

R18. Not willing to lose her life or the love of her partner, Annette gives in to the offer of a strange woman who had stepped into her room late at night. Morning comes and she realises she is alive but not as alive as she thought she would be. DISCLAIMER: COVER ART DOWNLOADED FROM PINTEREST.

ashes_77 · Urban
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114 Chs

Michael and the witch


"He is here." Jon voiced in relief.

Even I was in shock. Was it Michael? Was it Ethan he had found? Only questions filled my head.

"Why is she like that?" A strange voice inquired. I knew he was referring to me and whoever it was, wasn't Ethan. 

"I had to do something," Jon responded.

"How can we trust him?" Nava asked, 

"I told him everything," Jon responded.

"Where is David?"

'Definitely Michael' I confirmed.

He had a voice, a voice that carried power. I doubted it was a good idea for Ethan to be anywhere here, I could almost still hear the anger in Michael's tone. Was I even safe? Was I being sane trusting these people? 

I heard footsteps towards me. Whoever it was said nothing making it impossible for me to know who exactly. 

It was scary, trying to move my body just in case Michael was going to kill me right at my most vulnerable moment but It was all impossible.