
Act One: Issue #3-Chapter 9, Part 2

The land monster sliced Dilara's hand and made Dilara scream while holding her hand. She collapsed to the ground and looked down at her hand.

A lot of blood exited her wound and the pain dominated it. There was a big scratch mark on her palm.

With a monsters' grunt echoing from above, Dilara looked at both monsters sideways. She saw another four legged monster charging its fangs towards her while the land monster raised its claw up in the air. She closed her eyes to prepare for her incoming death, not knowing if she'll ever get to Heaven or not. She thought she was going to die soon, until the blue sphere blocked their attacks and they stared at it in confusion. Dilara opened her eyes as well after her ears caught a bang.

They attacked it a couple more times before they moved away from Dilara. Dilara smiled when she was alive after all.

Dilara stood up from the ground and tried to touch the sphere, yet felt nothing. Only the monsters felt it. It was strange: she couldn't feel it, yet those monsters could.

"I saved your life one again, Dilara," the same woman's voice echoed above Dilara.

Dilara looked up at the sky with a glare. "Well, thank you for savin' me! I wish you would only save my family members! Why couldn't you save them, huh?! You saved Mother earlier! Were you distracted by something again?!"

"No, I had to assist someone else, someone a bit far away," the woman's voice answered.

"And who was it, may I ask?"

"I'm not allowed to say, nor will you have any time left to remain here at the camp. Forget returning home. Head for the river. It'll lead you to a waterfall. You'll find safety there more than here."

So she'll tell me where to go, but won't tell me who she went to, huh?!

The moment Dilara was about to speak, the monster's roar echoed to her left. She gasped and widened her eyes when she saw two four legged beasts charging their fangs towards her. She pressured herself to hurry and get out of here now before she got killed and eaten.

Despite her hand hurting, Dilara quickly stood up from the ground, fighting through the pain, and rushed through the woods. She was lucky those monsters missed their target.

Those monsters crashed into one another and rolled over on the ground, crashing into the tent. Hearing their screams of pain, Dilara turned to them and smiled at them out of relief, while she held her bleeding hand. That was too close for her.

When another monster's roar echoed to Dilara's left, she turned to that roar and gasped with her broadened eyes. She spotted a fat, flying monster dashing towards her.

Dilara turned right and dashed her way forward as quickly as she could. Using up all her energy when time passes by, her heart beated faster and harder on her chest.

She quickly looked back and forth and the monster was getting closer. She tried to find a river but couldn't find it, no matter how hard her heart wanted her to do so.

She just couldn't do it. Panicky, she even tried to find a branch to maybe stun it, like she did with the beast earlier. She also couldn't find it, wondering how the hell she would defend herself against that thing. It was clearly faster than her and it was about to attack her.

Dilara looked up at the sky with an angry face.

And where the hell's this woman at?! Did she disappear to someone else again?!

With the monster's shadow casting over me, Dilara looked up at it and gasped. She saw the monster raise its claw upwards towards the sky, chuckling at her.

She jumped forward and the monster missed her. After it attacked her a couple more times, she finally spotted the edge of the waterfall, smiling out of joy as she finally found it.

When she dashed on the water, her feet felt cold and cold and had to fight it out to escape from the monster. She stopped by the waterfall's edge and saw a fog at the end of the river and a pond stared at her from below, from the moonlight.

Shivering, she gazed at it for a few seconds before the monster roared at and got close to her. Looking back and forth one more time, she swallowed her spit and looked down at the pond.

Once the monster got close to Dilara, it swung its claw at her, yet she jumped down and screamed, making her enemy miss its attack. Splashing into the water after her big fall, white foams made a big, curvy circle and Dilara was nowhere to be found.

The monster roared and swung its claw in the air while looking down, before it flew away from the waterfall. Dilara's head popped up from the water and took a couple breaths, searching for a surface to lie down.

She then looked up at the top of the waterfall and saw no flying beast standing there. She sighed out of relief and continued gazing at it. She resumed looking for a surface area to lie down.

Once she spotted a surface area of her choice, which was a circular spot being surrounded by grass, she smiled at it.


Swimming towards her spot, she lifted herself up from the lake and laid there, staring at the moon with her tired eyes, yawning. She was no longer being chased by those monsters.

She turned to her wounded hand and placed her other hand near it. It was time for her to heal her wound.

"Cakoza!" Dilara chanted. The white light glowed on her hand and eliminated the wound. Once it disappeared, her hand appeared to be clean and unscathed under the moonlight, leading her to smile at it. "Good, time to sleep, Dilara."

Dilara blinked her eyes as she was about to go to sleep, deciding to find Rhydian and go out on a quest with her. She finally fell into a deep slumber and prepared herself for the next day.