
Anita au royaume des esclaves

This is the story of a young slave girl with her dog. Discover the sad adventure of these two.

Daoist6MOALZ · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Anita in the kingdom of slaves

Ever since I was a little girl, I have not allowed myself to dream. Deprived of everything in this world, the aftermath of the war that our kingdom lost and was enslaved, no one in the kingdom is free to move anymore. Child, young, old and pregnant woman were exploited. Young women were raped by the soldiers of the kingdom to which we are subjected. Once pregnant, they were the only ones to take care of the pregnancy while performing their daily chores. Those who felt unable to work were immediately thrown into the army's dead zone where they perished. Hell would have been better. There were suicides every day. At the end of the day, each one was allowed only one handful of cassava flour as a meal. Those who had a family were separated from them. Only those who have worked deserve to be fed. Those who do not work are sent to the scaffold. Those who try to escape are immediately selected and executed in front of us slaves to serve as an example. Escape was not allowed. That night I was getting ready for bed after showering with water from the horse trough. After my bath, I headed to my straw tent with my shower gourd in hand. I saw three soldiers patrolling in front of me. They approached me little by little. I didn't fear anything because I didn't do anything suspicious but I had a bad feeling. I was walking on the left side of the path and so were they, but heading towards where I was leaving. Then I changed sides to avoid running into them. Immediately, two of them did the same. I then continued my way as if nothing had happened. We passed each other and I continued on my way with my head down. Suddenly, I felt a strong pain on my neck and it is the black hole...