
Annie Grey

[Volume 1 Completed] Everyone knows that the choices we make determines our future, but what about the choices that we ourselves didn't make but are forced to live with. After Annie wakes up from what seemed like a dream she discovers she is from a long line of witches and together with her Book Curtis and her new friend Matt she discovers herself and which side to be on the Good or the Bad ( Updates every 2 days) Volume 2 [Journey to the Misty Mountain] [Completed] After the events of Volume 1, the now powerless Annie and her friends must face the threat of Azazel still being alive, and lurking in the shadows, while they also try to find a way to regain Annie's lost powers. Come along with Annie, Maddie, Matt, Curtis, and a new supposed ally as they journey to the misty mountain in search of Annie's powers. Volume 3 [The Imperial Artrovan Academy] Following the final defeat of Azazel, Annie, Maddie and Matt struggle to cope as their lives return to some sort of normalcy only to realize that they had put two full years of their lives on hold with unfavourable consequences. This causes Stella to suggest that they go back to school to complete their studies, seeing as she has secured them all a place at the Imperial Artovan Academy that happens to be one of the prestigious academies in the Realm, known for its immense facilities and broad level of skills taught in the academy. And thus begins the new journey of Annie, Maddie and Matt, and like most of their journeys, they are rarely ever smooth. Join Annie, Maddie and Matt as they try to navigate new school life, friends, foes, young love and so the much more as they discover and unravel more mysteries and adventures.

Dan_does_it_all · Teen
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665 Chs

Be okay

"You are way too good at this Annie" said Maddie as she laughed and she shook her head.

"I have to agree with Maddie, you are very good" said Ollie as he laughed.

"Oh stop you guys, you are just flattering me" said Annie as she laughed and she turned to look at Maddie and Ollie.

"No they are not flattering you Annie, you are very good, in fact, I bet that if my master agrees to teach you, you will soon be way better than me" said Alina as Annie looked at her and she smiled, it had been such a long time before she had seen anyone else interested in archery and Annie seemed to be interested, and not only that, but she was very good at it as well.

"No, no… I was only doing this for fun" said Annie as she shook her head and she laughed.

"Not bad idea though Annie, archery can just be another skill you can add to better yourself" said Maddie as Annie paused, Maddie was right, but right now, she did not think that she wanted to learn archery, it was just fun for her.

"Annie… Annie" called Matt as he ran to the stables through the rain as he covered his ears.

"Matt?? What's wrong?" asked Annie as she looked at Matt, he looked very worried, and that worried her.

"It's Curtis he's…" said Matt as he was cut off by Annie.

"What's wrong with Curtis?" asked Annie in panic.

"I don't know he's having another episode, but worse" said Matt as Annie immediately dropped the bow in her hand as she ran past Matt into the house as quickly as she could.

"Matt, what's wrong?" asked Maddie in concern as she looked at Matt, she was surprised by the way Annie took off.

"It's Curtis, he's having another episode but worse" said Matt as he looked at Maddie.

"Alina, your master asked me call you for him" said Matt as he looked at Alina, and Alina looked concerned as she nodded her head and she quickly rushed past Matt.

"What do you mean he's having another episode but worse?" asked Ollie as soon as Alina left and Matt turned to look at him.

"His eyes are blood red, and he is bleeding a lot" said Matt as soon as Maddie heard that she rushed after Alina, she knew that Annie would not be alright right now.

"Come on let's go" said Ollie as he rushed and Matt followed behind him.

"Curtis… Curtis??" called Annie as she quickly rushed into the house as she could hear some coughing coming from down the hall as she quickly ran there, and she saw the door of a room wide open as she rushed in and she saw Ivor right beside Curtis as he laid him flat on the ground.

"Oh Curtis" said Annie as she rushed to Curtis and she bent down beside him.

"Curtis, what's wrong, please talk to me" said Annie as she cupped Curtis's face in her hands, as he opened his eyes and she was scared, his eyes were blood red, she had never seen them like that before, and he his nose was bleeding a lot.

"Oh Curtis, please be okay, what's wrong, what's happening to you?" asked Annie as she felt tears dropping from her eyes, this was too much, she had never seen Curtis like this before, he looked so much in pain.

"He can't hear you" said Ivor as Curtis groaned and Annie turned to look at him as Ivor.

"Master you called for me?" asked Alina in concern as she rushed into the room and Annie turned to look at her.

"Yes Alina, get me my kit" said Ivor as he turned to look at Alina.

"Yes Master" said Alina quickly as she nodded her head and she rushed out of the room to get Ivor's kit as she ran past Ollie, Maddie and Matt who had just walked into the house.

"Oh Curtis, please be alright, please" said Annie as she looked at Curtis and she pleaded with him as he coughed violently, he was struggling to keep his eyes open, as he could see the seriously worried face of Annie, as he could say nothing at all.

"Annie, you need to leave" said Ivor as Annie looked at him.

"No what?? Leave to where??" asked Annie as she looked at Ivor, she was not going to go anywhere, not until Curtis was alright again.

"He is not in a good state right now" said Ivor as he knew that Annie was worried, but he would not be able to work well if she did not leave right now.

"I know you are worried, and I can save him, but you need to trust me and leave first" said Ivor as Annie shook her head and Alina returned with Ivor's kit as she gave it to him and he quickly opened it.

"Annie, you need to trust my master, you have to leave" said Alina as she looked at Annie and Annie looked at her.

"No I can't leave, I can't leave Curtis here" said Annie and she shook her head as she refused and Curtis coughed even more as she looked at him in fear.

"Annie, please, you have to leave, my master will save him, don't worry, I will be right here, I will make sure that he is okay, but my Master is going to do something that he is sure you will not like, so you have to leave, you being like this won't help Curtis at all, so please leave Annie and trust me" said Alina as Annie kept on looking at Curtis.

"Fine" said Annie as she stood up and Alina sighed in relief.

"Trust me Annie, Curtis will be alright, I promise you" said Alina as she helped Annie out of the room.

"We will be out before you know it, just relax, and stay calm" said Alina as she smiled and she closed the door as Annie could not relax or stay still at all.

Alina sighed as she turned to look at Ivor as he brought out something that look like a thing piece of wood and he lit it as it began to burn, and he blew the smoke to Curtis as Curtis coughed.

"I need more incense" said Ivor as he looked at Alina.

"Yes Master" said Alina as she nodded her head and she rushed to the drawer to get Ivor some more incense.

"Annie, how is Curtis?" asked Maddie as she caught sight of Annie and she rushed to her.

"Bad, very bad, he doesn't look good at all" said Annie as she started to cry and Maddie rushed to her as she hugged her.

"I don't understand, I don't" said Annie as she cried.

"He hasn't had an episode for three days now, so why?? Why now?? And it looks worse than before" said Annie as she cried even more, she could not imagine losing Curtis, not now, not ever.

"Oh Annie he will be fine, I am sure he will" said Maddie as she hugged Annie and Annie broke their hug as she looked at Matt and Ollie, who looked just as concerned as she was.

"Matt, what happened?" asked Annie as she looked at Matt.

"I don't know Annie, one moment we were talking, and the next he fell down, and his eyes turned red and he started to cough" said Matt as he explained.

"And then Ivor was passing by as he wondered what was going on" said Matt as Annie cried.

"Oh Curtis, please be alright, I beg you" said Annie as she cried.

"He will be alright Annie" said Matt as Annie cried and she walked to hug him.

"He will be alright" said Matt as he really wished that he would.

"Yes Annie, he will be alright" said Ollie as he looked and Maddie and Maddie looked at Ollie and then at Matt, they all hoped that Ivor would be able to do something to help Curtis, or else if anything bad happened… Annie would never be able to forgive herself.

"The incense has stabilized him master" said Alina as she looked at Ivor as Curtis had stopped coughing and his nose was no longer bleeding.

"Yes, but he still feels discomfort" said Ivor as he looked at Curtis who had a frown on his face and he was sweating.

"He is sweating profusely" said Alina as she looked at her Master.

"Yes the incense does that sometimes" said Ivor as he looked at Alina.

"Master what do you think caused what happened to him?" asked Alina as she was a bit scared, she had never seen anyone like that before, with their eyes blood red, and coughing like that, so painfully.

"He probably had a seizure" said Ivor as he looked through his kit and he brought out a very green leaf from the kit.