
Anna singh

It is a matter of 24 years ago from today that there was a village named Ranibazar, in this village there was a boy named Anna Singh who was very weak in studies and his only job was to spend the whole day with the boys and smoke cigarettes in his house. All the people explained that leave all these wrong deeds, then he did not come in the society, but one day his father came to Hearttech and his father died, even then he did not understand that oh who has seven missing. Oh people came to work on his trouble, then one day his friend said that let's come from somewhere to earn some money, then he had left to work to earn money that one day Anna fell ill, now the friend on whom he has a lot It was believed that the same friend betrayed him, then he came to the society that the mother and elders of the house who were explaining him right, this is my true story.