
Annalise Beacroft. Dare To Dream

Decorum was the imperative law of the inner life of a lady as well as her outer habits. Women were largely seen as meek, submissive, and passive and they should remain that way even after they got married. Her task was to raise children, manage the household and stay pretty all at the same time. Annalise Beacroft, daughter of Lord George II and Antoinette Beacroft was not your typical 18th-century girl. She had dreams and ambitions, and settling down to start a family was not one of them, to the horror of both her parents and society's wishes for her to be used as a social pawn. Will her dreams remain the same when she crosses paths with Prince Louis? Or will fate decide otherwise?

Dee_Beaut · History
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18 Chs

Chapter 4

"Does my hair look fine, Annalise?" Elizabeth, the youngest of the Beacroft girls, wrung her fingers nervously and brushed back imaginary strands of her hair.

"For the thousandth time, Elizabeth, you look fine." Elizabeth's older sister Alice replied with annoyance.

"Now quit your fussing before your nerves become contagious." She said harshly.

"Do not be too hard on her, Alice," Annalise said nervously, having concerns of her own.

"This is not your first social season. You can not expect us to be as calm and composed as you are."

"Annalise is right, cousin." Sophie, who was the second youngest, spoke up.

Josie, her twin sister, agreed. "You have done this before."

"That is precisely why I am telling you all to be calm because I have done this before. What good will it do to be nervous in front of The Queen not to talk about the entire court?" Alice snapped.

"That is enough, girls." Antoinette reprimanded her daughter and nieces.

"Lizzy, you will soon be introduced. Stay calm. Be composed." Her mama, Lady Alexandra, instructed, giving her one final inspection before the presentation.

"And Elizabeth, for goodness sake, do manage to smile," Alice said, and Elizabeth wrung her gloves nervously.

"Next, we have Lady Alexandra Beacroft presenting her daughter Miss Elizabeth Beacroft." The royal announcer read out loud.

Lady Alexandra walked out with Elizabeth to meet the court. Elizabeth gave Annalise one last terrified look as they left.

Annalise could feel goosebumps grow on her skin. Alice was right Lizzy's nerves were contagious.

"Mama," She panicked. "I do not think I can do this."

"Nonsense, child," Antoinette said incredulously. "You are of nobility. This is where you belong. If you can summon up the courage to ride that dreadful beast every morning, then you can go into a courtroom filled with a handful of people."

"But mama," Annalise said in a low whisper. "I understand your dislike of horses, but you cannot compare that with walking into a room full of people scrutinizing my every move in hopes that I fail."

She whispered and breathed hard, her heart pounding loudly inside her chest.

Antoinette looked around, hopeful no one was watching or hearing. "And would you give them the satisfaction of watching you fail?" She lowered her voice, just as her daughter did. "I certainly did not train you to cower from a challenge."

That statement alone stilled Annalise's nerves. Of course, she would not be made a laughing stock to the entire public. She most certainly would not.

"Once her majesty stretches out her spectre to you, you would be declared a part of the eligible young ladies of this season. Remember to smile, walk with grace, poise and curtsy, just like I've taught you."

Although Annalise's ivory dress was pristine and devoid of wrinkles, Antoinette still smoothed it down, fanning it out lightly behind her. "You already look perfect."

"Oh, you are next, Annalise." Lady Helen Beacroft, the mother of the twins, tapped her.

"Thank you, Helen." Annalise's mother gave her a nervous smile.

"The Right Honourable, Marchioness Lady Antoinette Leblanc-Beacroft presenting her daughter Miss Annalise Beacroft."

Annalise and Antoinette made their way into the large courtroom, where the queen was seated at the end of it. The room was as silent as the grave, apart from the unkind whispers that Annalise could pick up with each shaky step she took. This made her doubt herself. She was terrified. Why would she not be? It was not as though she wanted this in the first place. Her heart kept pounding loudly as she felt all eyes in the room fixed on her.

Annalise took her steps gracefully as Antoinette would prefer. She would not make a fool of herself, at least for George's sake. She remembered the necklace her father gave her and touched it. This gave her courage, and like a small flame, it grew within her. Annalise lifted her head, fixing her eyes on her prize, the queen, as she walked the red carpet with Antoinette following earnestly behind her.

"Your majesty." Annalise curtsied and smiled as sweetly as she could. With a blank stare, the queen studied her for seconds which seemed to last a lifetime. In her heart, Annalise began to worry. Although she would rather not be here, Annalise knew the shame it would bring her family if she was not chosen, but she tried her best not to let it show.

Finally, the queen stretched out her sceptre. Goodness gracious, she had done it, Annalise thought as they both rose to their feet. Eventually, she could join her cousin Elizabeth on the victorious side.

Still, in disbelief, she saw the broad smile on her mama's face. Antoinette seemed to have said something to her, but all Annalise could process was that now that she had been deemed an eligible maiden by the queen, she would be expected to be matched with an eligible bachelor.

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