
Another World inside an Unowned Home

Two sisters bravely fought against a large overbearing man. The man had black long hair that went all the way down to his back, and eyes that were as green as the leaves of a rowan tree in full spring. He had a red beard that covered most of his face. The oldest of the twin sisters had long flowing black hair that went all the way to her back, and was as black as the midnight sky. Her eyes were as blue as the deep blue sea and looked as if you could swim in them. The youngest had black hair that went down to her shoulders and green eyes as green as the grass of the amazon jungle. She often kept her long hair in a ponytail to prevent it from falling into her eyes during battle. 

The two were nothing alike except for the hair color, which they both got from their mother, and height, which they got from their father. Stacie, the eldest, was tough and brave, while Annabella was kind and shy. Both sisters were amazing fighters alone, but together there was no one they could not beat, other than their dad. They fought bravely against the red bearded man, but nonetheless, their efforts were in vain. 

"Dang it, he's too strong!" Annabella exclaimed, afraid that she and Stacie would fail once again. This was the 44th time they had battled the red bearded man. 

"No he's not. We can beat him, Anna, but only if we work together." Stacie said, trying to encourage her sister not to give up. Anna smiled, looking over at her sister, then back at the large man. She nodded at her sister, knowing that she was right.

 "Okay, let's do this!" She said as her sister gave her a signal that meant it was time for them to kick it up a notch. Stacie ran straight toward the red beard man while Anna ran off behind him undetected. Stacie made it look like she was heading right for him, but at the last minute she faked right and ran up the weeping willow tree behind him where Anna was waiting. The twins used the branches of the willow tree to slingshot themselves towards the man in hopes of pinning him to the ground.The man saw this coming and grabbed them both by the arm, stopping them mid attack. He moved his hands to their collars and smirked. 

"Looks like I win this one, girls." The man exclaimed, smirking down at what he thought were Anna and Stacie. 

"I don't think so, Dad!" Stacie exclaimed, smirking. The man looked at his daughter confused, until he noticed that he was not holding his youngest daughter, Anna, but instead a cloth sewn dummy made to look like her. The man dropped Stacie and frantically began to search for the missing daughter. He was bewildered by where she could be, until he sensed her presence coming right at him from behind. He turned around and saw Anna coming at him with a Satonic Kick. This was one of the girls strongest moves and almost always hit its target, but at the last moment the target moved with supersonic speed and appeared behind Anna, knocking her to the ground with his elbow.

Stacie ran over to her sister, worried that their dad may have been a little too rough and may have injured Anna with his last attack. 

"Anna! Anna! Speak to me. Please. Tell me you're alright!" Stacie exclaimed. 

"Stacie, I think I'll be fine." Anna replied in a normal and non hoarse voice. Stacie looked at her sister, confused and still worried at what she meant, then quickly remembered that they were both wearing protection armor. This was suggested by their overprotective mom that they wear them during every training session they had.

 Stacie giggled at her own silliness and helped her sister to her feet. 

"I knew that move wouldn't work." Anna said as Stacie helped her to her feet. "Stacie, you should have been the one to do the final attack!" Anna exclaimed to her older twin as she dusted herself off. 

"Are you kidding me, Bella?" Stacie replied, using the nickname she gave Anna when they were younger.

"You're just as strong as I am!" She said encouragingly. 

"Stacie's right, Anna. If I hadn't moved at that last second, I would have been done for." Their dad said, proud of both his little girls.

"We still lost, and it's all my fault." Anna said, blaming herself as she looked down at the ground to hide her sad expression. 

"So what?" Stacie exclaimed. Anna looked up at her twin, confused. "It's not like you tried to mess up. It just happened." 

"She's right, Anna. It's like I always say," their dad started off. "You lose every fight if you never try!"

He finished as his daughters repeated it in a teasing voice. 

"We know dad. You've told us a million times." Stacie said, shaking her head. 

"Well, it's true. Now come on, let's head home." He replied back, eager to get home after a long day of training. 

"You guys go ahead. I'm going to take a walk  and clear my head." Anna said, still feeling down despite what her dad and twin sister just said. The two nodded and headed on their way as Anna headed into the woods to her favorite little valley. The valley was small, but comfortably held 4 types of flowers, red and blue striped roses, blue and pink hearted tulips, green and red lilies, and blue and black striped heart-shaped flowers.* Beside the valley was a very old abandoned house that was somehow untouched by nature. The house was white with a brown roof. It had a red chimney and a little porch.

Anna loved to sit under the old oak tree beside the house and draw the flowers. This always seemed to cheer her up and calm her down. As she was drawing, she felt an acorn hit her on the head. She looked up and saw a dragon in the tree. 

"Hey!" she exclaimed. The dragon simply giggled and began to leap from branch to branch. Anna stood up and began to follow the dragon. 

She chased him up the tree and into the chimney of the house. She knew not why she did this, she just felt compelled to do so.  The chimney seemed to go on and on forever, just as it began to seem like she would never reach the inside of the house, she finally reached the bottom.

She looked around and saw that there was not a door, nor was there a fireplace or walls. All she saw was a long narrow tunnel. Seeing that the hole had closed, Anna made her way down the tunnel and to a nearby pond. She looked down at the pond and saw that she was stuck in her zebra hanyou form. For some reason the amulet of Renasin had trapped her in this form She didn't have time to figure out how or why, because she soon heard a pained rawr of a dragon demon. Anna ran towards the sound, but what she saw surprised her the most....