shot behind Azazel as he did not even need to look back as the arrow stopped right before it hit him and the threw it at Annie as the arrow melted and she did too.

"What a nice party trick, you are full of surprises today" said Azazel with a smile as he turned around to see Annie frowning as she held her bow in her hand.

Annie could not believe how strong he was, he didn't even turn back he knew that that was a mirage, and he had melted her arrow of poison.

Annie could not lie that she had not expected this to happen, she had wanted to test his strength and he of course was always on guard, but this was just unsettling.

"Last time you caught me off guard, but not this time" said Annie as she quickly composed herself.

"I am looking forward to the many surprises you have for me" said Azazel with a smile as Annie did not like the way he was looking at all.

"Hmm, let's see, since we have a lot of time, how about we make things interesting" said Azazel with a smile, he loved that the little Grey was putting on a fight, It made him kind of respect her for it.

"Choose your mode of combat, spells, bows, or swords?" asked Azazel with a smile as Annie thought quickly.

"Swords" she said without giving it a second thought, if Azazel was giving her an option that gave her more time to prepare her spells, because right now, she was sure that she did not have enough energy and focus to cast a spell powerful enough to bind him.

"Swords it is" replied Azazel with a smile as a sword magically appeared in his hand as Annie drew out her own sword from her sheath that was attached to her belt.

"Oh I don't have time for this little girl" said Selene as she saw Maddie and she scoffed, she wondered what this child was doing here.

"You are going nowhere" said Maddie as she pulled Selene closer to her and Selene scoffed as she broke out of her hold.

"And who exactly do you think you are to stop me?" asked Selene in amusement, this little brat was really annoying.

Maddie looked into the distance to see Azazel and Annie, she could not hear what they were talking about, but she knew that Annie's plan involved her being completely alone with Azazel, so there was no way that she would let Selene go anywhere, she was a slippery snake.

"I'm Maddie" replied Maddie with a smile as she took a step back as she felt some energy surge and both she and Selene turned to look in the direction Annie and Azazel were in as the two of them suddenly disappeared as Selene attempted to follow after them as Maddie drew her back yet again.

"Oh no you don't you are going nowhere, you are going to stay here" said Maddie as Selene turned to look at her in now anger, she did not plan to do anything to this little brat before, but she was testing her patience, Selene could feel something weird going on, Hunter was nowhere to be found, and she and Azazel were separated.

"I don't have time to deal with you brat" said Selene.

"Oh I didn't know that you were Azazel's babysitter, you can't even leave him alone for a second" said Maddie with a scoff.

"What can I say? He's the father of my child" replied Selene as Maddie scoffed.

"A child who shouldn't even exist in the first place" said Maddie with a frown.

"You have such a sharp tongue, obviously something you didn't inherit from your sorry excuse of a mother" said Selene with a smile.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother" said Maddie.

"You have no right" said Maddie.

"Oh but I do, I was forced to be under her, I watched as she took my position" said Selene.

"I only took what was rightfully mine" replied Selene as Maddie scoffed.

"You do know that Azazel doesn't love you right? That man does not love anyone" said Maddie.

"That's a lie, but regardless, I don't have to discuss this with you brat" said Selene as she was about to take off when suddenly she felt vines wrap around her and they kept her in place.

"You are not going to help Azazel, not this time" said Maddie as she squeezed her hand and Selene was squeezed with the vines as she wondered how Maddie could be so strong.

"Oh right" replied Selene as she laughed and broke out of the vines as Maddie looked at her.

"You know, I should have gone back and killed you as well, you little annoying pest" said Selene as she was starting to get ticked off.

"You have your stupid mother's bright eyes, I just want to pluck them out the way I was unable to pluck hers out all these years" said Selene.

"You killed my mother" said Maddie in anger.

"And so what? What are you going to do about it you little unwanted, fatherless brat?" asked Selene with a smile.

"So I am going to kill you to" said Maddie as she drew out her sword and pointed it at Selene.

Hunter looked around, everyone seemed to be busy and occupied with one thing or the other, it was a perfect time for him to make his exit.

Hunter looked left and then right, Mira was busy overseeing all the witches they had captured from the camp, and her colleagues were with her, no one would ever notice that he was gone, or at least not until a long while.

Hunter casually started to walk further and further away from everyone, not aware of the fact that someone was following him.

"You know it's been a while since I have used a sword" said Azazel with a smile.

"That's good for me then" said Annie as she charged at Azazel and swiped her sword at him as he went flying back a few meters not from her attempted hit, but because he wanted to see how far she would go.

Annie narrowed her eyes at Azazel wondering what he was thinking.

"Curtis, I am warning you, don't you dare come here, if you do, I am going to kick you out myself, I am not joking" said Annie internally as she could sense Curtis' presence.

"Got it" replied Curtis.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a life for a life" said Maddie.

"You killed my mother, and for that I am going to kill you too, because you deserve to die just as much as Azazel does" said Maddie, even though Clove was still alive that did not excuse the fact that Selene tried to get rid of her twice, she needed to be punished for it.

Maddie did not initially want to fight Selene, her plan was just to hold her off so Annie had nothing to worry about, but now that she was here in front of Selene, hearing her voice and seeing that wicked grin on her face, she just felt making her pay for everything she did.

"Oh how feisty, you a child think that you can kill me?" asked Selene as she laughed in amusement.

"Correction, I am not a child, I am seventeen, and don't underestimate me, because my enemies die, and you are my enemy" said Maddie as she held her sword tightly and Selene chuckled.

"I warned you" said Maddie as she charged at Selene and started to swing her sword as Selene dogged lazily, as if she was just having fun, and that frustrated Maddie so much.

Selene yawned in a taunting manner as Maddie took the opportunity and went for Selene's ear as Selene moved her head and Maddie missed by inches and instead she sliced off strands of Selene's dark hair as Selene gasped in horror.

"My hair!!!?" she cried in anger.

"I told you not to underestimate me, I am going to kill you" said Maddie as she smiled proudly.

"You little brat!" called Selene.

"I am going to kill you" said Selene as without warning she picked up Maddie by the neck and she threw her strongly as everything happened so fast and Maddie closed her eyes waiting for impact when she felt herself being caught safely.

"Caught you" came a familiar voice as Maddie opened her eyes in shock.

"Hey where do you think you are going?" asked Matt as he had had enough of following Hunter, they were very far away from everyone else, and Matt had no idea where he was going.

Hunter stopped in his tracks as he turned around to face Matt and he smiled.

"Blondie???!!! What the heck are you doing here?!!" asked Maddie as she opened her eyes, only to be shocked by who she saw.

"I'm here to help of course" replied Ollie with a smile as he put Maddie down.

"But how? How did you even get here?" asked Maddie.

"I have my ways, and by the way you are welcome" said Ollie with a smile as Maddie scoffed.

"I didn't need your help, I would have caught myself" said Maddie.

"Right…" said Ollie in sarcasm as Ollie scoffed.

"Stay out of my way blondie, I am warning you" said Maddie as she turned around and ran straight for Selene.

"Selene!!" called Maddie as she charged straight for Selene as Selene turned around and blocked the hit with her hand as her hand remined the same.

"You are a demon!" said Maddie in shock.

"No, I'm a witch" replied Selene as she pushed Maddie away and Maddie charged at her repeatedly as Selene blocked all of her attacks.

"Blondie I told you to stay out of this" said Maddie as she saw Ollie in the corner of her eye.

"I know, but you seem to need help over here" said Ollie.

"No I don't!" said Maddie as she grunted and turned around, bent down and kicked Selene off her feet which caused Selene to fall and land on the ground as Maddie thrusted her sword through Selene's chest.

"I told you I would kill you, you deserve it" said Maddie with a smile as she turned around.

"You see, I told you I could handle it" said Maddie as she smiled at Ollie.

"That's not handling it" said Ollie as he pointed to Selene who started to laugh menacingly as she stood up and Maddie turned around.

"That tickled" said Selene as her eyes turned red and she pulled out the bloodied sword from her chest as she threw it on the ground.

"How are you still alive??!" asked Maddie in shock as Selene continued to laugh.

"If she didn't die with a sword to the heart, then she probably sold her heart" said Ollie as he seemed to be thinking and Maddie looked at him.

"How do I kill her then?" asked Maddie.

"I don't know" replied Ollie.

"You are going to pay for that you little brat, this will show you not to mess with powers above you" said Selene as she walked to Maddie who rushed to get her sword and she held it tightly.

"You are going to die" said Maddie as she casted a spell as the ground beneath Selene started to sink as Selene snickered and walked through the sinking ground which scared the life out of Maddie.

"Umm blondie, you are the know it all, tell me what I need to do to kill this literally heartless woman?" asked Maddie as she looked at Ollie.

"I'm working on it" said Ollie as Maddie created a shied around herself as Selene ignored Ollie, her target was Maddie.

"Geez Maddie, what did you get yourself into this time?" asked Maddie to herself as she heard her shield break and Selene appeared behind her which caused Maddie to panic as she ran, trying to think of what to do, how could she kill a woman who survived a sword through the heart?

"You are a mad woman you know that" said Maddie as she shouted and Selene appeared in front of her.

"Oh you don't even know madness at all, I will show you what true madness is" said Selene as she laughed.

"Blondie!!!" called Maddie as she blocked Selene's attack as that snapped Ollie out of his thoughts and he drew out his sword and rushed to Maddie as he attacked Selene who remined unmoving taking all his attacks while strangling Maddie telepathically.

Maddie kicked Selene as she coughed violently and rubbed her neck.

"Are you okay?" asked Ollie as he looked at Maddie.

"You better have a plan" said Maddie as Ollie raised up a barrier.

"That I do, if she doesn't have a heart, then it means that she exchanged it for something, I don't know what anyway" said Ollie as he was cut off.

"Long and short blondie, how do I kill this woman?" asked Maddie as she could hear the barrier shattering as Selene banged her fists on it.

"Alright, you need to drive a sword through two parts of her body at once, I mean one in her chest and another in her head, that should stop her from regenerating and thinking" said Ollie.

"Alright got it, but how am I supposed to do that?" asked Maddie.

"I'll cover you" replied Ollie as he threw his sword at Maddie who caught it and held her own sword tightly.

"We need to distract her first" said Ollie as Maddie casted a spell and Ollie's sword disappeared.

"Got it, break the barrier and keep Selene in one place for me" said Maddie as Ollie nodded and he counted to three with his fingers as the barrier broke and Selene charged straight for Maddie as Maddie dropped her sword and started to punch Selene who was just laughed, unmoved by the impact of Maddie's punches.

"You don't know how good this is going to feel for me" said Selene with a smile as she picked Maddie up by the neck and started to squeeze her neck, not realizing that her feet were glued to the ground.

"The same goes to you" replied Maddie with a smile as her sword flew into her hand and she thrusted her sword through Selene's chest as Selene was distracted by that and Ollie's sword appeared in Maddie's left hand as she drove it straight through Selene's head as Selene fell down withering as the life was being taken away from her.

"You see, I told you, I always kill my enemies" said Maddie as she looked down at Selene with a smile as she was withering away and drying up like the witch she was.

Selene gasped for air as she reduced into nothing but dust.

"Thanks for the help blondie" said Maddie as she smiled and threw Ollie his sword as he was surprised that she did not look like she had just killed someone.

"Anytime" replied Ollie as the atmosphere suddenly changed and there was a thundering sound.

"*Gasp* Annie" gasped Maddie as she remembered Annie was facing Azazel right now and she took off quickly as Ollie followed after her.

"I asked you where you are going" said Matt as he looked at Hunter.

"You cannot possibly be running away, because that would mean you are betraying us and you have something to hide" said Matt.

"What can I say? Once a rogue always a rogue" said Hunter with a wary smile that cautioned Matt.