
Animeverse Slayer!

A new life. A new world. A destined path. Someone once asked, what's a demon? Leo replied, "They are the incarnation of evil." Then what about Humans, Pirates, Hollows, Ninjas...? Are they demons as well? Through his life Leo found his answer. In every world there will always be evil. I won't look away when evil reigns supreme in front me. Why? Because, I AM A DEMON SLAYER!

DreAm_b0At · Others
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357 Chs

317. A New Enemy

(Visit WWW.PATR...EON.COM/SONUAMEER for more. Thank you.)

Time passed by slowly.

In the blink of an eye, three months went by.

Leo and Shinobu returned to their peaceful life, as did the others.

During this time both of them either trained Uryuu and company or just traveled to scenic spots. Anyway, they had time on their hands.

Today was as per usual.

Leo was in the backyard instructing Chad.

During their battle with Aizen, he had already decided to teach him Garp's Iron Fist.

A simple and direct technique.

When Chad knew Leo was about to teach him a new technique he was elated.

"This technique only has one move, Iron Fist. An old man I know created it. With this single fist he suppressed those who represented an era."

These were Leo's description of the technique.

Coming from a man like him, it was enough for others to imagine what kind technique it was.

At the moment, Leo was pointing out the finer details of the technique.

"You've already mastered micro spiritual control. This technique needs you to wrap your fists with spiritual energy, condense it to it's absolute limit."

"Uryuu, Ichigo and Orihime, these three have their own paths. Their limits are decided by them. However, it's different for you. You neither have a special ability or talent."

Chad looked a bit down when Leo spoke of this point.

Seeing him all depressed Leo laughed, "Haha, don't worry. You are born with a strong body, and your spiritual energy is growing every day. You just need a certain boost to stand along those three."

"Iron Fist is basically tailored for you. That old man I spoke of, he was also someone with a strong body. You and him, both of you are of the same kind."

Chad clenched his fist. A strong desire rose in his heart.

"I have already explained the technique to you. During the past three months, you've obtained an initial mastery over your 'Will'. That's good."

"Just remember, Iron Fist require only one thought, to smash through everything. Take out everything with one fist."

"If one isn't enough, then two would suffice."

"If two isn't enough, then three."

"Keep that simple thought in mind."

Chad nodded. He repeated those words in his mind, over and over.

Just as they were in the middle of training a rift opened up above Leo's home.


Leo frowned and looked up.

A shadow flew out of the rift and smashed into his courtyard.


The rift immediately closed up.

Leo frowning as he looked at the pothole in his backyard. He didn't need the dust to clear out to know who it was.

His figure flashed. When he reappeared, he was supporting a bloody.

"Espada No.1?!"



(Visit WWW.PATR...EON.COM/SONUAMEER for more. Thank you.)