
Annie Grey

[Volume 1 Completed] Everyone knows that the choices we make determines our future, but what about the choices that we ourselves didn't make but are forced to live with. After Annie wakes up from what seemed like a dream she discovers she is from a long line of witches and together with her Book Curtis and her new friend Matt she discovers herself and which side to be on the Good or the Bad ( Updates every 2 days) Volume 2 [Journey to the Misty Mountain] [Completed] After the events of Volume 1, the now powerless Annie and her friends must face the threat of Azazel still being alive, and lurking in the shadows, while they also try to find a way to regain Annie's lost powers. Come along with Annie, Maddie, Matt, Curtis, and a new supposed ally as they journey to the misty mountain in search of Annie's powers. Volume 3 [The Imperial Artrovan Academy] Following the final defeat of Azazel, Annie, Maddie and Matt struggle to cope as their lives return to some sort of normalcy only to realize that they had put two full years of their lives on hold with unfavourable consequences. This causes Stella to suggest that they go back to school to complete their studies, seeing as she has secured them all a place at the Imperial Artovan Academy that happens to be one of the prestigious academies in the Realm, known for its immense facilities and broad level of skills taught in the academy. And thus begins the new journey of Annie, Maddie and Matt, and like most of their journeys, they are rarely ever smooth. Join Annie, Maddie and Matt as they try to navigate new school life, friends, foes, young love and so the much more as they discover and unravel more mysteries and adventures.

Dan_does_it_all · Teen
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665 Chs


"Ugh that Annie i didn't know she was stronger now" said Maddie with an angry tone

After Annie left Maddie levitating in the restroom she couldn't get down because she didn't know how to undo a levitating spell, luckily her phone was in her pocket and she called her butler.

Minutes passed and immediately her Butler rematerialized in the restroom Maddie was.

"Miss Madison oh my what happened here??" said the Butler, he was tall, was wearing a black butler's uniform he had grey hair all over his head, he looked like he was in his late fifties, he had a bit of a British accent and he had a shaved smooth face that didn't have wrinkles at all despite his age.

"Ugh Anthony Please get me down From here i feel light-headed after being here for so long" whined Maddie like a child

"Okay okay Miss Madison don't worry" sighed Anthony

"Vicissim incantotores" said Anthony as he waved his hand in front of the place Maddie was levitating on and she fell down immediately with a Thud

"Wow gee Thanks Anthony you could have at least caught me" she said sarcastically

"Well sorry Miss now would you please tell me how you got stuck there??" Anthony asked

"Umm well hehe it was just some friends playing" said Maddie sheepishly and we all know that was a lie.

"Mhmm" said Anthony as he didn't believe what Maddie said, because the young Madam had a history of causing trouble.

"Are you sure young Madam or weren't you trying to hurt Annie Grey??" asked Anthony

In the Wolf residence everyone knew about the long going feud between Maddison and a girl named Annie Grey, the servants in the Wolf residence never met the girl but from what they young Madam had told them it seemed like the girl was really troublesome.

"Okay yes yes Anthony you got me" said Maddie

"Yes i did well that doesn't explain the levitating spell" said Anthony

"Okay well i tried to cast a spell on her but she dodged and it turns out she a witch too" said an annoyed Maddie.

"Oh my that was a surprise you two seem to have a lot in common you might be great friends in the future" said Anthony

"No never that will never happen i repeat never" said Maddie in an angry tone

"Okay young Miss" sighed Anthony

"Oooh and Anthony can you please teach me that reverse spell please??" begged Maddie with cupped hands and she put on doll eyes.

"Okay i will" sighed Anthony as he smiled, *sigh* the young Madam is just to much.

Apart from Anthony being the longest serving servant and butler in the Wolf family, he was also their personal Magic trainer, when Maddie came of age it was his time to teach her all the basics and advanced of Magic, and he had always been like a Grandfather to Maddie so she always listened to him and they were inseparable, Maddie didn't treat him as a butler or servant, No she treated him as family.

"Yayyyyyy, your the best Anthony!!" she exclaimed as she hugged him.

"Speaking of which The Man and Lady of the house request to see you immediately" said Anthony

"Okay then Anthony let's go" she said and with that Maddie and Anthony walked out of the school and entered a black Rolls Royce with it's windows tinted so that people couldn't see in the car.

The Wolf Mansion was a few kilometers from the town, the car was very silent with the driver in front and Anthony and Maddie in the back, Maddie was nervous that her parents called to see her, they were naturally busy people and rarely saw their daughter and the only times they called to see her was when she had good grades and became advanced in magic or she was either in trouble, and as far as Maddie knew she had not broken any record yet so it was the second option and she was really scared because her parents way of punishing wasn't a way normal parents would punish their children with grounding or beating no they took a more tactical approach they used Magic.

Maddie could remember the first time her parents had punished her, she was just 5 years old she accidentally broke a very expensive vase, it was an accident and she was a just a child, and she was playing around in the living room and her parents were just gifted a huge Chinese markings vase, Maddie looked at the vase in awe it was the biggest one she had seen and she reached out to touch it, but her force was too much and she accidentally pushed the empty vase down and it shattered with a THUD.

Maddie immediately started crying when she realized what she had done, Butler Anthony went into the living room and immediately heard the cries of Maddie and he said "Don't worry young Maddison we will clean it up you see" he said as he winked at her and he used Magic to fix the vase and everything went back to normal, this was of course the first time Maddie saw someone use Magic and she was in awe.

"Thank you Mr. Anthony" said Maddie with a cute smile, but before she could hug him her mother came into the room and she saw that Maddie had broken the vase "Mommy" shouted Maddie as she ran to hug her mother but she was stopped halfway by her mother stretching out her hand to block her "Maddison how many times have i told you to call me Mother and not mommy like those common children, Maddison you are a Wolf and have to behave very properly" said Mrs. Wolf.

"Yes Momm...I mean Mother" answered Maddie

Clove Wolf was a very tall and lean woman she was in her late twenties and she had blonde hair and dark brown eyes, and you could tell where Maddie got most of her looks from, she was wearing a bright red dress and was walking in heels, if you were to meet her in public you wouldn't think she already had a child.

"Okay now that that is settled, Maddison you just broke a very expensive Vase that was gifted to me and your father" she said

"Yes Mother i am sorry it was an accident" said Maddie as she bowed her head down

"Yes Madam it was an accident" said Anthony

"Anthony you should not have used Magic to fix the vase you should have let Maddison take responsibility for her actions and learn that there ae consequences for whatever you do" said Clove

"Yes Madam i understand" said Anthony

"You better not let this repeat itself" she said

"Yes Madam" he said

"Good Now Maddison follow me" she said with a stern look

"To where Mother??" asked Maddie

"Of course to go get your punishment" she said

"You didn't think i would let you off did you, no Maddison there is always a consequence for your actions" she said with a haughty laugh that scared Maddie to pieces.

"Madam please spare the child" said Anthony as he tried to plead for Maddie

"Anthony do not forget your place in this house she is MY child and not yours and also if you want to defend her so much why don't you go and receive your punishment too" said Clove with a wicked tone.

"No Madam you are right she is your child" admitted Anthony

"Correct now get back to work" she said and with that she left the room and pulled Maddie forcefully by the hand a brought her to an unknown place she had never seen in the house before.

It was like a dark dungeon and once Maddie entered it being dragged in by her mother the door closed and it became pitch black, her mother then took Maddie's hands and chained them to hooks that were on the wall.

"Mommy please forgive me i will never do it again" said Maddie as she pleaded out of utter fear she didn't know what was happening and at that time she didn't think and called her mother mommy.

"Oh dear what have i said abut calling me mommy??" she said in a sardonic tone

"Well dear i am leaving now i will let your dad deal with you" she said and she opened the door and left Maddie all alone in the pitch dark room, several minutes passed and Maddie was still there alone, until she heard footsteps coming from the back of the room and she looked up and saw her dark bright blue eyes shining in the darkness.

"Daddy??" she cried

But there was no reply, he just went and sat down in a chair that Maddie didn't seem to notice was there.

"Daddy?? i mean Father is that you??" she asked once again with tears on her face

"Mhmm" he answered

"Father i am sorry please forgive me and let me go" she said but he didn't seem to budge he just sat there looking at her with his eyes and said.

"Maddison as a wolf you know the rules, no bad deed will go unpunished and no good deed will go unrewarded" he said

At this point Maddie stopped struggling and accepted her fate, she knew one of the important rules in their family.

Her Father saw that she was quiet and he asked "So what do you want your punishment to be?"

Maddie didn't answer.

"Okay then i know all children Love clowns, spiders and some monsters so why don't we do that??" he said

And with a snap of his fingers Maddie started seeing strange creatures everywhere, she started crying even more, she saw a very creepy clown smiling at her, she saw a big spider with very long legs crawling towards her and there were different hideous monsters everywhere, they looked like they had just come out from a horror movie and they began to touch Maddie.

Maddie was very scared she even peed her pants she couldn't move anywhere since her hands were chained to the walls, all she could do was scream and shout till it was all over.

After a few minutes, her father snapped his fingers and all the creatures vanished but Maddie was still terrified that she was still shaking, the chains on her hands disappeared and she fell to the ground still trembling.

She then heard her father say "Next time be careful" and with that the door was opened and Maddie saw the light she ran straight for it without looking back, she still had tears in her eyes and once she was out she ran straight inside and went to her room and locked the door she didn't come out.

Until Anthony rematerialized in her room and when she saw him she went straight to hug him and said "Anthony will you stay with me??" she asked

"Yes Maddison i will don't worry" he said and he patted her head.

Ever since that day Maddie has been obedient to her parents and she became tough and did not let anyone trample over her, she made sure she learnt the best spells and was the best she also bullied others so she would not be bullied and that's how Maddie became who she is today.

Meanwhile back in the car, Anthony sensed Maddie's uneasiness so he held her hand and whispered to her "Don't worry don't be scared i am always here" and with those words Maddie hugged him and they had already reached the Wolf Mansion.

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