
Annie Grey

[Volume 1 Completed] Everyone knows that the choices we make determines our future, but what about the choices that we ourselves didn't make but are forced to live with. After Annie wakes up from what seemed like a dream she discovers she is from a long line of witches and together with her Book Curtis and her new friend Matt she discovers herself and which side to be on the Good or the Bad ( Updates every 2 days) Volume 2 [Journey to the Misty Mountain] [Completed] After the events of Volume 1, the now powerless Annie and her friends must face the threat of Azazel still being alive, and lurking in the shadows, while they also try to find a way to regain Annie's lost powers. Come along with Annie, Maddie, Matt, Curtis, and a new supposed ally as they journey to the misty mountain in search of Annie's powers. Volume 3 [The Imperial Artrovan Academy] Following the final defeat of Azazel, Annie, Maddie and Matt struggle to cope as their lives return to some sort of normalcy only to realize that they had put two full years of their lives on hold with unfavourable consequences. This causes Stella to suggest that they go back to school to complete their studies, seeing as she has secured them all a place at the Imperial Artovan Academy that happens to be one of the prestigious academies in the Realm, known for its immense facilities and broad level of skills taught in the academy. And thus begins the new journey of Annie, Maddie and Matt, and like most of their journeys, they are rarely ever smooth. Join Annie, Maddie and Matt as they try to navigate new school life, friends, foes, young love and so the much more as they discover and unravel more mysteries and adventures.

Dan_does_it_all · Teen
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665 Chs


"Where did Aunt Stella go?" asked Maddie, she had gone to Stella's office earlier, but she was not allowed in, she was told by one of the witches on guard that the Vice Chancellor was not in.

"Yes, and also my Grandfather, he's gone too" said Matt as he also had went looking for his Grandfather, Sapiens had told him that he had something for him, and yet when he went to his office he was nowhere to be found.

"Really??? Uncle Capi is no where in sight too" said Annie, she had went to ask Captious if she could borrow an interesting book she saw in his office, but when she went there she could not find him at all.

Annie Maddie and Matt were worried, they all just disappeared just like that, and they did not know where they were at all.

"The three of you should just relax" said Curtis as he walked in, he overheard the three of them already getting worried about three full grown, past middle aged, high council members, it was actually funny that they were worried about adults supposedly disappearing.

"But Curtis how can you tell us to relax when Aunt Stella, Professor Sapiens and Uncle Capi just disappeared just like that??" asked Annie

"Well because they did not disappear" said Curtis as he sat down leisurely

"Stella called me to tell me that she, Captious and Sapiens all have an important meeting to attend at the High Council, it was very impromptu and they had to go quickly, so they left last night" said Curtis

"Stella told me to tell you all that she is sorry that she could not say goodbye herself, she said that you all should behave like the good children you are, and that she will be back very soon, and those were her words exactly" said Curtis

"Because quite frankly, some of you are not good children" said Curtis as he eyed Maddie in particular.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" asked Maddie as she knew what he who he was referring too.

"Anyway, Matt, Sapiens told me to tell you that when he returns he will give you what he wanted you to have" said Curtis

"Okay then" said Matt

"And Annie, Captious told me to tell you that you can freely take the book that you wanted, he said just to make sure to take care of it, because it's a very delicate and ancient book" said Curtis

"Oh okay, don't worry I will" said Annie as she smiled.

"And those are all the messaged from Curtis the message relayer" said Curtis as he was sure by now he was turned into a message passing machine.

"You are not a very good message relayer" said Maddie as she rolled her eyes.

"And who are you to say such" said Curtis as he stuck out his tongue at Maddie, which made her shocked.

"Oh my...." she said

"Annie did you see that????" asked Maddie as she looked at Annie."

"Your beloved, innocent Curtis just stuck his tongue out at me???" said Maddie as she was still in utter confusion herself, was she seeing double??? there was no way that this Curtis in front of her would ever do that.

"Haha" said Annie as she laughed, that was her only reply.

"That's it??? you are not going to say anything??" asked Maddie.

"Well Maddie what exactly do you want me to say??" asked Annie as she laughed.

"I don't know say anything???" said Maddie

"Okay, well then to be honest you deserve it for being so annoying to him most of the time" said Annie

"I cannot believe this right now" said Maddie as she was shocked, she even looked at Matt for support.

"Sorry Maddie, Annie is right" said Matt as he just had to state it for obvious reasons.

"You see Maddison, the majority have spoken" said Curtis as he smiled.

"Well firstly you do not have the right to call me by my full name" said Maddie

"And also it's good to know where my so called friends stand" said Maddie as she frowned at Annie and Matt.

"Awww Maddie, don't be like that" said Annie

"Of course we support you, but with things concerning Curtis, the both of you are so childish" said Annie as she laughed.

"Hmm" said Maddie as she crossed her hands on her chest.

"Annie is right Maddie, you two do have many ways of annoying each other for no reason" said Matt as he laughed.

"Well that's because we are the closet right Curtis??" asked Maddie as she looked at Curtis.

"Who are you??" asked Curtis

"I have never seen you in my entire life" he said

"OH haha Curtis, very funny" said Maddie as she looked annoyed and Curtis smiled.

"Anyway enough of this, let's go eat" said Annie

"Oh alright" said Maddie

"Sure" said Matt

"I could eat" said Curtis

"Haha well then let's go" said Annie as she stood up.


Meanwhile in Azazel's camp.

"Have you heard??" asked Luk as of course he had all the news of the latest gossip and information in the camp.

"No heard about what??" asked Willis, as he Luk, Hunter and Bruce were all together.

"About the newest development in the camp" said Luk

"Out with it already Luk" said Willis as it was times like these that he felt like punching Luk's annoying, gossiping face.

"Okay okay" said Luk

"Anyway, what I am talking about, is the fact that that Nia girl who is Selene's new maid, asked for a transfer" said Luk and Hunter who was not paying attention at all, lifted up his head as soon as he heard Nia's name.

"And that's not all" said Luk

"The surprising thing is that Azazel granted her request, and very easily too" said Luk.

"That girl" said Hunter to himself.

Hunter knew that Nia was a smart girl, and that worked to his advantage when they were together, but right now with the move she made, she was cutting off all ties with him.

She was indirectly telling him that he could continue with his plan alone, but she would not be there to be an accomplice, she was going to save herself and leave him on his own.

Hunter grunted, he realized that he was too soft on the girl and for what??? just to be betrayed in the end by someone he fully trusted, he never thought that she could ever do this to him, he was surprised.

"Hunter are you feeling okay?" asked Bruce as he noticed Hunter was a bit weird.

"I am perfectly fine" said Hunter as he stood up, he did not want to hear anything else about Nia, not now not ever, she was no one to him, absolutely no one and nothing could change that.

"What's wrong with him?" asked Luk.

"I have no idea" said Bruce as he sighed, it seemed like Hunter was getting worse every passing day.

"Guy needs to relax" said Willis as he sighed.